select * from emp;

select empno,ename,deptno from emp;


##(2.1)查询性别女,并且 年龄65的学生记录
select * from stu where gender=‘female‘ and  age = "65";

select * from stu where sid = ‘S_1001‘ or  age = "65";


写法一:select * from stu where sid = ‘S_1001‘ or  sid = ‘S_1002‘ or sid = ‘S_1003‘;
写法二:select * from stu where sid in(‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);

select * from stu where sid not in(‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);

select * from stu where age  is null;

select * from stu where sname is not null;

方式一:select * from stu where age >= 20 and age <=40;
方式一:select * from stu where age between  20 and 40;

##(2.6)查询性别:非男的 学生记录
select * from stu where gender != ‘male‘;
select * from stu where gender <> ‘male‘;
select * from stu where not gender = ‘male‘;


