- 内置的条件队列
- condition
1 状态依赖性的管理 State Dependence
void blockingAction() throws InterruptedException { acquire lock on object state while (precondition does not hold) { release lock wait until precondition might hold optionally fail if interrupted or timeout expires reacquire lock } perform action }
- 不能从空缓存中获取元素
- 不能将元素放入已满的缓存中
- 抛出异常
- 返回一个错误状态(码)
- 阻塞直到进入正确的状态
@ThreadSafe public abstract class BaseBoundedBuffer <V> { @GuardedBy("this") private final V[] buf; @GuardedBy("this") private int tail; @GuardedBy("this") private int head; @GuardedBy("this") private int count; protected BaseBoundedBuffer(int capacity) { this.buf = (V[]) new Object[capacity]; } protected synchronized final void doPut(V v) { buf[tail] = v; if (++tail == buf.length) tail = 0; ++count; } protected synchronized final V doTake() { V v = buf[head]; buf[head] = null; if (++head == buf.length) head = 0; --count; return v; } public synchronized final boolean isFull() { return count == buf.length; } public synchronized final boolean isEmpty() { return count == 0; } }
当然调用者可以不Sleep,而是直接重试,这就是忙等待或者自旋等待(busy waiting or spin waiting),如果换成很长时间都不变,那么这将会消耗大量的CPU时间!!!所以调用者自己休眠,sleep让出CPU。但这个时间就很尴尬:
- sleep长了万一一会前提条件就满足了岂不是白等了从而响应性低
- sleep短了浪费CPU时钟周期
@ThreadSafe public class GrumpyBoundedBuffer <V> extends BaseBoundedBuffer<V> { public GrumpyBoundedBuffer() { this(100); } public GrumpyBoundedBuffer(int size) { super(size); } public synchronized void put(V v) throws BufferFullException { if (isFull()) throw new BufferFullException(); doPut(v); } public synchronized V take() throws BufferEmptyException { if (isEmpty()) throw new BufferEmptyException(); return doTake(); } } class ExampleUsage { private GrumpyBoundedBuffer<String> buffer; int SLEEP_GRANULARITY = 50; void useBuffer() throws InterruptedException { while (true) { try { String item = buffer.take(); // use item break; } catch (BufferEmptyException e) { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_GRANULARITY); } } } }
@ThreadSafe public class SleepyBoundedBuffer <V> extends BaseBoundedBuffer<V> { int SLEEP_GRANULARITY = 60; public SleepyBoundedBuffer() { this(100); } public SleepyBoundedBuffer(int size) { super(size); } public void put(V v) throws InterruptedException { while (true) { synchronized (this) { if (!isFull()) { doPut(v); return; } } Thread.sleep(SLEEP_GRANULARITY); } } public V take() throws InterruptedException { while (true) { synchronized (this) { if (!isEmpty()) return doTake(); } Thread.sleep(SLEEP_GRANULARITY); } } }
那么我们想如果这种轮询和休眠的dummy方式不用,而是存在某种挂起线程的方案,并且这种方法能够确保当某个条件为 true 时,立刻唤醒线程,那将极大简化实现工作,这就是条件队列的实现。
Condition Queues的名字来源:
it gives a group of threads called the wait set a way to wait for a specific condition to become true. Unlike
typical queues in which the elements are data items, the elements of a
condition queue are the threads waiting for the condition.
每个Java对象都可以是一个锁,每个对象同样可以作为一个条件队列,并且Object的wait、notify和notifyAll就是内部条件队列的API。对象的内置锁(intrinsic lock )和内置条件队列是关联的,要调用X中的条件队列的任何一个方法,都必须持有对象X上的锁。
@ThreadSafe public class BoundedBuffer <V> extends BaseBoundedBuffer<V> { // CONDITION PREDICATE: not-full (!isFull()) // CONDITION PREDICATE: not-empty (!isEmpty()) public BoundedBuffer() { this(100); } public BoundedBuffer(int size) { super(size); } // BLOCKS-UNTIL: not-full public synchronized void put(V v) throws InterruptedException { while (isFull()) wait(); doPut(v); notifyAll(); } // BLOCKS-UNTIL: not-empty public synchronized V take() throws InterruptedException { while (isEmpty()) wait(); V v = doTake(); notifyAll(); return v; } // BLOCKS-UNTIL: not-full // Alternate form of put() using conditional notification public synchronized void alternatePut(V v) throws InterruptedException { while (isFull()) wait(); boolean wasEmpty = isEmpty(); doPut(v); if (wasEmpty) notifyAll(); } }
2 使用条件队列
2.1 条件谓词(The Condition Predicate)
- take方法的条件谓词是”缓存不为空“,take方法在执行之前必须首先测试条件谓词
- put方法的条件谓词是”缓存不满“
- 加锁
- wait方法
- 条件谓词
2.2 过早唤醒
wait block ----------race to get lock ------------------------------------------get lock ----- ^ wait block --------> race to get lock ------get lock------> perform action ---> release lock ^ notifyAll
When using condition waits (Object.wait or Condition.await):
- Always have a condition predicate——some test of object state that must hold before proceeding;
- Always test the condition predicate before calling wait, and again after returning from wait;
- Always call wait in a loop;
- Ensure that the state variables making up the condition predicate are guarded by the lock associated with the condition queue;
- Hold the lock associated with the the condition queue when calling wait, notify, or notifyAll
- Do not release the lock after checking the condition predicate but before acting on it.
void stateDependentMethod() throws InterruptedException { // condition predicate must be guarded by lock synchronized(lock) { while (!conditionPredicate()) //一定在循环里面做条件谓词 lock.wait(); //确保和synchronized的是一个对象 // object is now in desired state //不要释放锁 } }