标签格式:<material=underline c=#ffffff h=1 n=*** p=***>blablabla...</material>
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI; //图片<icon name=*** w=1 h=1 n=*** p=***/>
//下划线<material=underline c=#ffffff h=1 n=*** p=***>blablabla...</material>
public class RichText2 : Text { private FontData fontData = FontData.defaultFontData; //--------------------------------------------------------图片 start
private static readonly string replaceStr = "\u00A0";
private static readonly Regex imageTagRegex = new Regex(@"<icon name=([^>\s]+)([^>]*)/>");//(名字)(属性)
private static readonly Regex imageParaRegex = new Regex(@"(\w+)=([^\s]+)");//(key)=(value)
private List<RichTextImageInfo> imageInfoList = new List<RichTextImageInfo>();
private bool isImageDirty = false;
//--------------------------------------------------------图片 end //--------------------------------------------------------文字 start
private RichTextParser richTextParser = new RichTextParser();
//--------------------------------------------------------文字 end //--------------------------------------------------------事件 start //--------------------------------------------------------事件 end protected RichText2()
fontData = typeof(Text).GetField("m_FontData", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(this) as FontData;
} readonly UIVertex[] m_TempVerts = new UIVertex[];
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper toFill)
if (font == null)
return; // We don't care if we the font Texture changes while we are doing our Update.
// The end result of cachedTextGenerator will be valid for this instance.
// Otherwise we can get issues like Case 619238.
m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback = true; //处理图片标签
string richText = text;
IList<UIVertex> verts = null;
richText = CalculateLayoutWithImage(richText, out verts); //处理文字标签
List<RichTextTag> tagList = null;
richTextParser.Parse(richText, out tagList);
for (int i = ; i < tagList.Count; i++)
RichTextTag tag = tagList[i];
switch (tag.tagType)
case RichTextTagType.None:
case RichTextTagType.Underline:
ApplyUnderlineEffect(tag as RichTextUnderlineTag, verts);
} Vector2 extents = rectTransform.rect.size; var settings = GetGenerationSettings(extents);
cachedTextGenerator.Populate(text, settings); Rect inputRect = rectTransform.rect; // get the text alignment anchor point for the text in local space
Vector2 textAnchorPivot = GetTextAnchorPivot(fontData.alignment);
Vector2 refPoint = Vector2.zero;
refPoint.x = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.xMin, inputRect.xMax, textAnchorPivot.x);
refPoint.y = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.yMin, inputRect.yMax, textAnchorPivot.y); // Determine fraction of pixel to offset text mesh.
Vector2 roundingOffset = PixelAdjustPoint(refPoint) - refPoint; // Apply the offset to the vertices
//IList<UIVertex> verts = cachedTextGenerator.verts;
float unitsPerPixel = / pixelsPerUnit;
//Last 4 verts are always a new line...
int vertCount = verts.Count - ; toFill.Clear();
if (roundingOffset != Vector2.zero)
for (int i = ; i < vertCount; ++i)
int tempVertsIndex = i & ;
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex] = verts[i];
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position *= unitsPerPixel;
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position.x += roundingOffset.x;
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position.y += roundingOffset.y;
if (tempVertsIndex == )
for (int i = ; i < vertCount; ++i)
int tempVertsIndex = i & ;
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex] = verts[i];
m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position *= unitsPerPixel;
if (tempVertsIndex == )
//Debug.LogWarning(i + "_" + tempVertsIndex + "_" + m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position);
m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback = false;
} protected string CalculateLayoutWithImage(string richText, out IList<UIVertex> verts)
Vector2 extents = rectTransform.rect.size;
var settings = GetGenerationSettings(extents); float unitsPerPixel = / pixelsPerUnit; float spaceWidth = cachedTextGenerator.GetPreferredWidth(replaceStr, settings) * unitsPerPixel; float fontSize2 = fontSize * 0.5f; //解析图片标签,并将标签替换为空格
Match match = null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while ((match = imageTagRegex.Match(richText)).Success)
RichTextImageInfo imageInfo = new RichTextImageInfo();
imageInfo.name = match.Groups[].Value;
string paras = match.Groups[].Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paras))
var keyValueCollection = imageParaRegex.Matches(paras);
for (int i = ; i < keyValueCollection.Count; i++)
string key = keyValueCollection[i].Groups[].Value;
string value = keyValueCollection[i].Groups[].Value;
imageInfo.SetValue(key, value);
imageInfo.size = new Vector2(fontSize2 * imageInfo.widthScale, fontSize2 * imageInfo.heightScale);
imageInfo.startVertex = match.Index * ;
int num = Mathf.CeilToInt(imageInfo.size.x / spaceWidth);//占据几个空格
imageInfo.vertexLength = num * ;
imageInfoList.Add(imageInfo); builder.Length = ;
builder.Append(richText, , match.Index);
for (int i = ; i < num; i++)
builder.Append(richText, match.Index + match.Length, richText.Length - match.Index - match.Length);
richText = builder.ToString();
} // Populate charaters
cachedTextGenerator.Populate(richText, settings);
verts = cachedTextGenerator.verts;
// Last 4 verts are always a new line...
int vertCount = verts.Count - ; //换行处理
//0 1|4 5|8 9
//3 2|7 6|11 10
for (int i = ; i < imageInfoList.Count; i++)
RichTextImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfoList[i];
int startVertex = imageInfo.startVertex;
int vertexLength = imageInfo.vertexLength;
int maxVertex = Mathf.Min(startVertex + vertexLength, vertCount);
if (verts[maxVertex - ].position.x * unitsPerPixel > rectTransform.rect.xMax)
richText = richText.Insert(startVertex / , "\r\n");
for (int j = i; j < imageInfoList.Count; j++)
imageInfoList[j].startVertex += ;
cachedTextGenerator.Populate(richText, settings);
verts = cachedTextGenerator.verts;
vertCount = verts.Count - ;
} //计算位置
for (int i = imageInfoList.Count - ; i >= ; i--)
RichTextImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfoList[i];
int startVertex = imageInfo.startVertex;
if (startVertex < vertCount)
UIVertex uiVertex = verts[startVertex];
Vector2 pos = uiVertex.position;
pos *= unitsPerPixel;
pos += new Vector2(imageInfo.size.x * 0.5f, fontSize2 * 0.5f);
pos += new Vector2(rectTransform.sizeDelta.x * (rectTransform.pivot.x - 0.5f), rectTransform.sizeDelta.y * (rectTransform.pivot.y - 0.5f));
imageInfo.position = pos;
imageInfo.color = Color.white;
} isImageDirty = true; return richText;
} private void ApplyUnderlineEffect(RichTextUnderlineTag tag, IList<UIVertex> verts)
float fontSize2 = fontSize * 0.5f;
float unitsPerPixel = / pixelsPerUnit; //0 1|4 5|8 9 |12 13
//3 2|7 6|11 10|14 15
//<material=underline c=#ffffff h=1 n=1 p=2>下划线</material>
//tag.start为42,对应“>” | start对应“下”的左上角顶点
//tag.end为44,对应“划” | end对应“线”下一个字符的左上角顶点
int start = tag.start * ;
int end = Mathf.Min(tag.end * + , verts.Count);
UIVertex vt1 = verts[start + ];
UIVertex vt2;
float minY = vt1.position.y;
float maxY = verts[start].position.y; //换行处理,如需换行,则将一条下划线分割成几条
//顶点取样分布,如上图的2,6,10,其中end - 2表示最后一个取样点,即10
for (int i = start + ; i <= end - ; i += )
vt2 = verts[i];
bool newline = Mathf.Abs(vt2.position.y - vt1.position.y) > fontSize2;
if (newline || i == end - )
RichTextImageInfo imageInfo = new RichTextImageInfo(); //计算宽高
int tailIndex = !newline && i == end - ? i : i - ;
vt2 = verts[tailIndex];
minY = Mathf.Min(minY, vt2.position.y);
maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, verts[tailIndex - ].position.y);
imageInfo.size = new Vector2((vt2.position.x - vt1.position.x) * unitsPerPixel, tag.height); //计算位置
Vector2 vertex = new Vector2(vt1.position.x, minY);
vertex *= unitsPerPixel;
vertex += new Vector2(imageInfo.size.x * 0.5f, -tag.height * 0.5f);
vertex += new Vector2(rectTransform.sizeDelta.x * (rectTransform.pivot.x - 0.5f), rectTransform.sizeDelta.y * (rectTransform.pivot.y - 0.5f));
imageInfo.position = vertex; imageInfo.color = tag.color;
imageInfoList.Add(imageInfo); vt1 = verts[i + ];
minY = vt1.position.y;
if (newline && i == end - ) i -= ;
minY = Mathf.Min(minY, verts[i].position.y);
maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, verts[i - ].position.y);
} protected void Update()
if (isImageDirty)
isImageDirty = false; //回收当前的图片
Image[] images = GetComponentsInChildren<Image>(true);
for (int i = ; i < images.Length; i++)
RichTextResourceManager.Instance.SetPoolObject(RichTextResourceType.Image, images[i].gameObject);
} //生成图片
for (int i = ; i < imageInfoList.Count; i++)
RichTextImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfoList[i];
var name = imageInfo.name;
var position = imageInfo.position;
var size = imageInfo.size;
var color = imageInfo.color; GameObject go = RichTextResourceManager.Instance.GetPoolObject(RichTextResourceType.Image);
Image image = go.GetComponent<Image>();
RichTextResourceManager.Instance.SetSprite(name, image);
go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
image.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = position;
image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = size;
image.color = color;