用Python调用Google翻译,就是模拟人将原文本(英语)粘贴在Google翻译的左边文本框,选择翻译设置从英文到简体中文,然后点击翻译,最后复制右边文本框中的翻译结果,并保存的过程。我比文献《用Python实现调用Google翻译》 的高明之处在,在提取翻译后的结果时,用正则表达式匹配很轻巧地抓取到了翻译后的文本。另外,代码完整。
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 #Python -V: Python 2.6.6 3 #filename:GoogleTranslation1.2.py 4 5 __author__ = "Yinlong Zhao (zhaoyl[at]sjtu[dot]edu[dot]cn)" 6 __date__ = "$Date: 2013/04/21 $" 7 8 import re 9 import urllib,urllib2 10 11 #urllib: 12 #urllib2: The urllib2 module defines functions and classes which help in opening 13 #URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world — basic and digest authentication, 14 #redirections, cookies and more. 15 16 17 18 def translate(text): 19 20 ‘‘‘模拟浏览器的行为,向Google Translate的主页发送数据,然后抓取翻译结果 ‘‘‘ 21 22 #text 输入要翻译的英文句子 23 text_1=text 24 #‘langpair‘:‘en‘|‘zh-CN‘从英语到简体中文 25 values={‘hl‘:‘zh-CN‘,‘ie‘:‘UTF-8‘,‘text‘:text_1,‘langpair‘:"‘en‘|‘zh-CN‘"} 26 url=‘http://translate.google.cn/translate_t‘ 27 data = urllib.urlencode(values) 28 req = urllib2.Request(url,data) 29 #模拟一个浏览器 30 browser=‘Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)‘ 31 req.add_header(‘User-Agent‘,browser) 32 #向谷歌翻译发送请求 33 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 34 #读取返回页面 35 html=response.read() 36 #从返回页面中过滤出翻译后的文本 37 #使用正则表达式匹配 38 #翻译后的文本是‘TRANSLATED_TEXT=‘等号后面的内容 39 #.*? non-greedy or minimal fashion 40 #(?<=...)Matches if the current position in the string is preceded 41 #by a match for ... that ends at the current position 42 p=re.compile(r"(?<=TRANSLATED_TEXT=).*?;") 43 m=p.search(html) 44 text_2=m.group(0).strip(‘;‘) 45 return text_2 46 47 if __name__ == "__main__": 48 #text_1 原文 49 #text_1=open(‘c:\\text.txt‘,‘r‘).read() 50 text_1=‘Hello, my name is Derek. Nice to meet you! ‘ 51 print(‘The input text: %s‘ % text_1) 52 text_2=translate(text_1).strip("‘") 53 print(‘The output text: %s‘ % text_2) 54 55 #保存结果 56 filename=‘c:\\Translation.txt‘ 57 fp=open(filename,‘w‘) 58 fp.write(text_2) 59 fp.close() 60 61 report=‘Master, I have done the work and saved the translation at ‘+filename+‘.‘ 62 print(‘Report: %s‘ % report)
1 >>> 2 The input text: Hello, my name is Derek. Nice to meet you! 3 The output text: 你好,我的名字是德里克。很高兴见到你! 4 Report: Master, I have done the work and saved the translation at c:\Translation.txt. 5 >>>