Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

10.5 Design a two-position controller that provides an output of  5 V  when a type-J TC junction reaches  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  and drops to a low of  0 V  when the temperature has fallen to Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) . Assume a  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  reference.

We use the two-position controller shown in Figure 10.5. Then the output should be 5.0 volts when the temperature reaches Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) and drops back to 0.0 volts when the temperature drops back to Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10). Well, the Type J TC produces Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) at Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) and Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) for Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10), assuming a Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) reference. Suppose we use a differential amplifier with a gain of 100 so that the voltages become Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) and Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) respectively. Then, according to the design associated with Figure 10.5, we have

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

This gives,Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10), so we pick Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  and then Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10). We use the following differential amplifier to condition the TC voltage and a simple divider to produce the 1.256 volt setpoint along with the circuit of Figure 10.5.

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

10.6 Figure  10.20  shows a drying oven for which the oven is either off with  0 V  input or on with 8 volts input. The thermistor properties are: resistance of  4.7Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  at  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  and  1.4 Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) at  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) . It has a Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) -dissipation constant. Design a two-position controller with trip points of  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) and  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) . Keep self-heating below  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) .

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

So we should use a Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) to be sure the self_heating is below the specification.

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

So it is necessary to use an inverter on the output of the comparator.

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Let Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10), we can set Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10).

Then we can get the complete schematic.

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

10.12 Design a PD controller with a  140% PB  and a  0.2 -min derivative time. The fastest signal speed is  1 min . Measurement range is  0.4  to  2 V , and the output is 0 to  10 V .

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

 We use Figure 10.11 as our PD controller, so:

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Suppose Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10), we can get Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) , Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) and Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10).

10.14 A proportional pneumatic controller has equal area bellows. If 3- to 15 -psi signals are used on input and output, find the ratio of pivot distances that provides a  23 % PB .

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

10.18 Design a proportional controller for a 4 - to  20-mA , ground-based input, a 0 - to  9-V  output, zero-error output adjustable from 0 to  100 % , and  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  adjustable from 1 to 10 . Design so the setpoint can be selected in the range of 4 to  20 mA .

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)


S10.2 A pneumatic proportional controller is designed as shown in Figure  10.13  such that  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)  is  5 cm  and Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) is  2.5 cm . The setpoint is  50 kPa  and the effective areas of the bellows are  Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10) . The nozzle/flapper system has a pressure/displacement characteristic as shown in Figure  10.22 . With no error, the output pressure is  60 kPa.

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

a. What nozzle/flapper gap is required to support an output of  50 kPa  ?

Through figure 10.22, we can get that to fetch 50 kPa, the gap must be 1.2mm. 
b. With no error, how much force in newtons and pounds does the input bellows exert on the flapper?

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)
c. Suppose the input increases to  60 kPa. What force is now required by the feedback bellows? What output pressure?

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

The output pressure is 70kPa.

d. What new gap is required? How much did the flapper move?

The nev gap need to be 1.05mm from Figure 10.22 and the flapper move Process Control Instrumentation Technology (Chapter 10)

