
1pipeDrv( ):初始化pipeDrv,函数原型:
STATUS pipeDrv (void);
2pipeDevCreate( ):创建pipe,函数原型:
STATUS pipeDevCreate
    char * name,              /* 创建的pipe */
    int    nMessages,         /* pipe中的最大消息数 */
    int    nBytes             /* 每个消息的大小 */
STATUS pipeDevDelete
    char * name,              /* 要删除的pipe */
    BOOL   force              /* 如果为真,则强制删除pipe */
/* includes */
#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "taskLib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ioLib.h"
#include "pipeDrv.h"
/*globals */
typedef struct
  VOIDFUNCPTR routine;   /* 函数指针 */
  int arg;
} MSG_REQUEST; /* message structure */
#define TASK_PRI          254             /* tServers task's priority */
#define TASK_STACK_SIZE  5000      /* tServer task's stack size */
#define PIPE_NAME       "/pipe/server"  /* name of the pipe device */
#define NUM_MSGS  10     /* max number of messages in the pipe */
LOCAL int pipeFd; /* File descriptor for the pipe device */
LOCAL void pipeServer(); /* server task */
/* serverStart:初始化pipeServer任务以执行管道中夹带的函数 */
STATUS serverStart()
  if (pipeDevCreate(PIPE_NAME, NUM_MSGS, sizeof(MSG_REQUEST)) == ERROR)
    perror("Error in creating pipe"); /* print error if pipe is already
     * created, but do not return */
  /* Open the pipe */
  if ((pipeFd = open(PIPE_NAME, UPDATE, 0)) == ERROR)
    perror("Error in opening pipe device");
    return (ERROR);
  /* Spawn the server task */
  if (taskSpawn("tServer", TASK_PRI, 0, TASK_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)pipeServer, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR)
    perror("Error in spawning tServer task");
    return (ERROR);
  return (OK);
/* serverSend :发送管道消息,将函数指针作为消息的一部分 */
STATUS serverSend(VOIDFUNCPTR routine, /* name of the routine to execute */ int arg /* argument of the routine */
  MSG_REQUEST msgRequest;
  int status;
  /* Initialize the message structure */
  msgRequest.routine = routine;
  msgRequest.arg = arg;
  /* Send the message and return the results */
  status = write(pipeFd, (char*) &msgRequest, sizeof(MSG_REQUEST));
  return ((status == sizeof(MSG_REQUEST)) ? OK : ERROR);
/* pipeServer:读取管道消息并执行管道消息中夹带的函数 */
LOCAL void pipeServer()
  MSG_REQUEST msgRequest;
  while (read(pipeFd, (char*) &msgRequest, sizeof(MSG_REQUEST)) > 0)
   上述程序中,pipeServer执行于非常低的优先级(254),当我们在shell中输入“serverSend(VOIDFUNCPTR routine, int arg) 时,pipeServer将读到管道中的消息,并执行“*routine (arg)”。
void PRINT(int arg)


1socket():创建套接字   ,原型为:
int socket
    int domain,    /* address family (for example, AF_INET) */
    int type,      /* SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, or SOCK_RAW */
    int protocol   /* socket protocol (usually 0) */
2bind():给套接字绑定名称 ,原型为:
    int               s,      /* socket descriptor */
    struct sockaddr * name,   /* name to be bound */
    int            namelen /* length of name */
STATUS listen
    int s,                    /* socket descriptor */
    int backlog               /* number of connections to queue */
int accept
    int            s,      /* socket descriptor */
    struct sockaddr * addr,   /* peer address */
    int *           addrlen /* peer address length */
STATUS connect
    int               s,      /* socket descriptor */
    struct sockaddr * name,   /* addr of socket to connect */
    int            namelen /* length of name, in bytes */
STATUS shutdown
    int s,                /* socket to shut down */
    int how              /* 0:receives disallowed;1:sends disallowed;
2:sends and receives disallowed */
int sendto
    int               s,      /* socket to send data to */
    caddr_t           buf,    /* pointer to data buffer */
    int               bufLen, /* length of buffer */
    int               flags,  /* flags to underlying protocols */
    struct sockaddr * to,     /* recipient's address */
    int               tolen   /* length of to sockaddr */
int send
    int          s,           /* socket to send to */
    const char * buf,         /* pointer to buffer to transmit */
    int          bufLen,      /* length of buffer */
    int          flags        /* flags to underlying protocols */
int sendmsg
    int             sd,       /* socket to send to */
    struct msghdr * mp,       /* scatter-gather message header */
    int             flags     /* flags to underlying protocols */
8recvfrom ()recv ()recvmsg ():接收数据
int recvfrom
    int               s,       /* socket to receive from */
    char *            buf,     /* pointer to data buffer */
    int               bufLen,  /* length of buffer */
    int               flags,   /* flags to underlying protocols */
    struct sockaddr * from,    /* where to copy sender's addr */
    int *             pFromLen /* value/result length of from */
int recv
    int    s,                 /* socket to receive data from */
    char * buf,               /* buffer to write data to */
    int    bufLen,            /* length of buffer */
    int    flags              /* flags to underlying protocols */
int recvmsg
    int             sd,       /* socket to receive from */
    struct msghdr * mp,       /* scatter-gather message header */
    int             flags     /* flags to underlying protocols */


信号是VxWorks中用于异常处理的方式,信号的驱动和执行机制有点类似于硬件中断(可以认为是一种软件上的通告,即software notification)。信号的生存期为从“产生”到“传递”,一个“产生”而未“传递”的信号处于pending状态。信号适宜进行异常处理,任务间的通信不要使用信号。
下面是从Embry-Riddle Real-Time Laboratory试验课程中获得的一个signal的例子:
/* includes */
#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "sigLib.h"
#include "taskLib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
/* function prototypes */
void catchSIGINT(int);
void sigCatcher(void);
/* globals */
#define NO_OPTIONS 0
#define ITER1 100
#define LONG_TIME 1000000
#define HIGHPRIORITY 100
#define LOWPRIORITY 101
int ownId;
void sigGenerator(void) /* task to generate the SIGINT signal */
  int i, j, taskId;
  STATUS taskAlive;
  if ((taskId = taskSpawn("signal", 100, 0x100, 20000, (FUNCPTR)sigCatcher, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == ERROR)
    printf("taskSpawn sigCatcher failed\n");
  ownId = taskIdSelf(); /* get sigGenerator's task id */
  taskDelay(30); /* allow time to get sigCatcher to run */
  for (i = 0; i < ITER1; i++)
    if ((taskAlive = taskIdVerify(taskId)) == OK)
      printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++SIGINT sinal generated\n");
      kill(taskId, SIGINT); /* generate signal */
      /* lower sigGenerator priority to allow sigCatcher to run */
      taskPrioritySet(ownId, LOWPRIORITY);
     /* sigCatcher is dead */
  printf("\n***************sigGenerator Exited***************\n");
void sigCatcher(void) /* task to handle the SIGINT signal */
  struct sigaction newAction;
  int i, j;
  newAction.sa_handler = catchSIGINT; /* set the new handler */
  sigemptyset(&newAction.sa_mask); /* no other signals blocked */
  newAction.sa_flags = NO_OPTIONS; /* no special options */
  if (sigaction(SIGINT, &newAction, NULL) ==  - 1)
    printf("Could not install signal handler\n");
  for (i = 0; i < ITER1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < LONG_TIME; j++)
    printf("Normal processing in sigCatcher\n");
  printf("\n+++++++++++++++sigCatcher Exited+++++++++++++++\n");
void catchSIGINT(int signal) /* signal handler code */
  printf("-------------------------------SIGINT signal caught\n");
  /* increase sigGenerator priority to allow sigGenerator to run */
  taskPrioritySet(ownId, HIGHPRIORITY);
int kill
    int tid,                  /* task to send signal to */
    int signo                 /* signal to send to task */
void sigHandlerFunction(int signalNumber)
... /* signal handler code */
int sigaction
    int               signo, /* signal of handler of interest */
    const struct sigaction * pAct,  /* location of new handler */
    struct sigaction *   pOact  /* location to store old handler */
Normal processing in sigCatcher 
     //大量的Normal processing in sigCatcher
Normal processing in sigCatcher 
+++++++++++++++sigCatcher Exited+++++++++++++++


  本文转自 21cnbao 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/21cnbao/120323,如需转载请自行联系原作者

上一篇:ASP.NET MVC 解决区域和全局控制器同名的问题
