Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning(在序列到序列学习中理解和改进编码器层的融合)


Encoder layer fusion (EncoderFusion) is a technique to fuse all the encoder layers (instead of the uppermost layer) for sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) models,which has proven effective on various NLP tasks。

Recent studies reveal that fusing the intermediate encoder layers (EncoderFusion) is beneficial for Seq2Seq models, such as layer attentionlayer aggregationand layer-wise coordination

the uppermost decoder layer pays more attention to the encoder embedding layer. Masking the encoder embedding layer significantly drops model performance by generating hallucinatory (i.e. fluent but unfaithful to the source) predictions. The encoded representation of the standard Seq2Seq models (i.e. w/o fusing encoder layers) may not have enough capacity to model both semantic and surface features (especially at the encoder embedding layer). We call the problem described above the source representation bottleneck


    1.use fine-grained layer attention method to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the contribution of individual encoder layers。

    2.EncoderFusion approachesconnecting the encoder embedding layer to softmax layer (SurfaceFusion)。approach shortens the path distance between source and target embeddings, which can help to learn better bilingual embeddings with direct interactions。









Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning(在序列到序列学习中理解和改进编码器层的融合)

