环境变量 $APPLCSF 是什么

参考oracle 官方文档:What is Oracle's Recommendation Regarding Which *.out and *.req Files Should be Kept in the $APPLCSF/log and $APPLCSF/out Directories? (Doc ID 159589.1)

  • goal: What is Oracle's recommendation regarding which *.out and *.req files should be kept in the $APPLCSF/log and $APPLCSF/out directories?
  • goal: How long should *.out and *.req files be kept in the APPLCSF?
  • fact: Oracle Application Object Library
fix: There is no standard or optimal(最佳的,最理想的)answer. What is optimal for one system is not necessarily optimal for another system. It depends on available disk space, number of users, amount of activity in the Apps instance and database, the number of concurrent requests typically run in a day/week, etc., the organization's business requirements for keeping a history of *.req and *.out files for records purposes. This is a question that only be answered by each individual organization. NOTE: APPLCSF is the variable that specifies where concurrent ouptut and log files will be saved.

APPLCSF----> Application Concurrent Submission Files(或许是Applications Common Support/Script Files

$ echo $APPLCSF

in 11i it is set to $COMMON_TOP/admin

in R12 it is set to $INST_TOP/logs/appl/conc

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