1 assume cs:code,ds:data 2 data segment 3 x dw 1020h,2240h,9522h,5060h,3359h,6652h,2530h,7031h 4 y dw 3210h,5510h,6066h,5121h,8801h,6210h,7119h,3912h 5 data ends 6 code segment 7 start: 8 mov ax,data 9 mov ds,ax 10 mov si,offset x 11 mov di,offset y 12 call add128 13 14 mov ah,4ch 15 int 21h 16 17 add128: 18 push ax 19 push cx 20 push si 21 push di 22 23 sub ax,ax 24 25 mov cx,8 26 s: mov ax,[si] 27 adc ax,[di] 28 mov [si],ax 29 30 inc si 31 inc si 32 inc di 33 inc di 34 loop s 35 36 pop di 37 pop si 38 pop cx 39 pop ax 40 ret 41 code ends 42 end start 43
1 add si, 2 2 add di, 2
assume cs:code code segment start: ; 42 interrupt routine install code mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov si, offset int42 ; set ds:si mov ax, 0 mov es, ax mov di, 200h ; set es:di mov cx, offset int42_end - offset int42 cld rep movsb ; set IVT(Interrupt Vector Table) mov ax, 0 mov es, ax mov word ptr es:[42*4], 200h mov word ptr es:[42*4+2], 0 mov ah, 4ch int 21h int42: jmp short int42_start str db "welcome to 2049!" len equ $ - str ; display string "welcome to 2049!" int42_start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov si, 202h mov ax, 0b800h mov es, ax mov di, 24*160 + 32*2 mov cx, len s: mov al, [si] mov es:[di], al mov byte ptr es:[di+1], 2 inc si add di, 2 loop s iret int42_end: nop code ends end start
回答问题:运行程序,从键盘上输入一串字符,以#结束(比如,输入George Orwell, 1984#),观察结 果。结合运行结果,理解代码并回答问题:
① 汇编指令代码line11-18,实现的功能是?
答:获取键盘输入的值并赋值给ds:[si] ,判断该值是否为 “#”,如果是则跳转至子程序next,如果不是则继续该循环。
② 汇编指令代码line20-22,实现的功能是?
③ 汇编指令代码line24-30,实现的功能是?
assume cs:code, ds:data data segment x dw 91, 792, 8536, 65521, 2021 len equ $ - x data ends stack segment db 20h dup(0) stack ends code segment start : mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov ax, stack mov ss, ax mov sp, 20h mov si, 0 mov cx,5 ;5个数 s0: mov ax,[si] push cx mov cx, 5 ; 每个数最多5位 mov di, 0 ;记录循环次数 call printNumber call printSpace pop cx add si,2 loop s0 mov ah, 4ch int 21h printNumber: s1: inc di mov dx,0 mov bx,10 div bx ; ax存商, dx存余数即要输出的数 push dx push cx ; 用jcxz来判断ax是否为0 mov cx,ax jcxz s2 pop cx loop s1 s2: pop cx ; 此时已经结束本次除法循环,cx的值暂时无用,最后设置为1来跳出除法循环 mov cx, di s3: mov ah, 2 pop bx mov dl, bl or dl, 30h int 21h loop s3 mov cx, 1 ret printSpace: mov ah, 2 mov dl, 20h int 21h ret code ends
end start
assume cs:code, ds:data data segment str db "assembly language, it's not difficult but tedious" len equ $ - str data ends stack segment db 20h dup(0) stack ends code segment start : mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov ax, stack mov ss, ax mov sp, 20h mov si, 0 mov cx, 25 call strupr mov ah, 4ch int 21h strupr: s0: mov dx, [si] cmp dl, 'a' jb s1 cmp dl, 'z' ja s1 sub dl, 20h s1: cmp dh, 'a' jb s2 cmp dh, 'z' ja s2 sub dh, 20h s2: mov [si], dx call print add si,2 loop s0 ret print: mov ah, 2 int 21h mov ah, 2 mov dl, dh int 21h ret code ends end start
在debug中调试截图( call strupr 调用之前,数据段的值,以及,调用之后,数据段的值)
assume cs:code, ds:data data segment str1 db "yes", '$' str2 db "no", '$' data ends code segment start: mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov ah, 1 int 21h mov ah, 2 mov bh, 0 mov dh, 24 mov dl, 70 int 10h cmp al, '7' je s1 mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset str2 int 21h jmp over s1: mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset str1 int 21h over: mov ah, 4ch int 21h code ends end start
在程序ex4_6_1.asm中,先将si赋值为标号int42的地址,将di赋值为200h,然后利用rep movsb指令,将int42到int42_end的指令复制到0:200h开始的连续内存空间,接着设置中断向量表,使得ex4_6_2.asm中通过int42可以跳转到中断处理程序。标号int42到int42_end的指令则实现了在屏幕第0页的最后一行中间打印绿色的“welcome to 2049!”。