TypeScript 装饰器

装饰器在 TS 中是一个实验性的特性,需要在tsconfig.json中将 experimentalDecorators 设置为true来禁止警告。

那什么是装饰器呢?按照Learning Typescript中的说法就是

A class decorator is just a function that takes the class as its only argument and returns it after doing something with it



function addMetadata(target: any) {
    target.__customMetadata = {
        somekey: "value",
    return target;

class Person {
    private _name: string;
    public constructor(name: string) {
        this._name = name;

    public greet() {
        return this._name;

function getMetadataFromInstance(target: any) {
    return target.constructor.__customMetadata;

let person1 = new Person("John");
let person2 = new Person("Lisa");
console.log(getMetadataFromInstance(person1)); // { somekey: ‘value‘ }
console.log(getMetadataFromInstance(person2)); // { somekey: ‘value‘ }

需要注意的一点是 在声明类时应用装饰器,而不是在创建类的实例时应用。这意味着元数据在类的所有实例*享:

let person1 = new Person("John");
let person2 = new Person("Lisa");
console.log(getMetadataFromInstance(person1) === getMetadataFromInstance(person2)); // true

TypeScript 装饰器


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