

Linux 5.1合入了一个新的异步IO框架和实现:io_uring,由block IO大神Jens Axboe开发。这对当前异步IO领域无疑是一个喜大普奔的消息,这意味着,Linux native aio的时代即将成为过去,io_uring的时代即将开启。
Aliyun Linux 2正计划将io_uring backport,届时欢迎尝鲜。

从Linux IO说起

应某些应用场景的诉求,异步IO接口应势而生。POSIX对应的接口为aio_read(3)和aio_write(3),但其实现平淡无奇且性能不好。Linux Native异步IO接口即我们常称的aio,同样有着诸多限制:

  • 最大的限制无疑是仅支持direct aio。而O_DIRECT要求bypass缓存和size对齐等,直接影响了很多场景的使用。而对buffered IO,其表现为同步。
  • 即使满足了所有异步IO的约束,有时候还是可能会被阻塞,例如,等待元数据IO,或者存储设备的请求槽位都正在使用等等。
  • 存在额外的开销,每个IO提交需要拷贝64+8字节,每个IO完成需要拷贝32字节,这在某些场景下影响很可观。在使用完成event的时候需要非常小心,否则容易丢事件。IO总是需要至少2个系统调用(submit + wait-for-completion),在spectre/meltdown开启下性能下降非常严重。




  • 简单易用;
  • 可扩展,如为未来的网络/非块存储IO接入考虑;
  • 特性丰富,满足所有应用;
  • 高效,尤其是针对大部分场景的512B或4K IO;
  • 可伸缩。

io_uring首先需要围绕高效进行设计。为了避免在提交和完成事件中存在内存拷贝,io_uring设计了一对共享的ring buffer用于应用和内核之间的通信。其中,针对提交队列(SQ),应用是IO提交的生产者(producer),内核是消费者(consumer);反过来,针对完成队列(CQ),内核是完成事件的生产者,应用是消费者。


 * IO submission data structure (Submission Queue Entry)
struct io_uring_sqe {
    __u8    opcode;         /* type of operation for this sqe */
    __u8    flags;          /* IOSQE_ flags */
    __u16   ioprio;         /* ioprio for the request */
    __s32   fd;             /* file descriptor to do IO on */
    __u64   off;            /* offset into file */
    __u64   addr;           /* pointer to buffer or iovecs */
    __u32   len;            /* buffer size or number of iovecs */
    union {
        __kernel_rwf_t  rw_flags;
        __u32           fsync_flags;
        __u16           poll_events;
    __u64   user_data;      /* data to be passed back at completion time */
    union {
        __u16   buf_index;      /* index into fixed buffers, if used */
        __u64   __pad2[3];

 * IO completion data structure (Completion Queue Entry)
struct io_uring_cqe {
    __u64   user_data;      /* sqe->data submission passed back */
    __s32   res;            /* result code for this event */
    __u32   flags;


 * setup a context for performing asynchronous I/O
 * The io_uring_setup() system call sets up a submission queue (SQ) and completion queue (CQ) with 
 * at least entries entries, and returns a file descriptor which can be used to perform subsequent 
 * operations on the io_uring instance.The submission and completion queues are shared between 
 * userspace and the kernel, which eliminates the need to copy data when initiating and completing 
 * I/O.
int io_uring_setup(u32 entries, struct io_uring_params *p);

 * initiate and/or complete asynchronous I/O
 * io_uring_enter() is used to initiate and complete I/O using the shared submission and completion 
 * queues setup by a call to io_uring_setup(2).  A single call can both submit new I/O and wait for 
 * completions of I/O initiated by this call or previous calls to io_uring_enter().
int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                sigset_t *sig);

 * register files or user buffers for asynchronous I/O
 * The io_uring_register() system call registers user buffers or files for use in an io_uring(7) instance 
 * referenced by fd.  Registering files or user buffers allows the kernel to take long term references to 
 * internal data structures or create long term mappings of application memory, greatly reducing
 * per-I/O overhead.
int io_uring_register(unsigned int fd, unsigned int opcode,
                void *arg, unsigned int nr_args)


为了方便使用,Jens Axboe还开发了一套liburing库,同时在fio中提供了ioengine=io_uring的支持。通过liburing库,应用不必了解诸多io_uring的细节就可以简单地使用起来。例如,无需担心memory barrier,或者是ring buffer管理之类等。简单的example如下:

/* setup io_uring and do mmap */
io_uring_queue_init(ENTRIES, &ring, 0);

/* get an sqe and fill in a READV operation */
sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ring);
io_uring_prep_readv(sqe, fd, &iovec, 1, offset);

/* tell the kernel we have an sqe ready for consumption */

/* wait for the sqe to complete */
io_uring_wait_cqe(&ring, &cqe);

/* read and process cqe event */
io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqe);

/* tear down */


Fixed Files and Buffers

通过io_uring_register()系统调用注册一组固定的IO buffers,当应用重用这些IO buffers时,只需要map/unmap一次即可,而不是每次IO都要去做。

Polled IO


注:数据来源于io_uring的patchset v5。

  • 3d xpoint, 4k random read
Interface    QD    Polled        Latency        IOPS
io_uring    1    0         9.5usec     77K
io_uring    2    0         8.2usec    183K
io_uring    4    0         8.4usec    383K
io_uring    8    0        13.3usec    449K

libaio        1    0         9.7usec     74K
libaio        2    0         8.5usec    181K
libaio        4    0         8.5usec    373K
libaio        8    0        15.4usec    402K

io_uring    1    1         6.1usec    139K
io_uring    2    1         6.1usec    272K    
io_uring    4    1         6.3usec    519K
io_uring    8    1        11.5usec    592K

spdk        1    1         6.1usec    151K
spdk        2    1         6.2usec    293K
spdk        4    1         6.7usec    536K
spdk        8    1        12.6usec    586K

非polling模式,io_uring相比libaio提升不是很明显;在polling模式下,io_uring能与spdk接近,甚至在queue depth较高时性能更好,完爆libaio。

  • Peak IOPS, 512b random read
Interface    QD    Polled        Latency        IOPS
io_uring    4    1         6.8usec     513K
io_uring    8    1         8.7usec     829K
io_uring    16    1        13.1usec    1019K
io_uring    32    1        20.6usec    1161K
io_uring    64    1        32.4usec    1244K

spdk        4    1         6.8usec     549K
spdk        8    1         8.6usec     865K
spdk        16    1        14.0usec    1105K
spdk        32    1        25.0usec    1227K
spdk        64    1        47.3usec    1251K

在queue depth较低时有约7%的差距,但在queue depth较高时基本接近。

  • Peak per-core, multiple devices, 4k random read
Interface    QD    Polled        IOPS
io_uring    128    1        1620K
libaio        128    0         608K
spdk        128    1        1739K


Reference [1]


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