【leetcode】 Unique Binary Search Trees (middle)☆

Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product.

For example, given the array [2,3,-2,4],
the contiguous subarray [2,3] has the largest product = 6.




int maxProduct(int A[], int n) {
if(n == )
return ; int MaxAns = A[];
int negtiveFront = (A[] == ) ? : A[];
int negtiveBack = (A[] < ) ? : ; for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
if(A[i] == )
MaxAns = (MaxAns > ) ? MaxAns : ;
negtiveFront = ;
negtiveBack = ;
else if(A[i] < )
negtiveFront *= A[i];
MaxAns = max(negtiveFront, MaxAns);
if(negtiveBack == )
negtiveBack = ;
negtiveBack *= A[i];
MaxAns = max(negtiveBack, MaxAns);
negtiveFront *= A[i];
negtiveBack *= A[i];
MaxAns = max(negtiveFront, MaxAns);
if(negtiveBack > )
MaxAns = max(negtiveBack, MaxAns);
} }
} return MaxAns;


f(k) = max( f(k-1) * A[k], A[k], g(k-1) * A[k] )
g(k) = min( g(k-1) * A[k], A[k], f(k-1) * A[k] )


int maxProduct2(int A[], int n) {
if(n == )
return ; int MaxAns = A[]; //包括当前A【i】的连续最大乘积
int MinAns = A[]; //包括当前A【i】的连续最小乘积
int MaxSoFar = A[]; //整个数组的最大乘积 for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
int MaxAnsTmp = MaxAns;
int MinAnsTmp = MinAns;
MaxAns = max(MaxAnsTmp * A[i], max(MinAnsTmp * A[i], A[i]));
MinAns = min(MinAnsTmp * A[i], min(MaxAnsTmp * A[i], A[i]));
MaxSoFar = max(MaxSoFar, MaxAns); } return MaxSoFar;
上一篇:【题解】【排列组合】【素数】【Leetcode】Unique Paths

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