knllgobjinfo: MISSING Streams multi-version data dictionary!!! 的处理

SQL> exec dbms_apply_adm.stop_apply('APPLY_STANDY');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> exec dbms_capture_adm.stop_capture('LIRHZ_CAPTURE');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

2.源库truncate table业务表。
4.源端准备实例SCN 。
   schema_name => 'hz',
   supplemental_logging => 'keys');
   iscn number;
   source_schema_name => 'hz',
   source_database_name => 'lirhz',
   instantiation_scn => iscn,
   recursive  => true);
  SQL> exec dbms_apply_adm.start_apply('APPLY_STANDY');
     PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
  SQL> exec dbms_capture_adm.start_capture('LIRHZ_CAPTURE');
     PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
[oracle@rac ~]$ tail -f /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/kmeddb/kmeddb/trace/alert_kmeddb.log
Propagation Receiver (CCA) for Streams Capture LIRHZ_CAPTURE and Apply APPLY_STANDY with pid=36, OS id=9456, objnum=78023 started.
knllgobjinfo: MISSING Streams multi-version data dictionary!!!
knlldmm: gdbnm=LIRHZ
knlldmm: objn=74947
knlldmm: objv=1
knlldmm: scn=2629293307
See trace file for more information
Sun Nov 21 21:57:18 2010
Streams Apply Reader AS01 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=38 OS id=9446 stopped
Sun Nov 21 21:57:18 2010
Streams Apply Server AS02 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=39 OS id=9448 stopped
Sun Nov 21 21:57:18 2010
Streams Apply Server AS03 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=40 OS id=9450 stopped
Sun Nov 21 21:57:18 2010
Streams Apply Server AS04 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=41 OS id=9452 stopped
Sun Nov 21 21:57:19 2010
Streams Apply Server AS05 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=42 OS id=9454 stopped
Sun Nov 21 21:57:22 2010
Streams APPLY AP01 for APPLY_STANDY with pid=37, OS id=9444 stopped

[oracle@rac trace]$ vi kmeddb_ora_9456.trc
Trace file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/kmeddb/kmeddb/trace/kmeddb_ora_9456.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db1
System name:    Linux
Node name:      rac
Release:        2.6.9-78.ELsmp
Version:        #1 SMP Fri Jul 25 00:04:28 EDT 2008
Machine:        i686
Instance name: kmeddb
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 36
Unix process pid: 9456, image: oracle@rac

*** 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
*** SESSION ID:(53.76) 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
*** CLIENT ID:() 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
*** SERVICE NAME:(kmeddb) 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
*** MODULE NAME:(STREAMS) 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
*** ACTION NAME:(STREAMS Propagation Receiver CCA) 2010-11-21 21:57:13.422
knllgobjinfo: MISSING Streams multi-version data dictionary!!!
knlldmm: gdbnm=LIRHZ
knlldmm: objn=74947
knlldmm: objv=1
knlldmm: scn=2629293307
 The previous warning indicates that required information for this Logical
 Change Record is not available in the Streams dictionary.
 This typically occurs because of one of the following reasons:
 * The table was not properly prepared using either
 * The information to update the Streams dictionary was filtered out by
   the rules of a propagation or apply process.  This is most likely due
   to the improper ordering of adding rules.
 * The Streams dictionary tablespace has been reset by running
   DBMS_LOGMINER_D.SET_TABLESPACE after Streams was configured.
 To begin diagnosing this problem, on the database specified by 'gdbnm'
 above, query dba_objects to determine the offending table:
   select owner, object_name from dba_objects
    where object_id = <objn specified above>;
 With this owner and name, verify that the table changes should be captured
 by Streams.  If the table owner and name are for an uninteresting table,
 you have likely encountered a bug.
 If the above query returned no rows, it is possible that a DDL has been
 performed either renaming or removing the table since this warning has
  been issued.  If this is the case perform the following query to obtain
  the table owner and table name:
   select owner, from system.logmnr_obj$ o, user$ u
    where o.obj# = <objn above> and o.objv# = <objv above>
      and o.owner# = u.user#;
 If the table changes should be captured, make sure that the object was
 prepared correctly:
   select count(*) from dba_capture_prepared_tables
    where table_owner=<object owner obtained above>
      and table_name = <object name obtained above>;
 If the above query returns 0, on the 'gdbmn' site, execute the following
 PL/SQL to properly prepare the table:
   exec dbms_capture_adm.prepare_table_instantiation('<owner obtained above>.<object name obtained above>')

 If none of the above errors are found to be the cause of this error, on
 the database on which this warning is raised check the Streams dictionary
  for information regarding this object:
   select count(*) from logmnrc_gtlo o, logmnrc_dbname_uid_map m
    where m.logmnr_uid=o.logmnr_uid
      and ownername=<object owner obtained above>
      and lvl0name=<object name obtained above>;
 If the above query returns 0, execute PL/SQL mentioned above to prepare
 the table for instantiation.

SQL> select owner, object_name from dba_objects     where object_id = 94947;
OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME
------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
SQL> select owner, from system.logmnr_obj$ o, user$ u
  2      where o.obj# = 94947 and o.objv# = 1  and o.owner# = u.user#;
OWNER                          NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Streams CAPTURE CP01 for LIRHZ_CAPTURE with pid=40, OS id=3272 is in combined capture and apply mode.
Capture LIRHZ_CAPTURE is handling 1 applies.
Starting persistent Logminer Session with sid = 41 for Streams Capture LIRHZ_CAPTURE
LOGMINER: Parameters summary for session# = 41
LOGMINER: Number of processes = 3, Transaction Chunk Size = 1
LOGMINER: Memory Size = 15M, Checkpoint interval = 1000M
LOGMINER: SpillScn 0, ResetLogScn 947455
LOGMINER: summary for session# = 41
LOGMINER: StartScn: 2629293121 (0x0000.9cb7d441)
LOGMINER: HighConsumedScn: 2629293121 (0x0000.9cb7d441)
LOGMINER: session_flag 0x0
LOGMINER: LowCkptScn: 2610870692 (0x0000.9b9eb9a4)
LOGMINER: HighCkptScn: 2610870693 (0x0000.9b9eb9a5)
LOGMINER: SkipScn: 2610870692 (0x0000.9b9eb9a4)
Tue Nov 23 14:05:16 2010
LOGMINER: session#=41, reader MS00 pid=37 OS id=3156 sid=395 started
Tue Nov 23 14:05:16 2010
LOGMINER: session#=41, builder MS01 pid=41 OS id=196 sid=396 started
Tue Nov 23 14:05:16 2010
LOGMINER: session#=41, preparer MS02 pid=42 OS id=3672 sid=777 started
LOGMINER: Begin mining logfile for session 41 thread 1 sequence 1972, D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ARCHIVE\ARC0000001972_0728499328.0001
Tue Nov 23 14:05:47 2010
knlbmEnq: all subscribers are inactive - stop enqueuing

12.考虑到目标库日志里有knlldmm: scn=2629293307的提示信息,如下:
knlldmm: gdbnm=LIRHZ
knlldmm: objn=74947
knlldmm: objv=1
knlldmm: scn=2629293307
源库中又有显示 Begin mining logfile D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ARCHIVE\ARC0000001972_0728499328.0001提示的。
尝试挖一下ARC0000001972_0728499328.0001 日志的信息。
SQL> exec sys.dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(LogFileName => 'D:\app\Administrator\archive\ARC0000001972_0728499328.0001');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> exec dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(Options => dbms_logmnr.DICT_FROM_ONLINE_CATALOG);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> col SQL_REDO format a35;
SQL> col SEG_TYPE_NAME format a15;
SQL> col SEG_NAME format a15;
SQL> select scn,timestamp,seg_owner,seg_name,SEG_TYPE_NAME,sql_redo  from v$logmnr_contents where scn=2629293307;
---------- ----------- ---------- --------------- --------------- -------------------------------
2629293307 2010-11-23  HZ         PLAN_TABLE      TABLE           truncate table hz.PLAN_TABLE;
可以看到SCN 2629293307  号对应的就是PLAN_TABLE 表的记录了。这样就有点奇怪了,捕获规则里已经明确设置了PLAN_TABLE表不捕获了,不知道为啥还会有这个提示? 
:dml.get_object_owner()='HZ' AND  :dml.is_null_tag() ='Y' AND  :dml.get_source_database_name()= 'LIRHZ' and  (:dml.get_object_name() <> 'DB_SYSLOG' and :dml.get_object_name() <> 'DB_OPLOGS' and  :dml.get_object_name() <> 'PLAN_TABLE' and  :dml.get_object_name() <> 'DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_UNCMP' and :dml.get_object_name() <> 'DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_CMP' )
sour> begin
rule_name => 'strmadmin.member_pro_dml',
condition => ':dml.get_object_owner()=''HZ'' AND ' ||
 ' :dml.is_null_tag() =''Y'' AND '||
   ' :dml.get_source_database_name()= ''LIRHZ'' and '  ||
   ' (:dml.get_object_name() <> ''DB_SYSLOG'' and :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DB_OPLOGS'' and '  ||
   ' :dml.get_object_name() <> ''PLAN_TABLE'' and '  ||
   ' :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_UNCMP'' and :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_CMP''' ||' ) '
   rule_name => 'strmadmin.member_pro_ddl',
   condition => '(:ddl.get_object_owner()=''HZ'' OR ' ||
   ' :ddl.get_base_table_owner() =''TEST02'') AND ' ||
   ' :ddl.is_null_tag() =''Y'' AND '||
   ' :ddl.get_source_database_name()= ''LIRHZ'' and ' ||
   ' (:dml.get_object_name() <> ''DB_SYSLOG'' and :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DB_OPLOGS'' and ' ||
   ' :dml.get_object_name() <> ''PLAN_TABLE'' and ' ||
   ' :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_UNCMP'' and :dml.get_object_name() <> ''DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_CMP''' ||' ) '


Propagation Receiver (CCA) for Streams Capture LIRHZ_CAPTURE and Apply APPLY_STANDY with pid=31, OS id=10244, objnum=78023 started.
Sun Nov 21 22:54:49 2010
Propagation Receiver (CCA) for Streams Capture LIRHZ_CAPTURE and Apply APPLY_STANDY with pid=31, OS id=10316, objnum=78023 started.

Sun Nov 21 22:55:48 2010
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 52 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 1 seq# 52 mem# 0: +DATA/kmeddb/redo01.log
Sun Nov 21 22:55:53 2010
Archived Log entry 209 added for thread 1 sequence 51 ID 0xe6d453cb dest 2:
Sun Nov 21 22:55:59 2010
Starting background process SMCO
Sun Nov 21 22:56:00 2010
SMCO started with pid=46, OS id=10321 
Sun Nov 21 22:56:19 2010
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 53 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 2 seq# 53 mem# 0: +DATA/kmeddb/redo02.log
Sun Nov 21 23:01:53 2010
Archived Log entry 218 added for thread 1 sequence 60 ID 0xe6d453cb dest 2:
Sun Nov 21 23:02:35 2010
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 62
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 1 seq# 61 mem# 0: +DATA/kmeddb/redo01.log
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 62 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 2 seq# 62 mem# 0: +DATA/kmeddb/redo02.log
SQL> select * from hz.t20;
        ID NAME
---------- --------------------
         1 guangzhou
         2 foshan
         4 shenzhen
         5 beijing
有个疑问,按理源库在重新导入数据前,已经停掉了捕获和应用进程,源库导入数据后目标库重新做了scn应用。应该从导入后开始捕获的,不知为啥会把导入时生成的archive 文件要再次应用?

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