Python 3深度置信网络(DBN)在Tensorflow中的实现MNIST手写数字识别

Deep Learning with TensorFlow IBM Cognitive Class ML0120EN Module 5 - Autoencoders

使用DBN识别手写体 传统的多层感知机或者神经网络的一个问题: 反向传播可能总是导致局部最小值。 当误差表面(error surface)包含了多个凹槽,当你做梯度下降时,你找到的并不是最深的凹槽。 下面你将会看到DBN是怎么解决这个问题的。


深度置信网络可以通过额外的预训练规程解决局部最小值的问题。 预训练在反向传播之前做完,这样可以使错误率离最优的解不是那么远,也就是我们在最优解的附近。再通过反向传播慢慢地降低错误率。 深度置信网络主要分成两部分。第一部分是多层玻尔兹曼感知机,用于预训练我们的网络。第二部分是前馈反向传播网络,这可以使RBM堆叠的网络更加精细化。

1. 加载必要的深度置信网络库

# urllib is used to download the utils file from
import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.urlopen(‘‘)
content =‘utf-8‘)
target = open(‘‘, ‘w‘)
# Import the math function for calculations
import math
# Tensorflow library. Used to implement machine learning models
import tensorflow as tf
# Numpy contains helpful functions for efficient mathematical calculations
import numpy as np
# Image library for image manipulation
from PIL import Image
# import Image
# Utils file
from utils import tile_raster_images

2. 构建RBM层


Python 3深度置信网络(DBN)在Tensorflow中的实现MNIST手写数字识别

? 为了在Tensorflow中应用DBN, 下面创建一个RBM的类

class RBM(object):
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size):
        # Defining the hyperparameters
        self._input_size = input_size  # Size of input
        self._output_size = output_size  # Size of output
        self.epochs = 5  # Amount of training iterations
        self.learning_rate = 1.0  # The step used in gradient descent
        self.batchsize = 100  # The size of how much data will be used for training per sub iteration

        # Initializing weights and biases as matrices full of zeroes
        self.w = np.zeros([input_size, output_size], np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the weights with 0
        self.hb = np.zeros([output_size], np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the hidden biases with 0
        self.vb = np.zeros([input_size], np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the visible biases with 0

    # Fits the result from the weighted visible layer plus the bias into a sigmoid curve
    def prob_h_given_v(self, visible, w, hb):
        # Sigmoid
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(visible, w) + hb)

    # Fits the result from the weighted hidden layer plus the bias into a sigmoid curve
    def prob_v_given_h(self, hidden, w, vb):
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hidden, tf.transpose(w)) + vb)

    # Generate the sample probability
    def sample_prob(self, probs):
        return tf.nn.relu(tf.sign(probs - tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(probs))))

    # Training method for the model
    def train(self, X):
        # Create the placeholders for our parameters
        _w = tf.placeholder("float", [self._input_size, self._output_size])
        _hb = tf.placeholder("float", [self._output_size])
        _vb = tf.placeholder("float", [self._input_size])

        prv_w = np.zeros([self._input_size, self._output_size],
                         np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the weights with 0
        prv_hb = np.zeros([self._output_size], np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the hidden biases with 0
        prv_vb = np.zeros([self._input_size], np.float32)  # Creates and initializes the visible biases with 0

        cur_w = np.zeros([self._input_size, self._output_size], np.float32)
        cur_hb = np.zeros([self._output_size], np.float32)
        cur_vb = np.zeros([self._input_size], np.float32)
        v0 = tf.placeholder
上一篇:oracle 之 安装10.2.0.1 且 升级到
