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Angas Inlet Trees

Trees grow inside the hull of a sunken ship in the Angas Inlet, an arm of the Gulf St. Vincent in Adelaide, Southern Australia. In this inlet and others nearby can be found the remains of more than 30 iron and wooden ships abandoned up until 1945. They serve as canoeing attractions and bird roosts for upwards of 200 species of local and migratory birds.

在南澳大利亚州阿德莱德的海湾圣文森特的臂膀安加斯湾(Angas Inlet)的沉船中,树木生长。 在这个入口处和附近的其他地方,可以找到直到1945年被遗弃的30多个铁和木船的遗骸。它们充当皮划艇胜地和鸟类栖息地,可容纳200多种本地和候鸟。


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