#include <unistd.h> int pipe(int fd[2]);其中fd[0]是读端,fd[1]是写端,fd[1]的输出是fd[0]的输入,因此管道是一个有向的半双工通信方式。使用`write(fd[1],...)`和`read(fd[0],...)`对管道中的信息进行读写。无名管道通常运用于父子进程间通信。关闭读端或者写端是使用`close`函数,同文件句柄一样,关闭后不能重新打开。如果关闭后使用该端,系统会发送一个`SIGPIPE`的信号。作为一个文件,管道有一个缓存大小限制,这是一个运行时限制,使用`fpathconf`函数可以查看其大小,类型名为`_PC_PIPE_BUF`.
cout<<fpathconf(fd[0],_PC_PIPE_BUF)<<endl;在我的 Ubuntu10.10 下为4096字节,刚好一页大小。而在AIX服务器上,管道大小的限制则为32768字节。
ssize_t xpipe::send(void *buf, size_t n) { return write(m_fd[1], buf, n); } ssize_t xpipe::recv(void *buf, size_t nbytes) { return read(m_fd[0], buf, nbytes); }
xpipe x; x.send("Whose your daddy?"); string rs; x.recv(rs);
class child { public: long id; char name[20]; };
注意: string不是基本类型 。传递结构体消息示例如下:
xpipe x; child cc; cc.id=10; strcpy(cc.name,"PAYBY"); x.send((child *)&cc,sizeof(child)); /*-------------------------*/ child dd; x.recv((child *)&dd,sizeof(child));
xpipe x; pid_t pid=fork(); string item="whose your daddy"; if (pid==0) {//child process x.receiveronly(); string rs; x.recv(rs); //check point assert(rs==item); exit(0); } else if (pid>0) {//parent process int ret; x.senderonly(); x.send(item); wait(&ret); }
xpipe x; xpipe y; pid_t pid=fork(); string x_item="whose your daddy?"; string y_item="my father is Ligang!"; if (pid==0) {//child process x.receiveronly(); y.senderonly(); string rs; x.recv(rs); //check point assert(rs==x_item); y.send(y_item); cout<<"child process:"<<y_item<<endl; exit(0); } else if (pid>0) {//parent process int ret; x.senderonly(); y.receiveronly(); x.send(x_item); cout<<"parent process:"<<x_item<<endl; string ts; y.recv(ts); assert(ts==y_item); wait(&ret); }
parent process:whose your daddy? child process:my father is Ligang!
#ifndef __XPIPEH__ #define __XPIPEH__ #include <unistd.h> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; /* 无名管道的C++封装类,用于父子进程进行通信 时间 :2013年7月15日 20:30:58 邮 箱:chen_xueyou@163.com */ class xpipe { public: xpipe(); ~xpipe(); ///核心方法 ssize_t send(void *buf, size_t n); ssize_t recv(void *buf, size_t nbytes); ///常用方法特化 void send(const string &content); void recv(string &content); //确定通信角色 void senderonly(){DisReadable();} void receiveronly(){DisWriteable();} //属性操作 string role() const; long Bufsize(long newbufsize=0); private: //读写关闭操作 void DisReadable(); void DisWriteable(); /* data */ private: int m_fd[2]; bool m_readable; bool m_writeable; long m_bufsize; char * m_buf; }; #endif
#ifndef __XPIPECPP__ #define __XPIPECPP__ #include "xpipe.h" xpipe::xpipe() :m_readable(true),m_writeable(true),m_buf(NULL) { int success=pipe(m_fd); if(success<0) { throw puts("create pipe failed!"); } //检测系统设置的管道限制大小 m_bufsize=fpathconf(m_fd[0],_PC_PIPE_BUF); } xpipe::~xpipe() { if(m_readable) close(m_fd[0]); if(m_writeable) close(m_fd[1]); if(m_buf!=NULL) delete m_buf; } ssize_t xpipe::send(void *buf, size_t n) { return write(m_fd[1], buf, n); } ssize_t xpipe::recv(void *buf, size_t nbytes) { return read(m_fd[0], buf, nbytes); } void xpipe::send(const string &content) { write(m_fd[1],content.c_str(),content.length()); } void xpipe::recv(string &content) { if (m_buf==NULL) {//lazy run m_buf=new char[m_bufsize]; if (m_buf==NULL) { throw puts("memory not enough!"); } } memset(m_buf,0,m_bufsize); read(m_fd[0],m_buf,m_bufsize); content=string(m_buf); } //返回当前管道所扮演到角色 string xpipe::role() const { if (m_writeable&&m_readable) { return "sender and receiver"; } if (m_writeable) { return "sender"; } if (m_readable) { return "receiver"; } return "none"; } /*关闭读端口*/ void xpipe::DisReadable() { if(m_readable) { close(m_fd[0]); m_readable=false; } } /*关闭写端口*/ void xpipe::DisWriteable() { if (m_writeable) { close(m_fd[1]); m_writeable=false; } } /*如果输入大于0:调整缓存区大小,并返回调整后缓存区大小 如果输入小于等于0,则不设置,只返回缓存区大小 缓存区大小构造时默认设置为系统对管道的限制大小 默认参数为0 */ long xpipe::Bufsize(long newbufsize) { //大于0才设置 if (newbufsize>0) { m_bufsize=newbufsize; delete m_buf; //重新申请缓存区 m_buf=new char[m_bufsize]; if (m_buf==NULL) { throw puts("memory not enough!"); } } return m_bufsize; } #endif
#include <iostream> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "xpipe.h" using namespace std; /*test Bufszie*/ void test1() { xpipe x; int fd[2]; pipe(fd); //check point assert(x.Bufsize()==fpathconf(fd[0],_PC_PIPE_BUF)); x.Bufsize(20); //check point assert(x.Bufsize()==20); } /*test read/recv*/ ///////////////////////////////////// class childreq { public: long recid; char billtype[20]; }; void test2() { xpipe x; pid_t pid=fork(); if (pid==0) { x.receiveronly(); childreq dd; x.recv((childreq *)&dd,sizeof(childreq)); //check point assert(dd.recid==10); assert(!strcmp(dd.billtype,"PAYBY")); exit(0); } else if (pid>0) { x.senderonly(); childreq cc; cc.recid=10; strcpy(cc.billtype,"PAYBY"); x.send((childreq *)&cc,sizeof(childreq)); int ret; wait(&ret); } } /*test read/recv*/ void test3() { xpipe x; pid_t pid=fork(); string item="whose your daddy"; if (pid==0) {//child process x.receiveronly(); string rs; x.recv(rs); //check point assert(rs==item); exit(0); } else if (pid>0) {//parent process int ret; x.senderonly(); x.send(item); wait(&ret); } } /*test role*/ void test4() { xpipe x; assert(x.role()=="sender and receiver"); x.senderonly(); assert(x.role()=="sender"); x.receiveronly(); assert(x.role()=="none"); xpipe y; y.receiveronly(); assert(y.role()=="receiver"); } /*test read/recv*/ void test5() { xpipe x; xpipe y; pid_t pid=fork(); string x_item="whose your daddy?"; string y_item="my father is Ligang!"; if (pid==0) {//child process x.receiveronly(); y.senderonly(); string rs; x.recv(rs); //check point assert(rs==x_item); y.send(y_item); cout<<"child process:"<<y_item<<endl; exit(0); } else if (pid>0) {//parent process int ret; x.senderonly(); y.receiveronly(); x.send(x_item); cout<<"parent process:"<<x_item<<endl; string ts; y.recv(ts); assert(ts==y_item); wait(&ret); } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); cout<<"pass all the tests"<<endl; }
CXX=g++ all: $(CXX) -c xpipe.cpp $(CXX) test.cpp -o test xpipe.o clean: rm xpipe.o test
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