






威廉·卡西克(William Cusick),著有《消费者都是非理性的》(点击可查看中文版)一书,这是他在财富中文网的独家专栏。同时,他也是AGC Northshore公司的负责人,兼整合营销总监。作者电子邮件:bill.cusick@agcnorthshore.com


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    The New Year often brings with resolutions – both personal and professional. So in that spirit, if you are hoping to make 2014 a more profitable year, I offer three steps to better understanding and enhancing your customers’ experience. By embracing these actions, you’ll be in a position to dramatically improve customer experience at your company.

    1. Look

    Before you can improve things for your customers, you need to understand the reality. You need to look at what your customers are doing. For instance, do you know how much your customers bought from you this year? How often they bought your service or product? Do they buy from you in person or online, or both? If it’s online, are they easily finding your site, and staying for more than a few seconds? Does your average customer tend to buy a lot at first, and then the business tapers off, or does it work the other way around? This is all data you should have at hand and available. If the data is there, why wouldn’t you take a look?

    If you don’t first look at what your customers are actually doing, it’s very difficult to get a fix on things you might want to focus on and improve.

    2. Listen

    I’ve worked with a number of companies – including banks, restaurants, insurance companies and stores – that claimed to “listen” to their customers. But what they called listening was more of a cursory attempt to get some general opinions from customers.

    These days, it’s easy to throw a survey together and post it on your website, or email it to a customer list. I’m all for surveys, if they’re being used the right way, as tools to identify general trends in terms of perception. But surveys are not “listening.” There’s a big difference between firing out a general survey, and having real conversations with a variety of customers.

    By “real conversations,” I mean talking with individual customers, ideally face-to-face interactions. It’s the only way to hear how a customer really feels about you, your services, your products. When you listen, you can hear not just the words, but the tone.

    3. Touch

    Looking at how customers behave gives you a sense of problem areas in the customer experience. Actually talking to customers (and more importantly, listening) can give you a better sense of the emotional implications of your customer experience. But there’s something more you can do. It seems obvious, but that doesn’t mean it happens often.

    It’s touching the actual customer experience. We call it “walking in the customer’s shoes.“ When was the last time you walked out of your business – your manufacturing company, or law firm, or dentist office, or restaurant – and tried to experience what you provide as a customer? If you call your business, how does the receptionist sound on the phone? Is the voicemail easy to use, or confusing? When you walk into your store, how long does it take a sales associate to greet you? When was the last time you tasted the latest entrée at your restaurant. Is it served quickly? Hot? Delicious? Even the way you bill a customer matters.

    Everything matters to the customer experience. You can find out a lot by simply taking the initiative and looking, listening, and touching.





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