<image src="../../static/img/pin_add.png" class="addPic" @tap="addPic"></image> <view class="uni-upload-img uni-flex uni-row"> <view class="flex-item preview_img" v-for="(image,index) in imageList" :key="index"> <image class="uni-uploader__img" :src="image" :data-src="image" @tap="previewImage"></image> <uni-icons type="clear" size="20" class="img_icon" @tap="delect(index)"></uni-icons> </view> </view>
<script> var sourceType = [ [‘camera‘], [‘album‘], [‘camera‘, ‘album‘] ] var sizeType = [ [‘compressed‘], [‘original‘], [‘compressed‘, ‘original‘] ] export default{ data() { return{ imageList: [], sourceTypeIndex: 2, sourceType: [‘拍照‘, ‘相册‘, ‘拍照或相册‘], sizeTypeIndex: 2, sizeType: [‘压缩‘, ‘原图‘, ‘压缩或原图‘], countIndex: 8, count: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], imgAllUrl:[], } }, methods:{ addPic : function(imgAll){ this.imgAllUrl = []; let url = "路径"; var that = this; uni.chooseImage({ sourceType: sourceType[this.sourceTypeIndex], sizeType: sizeType[this.sizeTypeIndex], count: this.imageList.length + this.count[this.countIndex] > 9 ? 9 - this.imageList.length : this.count[this.countIndex], success: (res) => { this.imageList = this.imageList.concat(res.tempFilePaths); var imageData = this.imageList const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; //上传个数循环拿到每一个照片的路径,然后放到一个数组中 for(var i=0;i<imageData.length;i++){ //图片上传 const uploadTask = uni.uploadFile({ url:url, filePath:tempFilePaths[0], name:"pic_name", success:function(data){ const back = JSON.parse(data.data); var imgUrl = back.data[0].repair_pic_url; //将图片路径赋值给imgAllUrl that.imgAllUrl.push(imgUrl) } }) } }, }) }, //图片预览 previewImage: function(e) { var current = e.target.dataset.src uni.previewImage({ current: current, urls: this.imageList }) }, delect(index,e){ var that = this; uni.showModal({ title: ‘提示‘, content: ‘是否删除该图片?‘, success: (res) =>{ if (res.confirm) { //删除数组中指定项 function removeByValue(arr, val) { for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i] == val) { arr.splice(i, 1); break; } } } var forImg = that.imgAllUrl[index]; var imageUrl = that.imageList.splice(forImg, 1) removeByValue(that.imageList, imageUrl); //重新赋值 that.imgAllUrl = that.imageList } } }); } } } </script>