
//资料来源 :一个把字符转换成各种编码文件的delphi2010函数. - textbox - IT博客

 1 procedure SaveFile(const FileName:string; Source: string ;
 2    encoding:TEncoding);
 3 var
 4   sl: TStrings;
 5   memoStream: TFileStream;
 6   buff: Tbytes;
 7   LByteOrderMark: TBytes;
 8 begin
 9   if Source='' then
10       exit ;
11   try
12     buff:=encoding.GetBytes(Source);
13     memoStream:= TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
14     LByteOrderMark:=encoding.GetPreamble;
15     memoStream.Write(LByteOrderMark[ 0 ], Length(LByteOrderMark));
16     memoStream.Write(buff[ 0 ], length(buff));
17   finally
18     memoStream.Free;
19   end ;
20 end ;


SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'ascii_gbk.txt', ss, TEncoding.GetEncoding(936));//gbk
SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'ascii_bg5.txt', ss, TEncoding.GetEncoding(950));//bg5 繁体
SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'utf8.txt', ss, TEncoding.UTF8);
SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'unicode.txt', ss, TEncoding.Unicode);

SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'ascii_gbk.txt', ss, TEncoding.GetEncoding(936));//gbk
SaveFile('C:\Temp\test_' + 'ascii_bg5.txt', ss, TEncoding.GetEncoding(950));//bg5 繁体

上一篇:Robust adaptive bamforming using worst-case performance optimization: a solution to the signal misma
