018 循环显示flash信息

Displaying flash messages in the layout can be a pain at times. In this episode you will learn an easy way to display any kind of flash message by looping through the hash.
<%unless flash[:notice].nil?%>
    <div id="notice"><%= flash[:notice]%></div>
<%unless flash[:error].nil?%>
    <div id="error"><%= flash[:error]%></div>
<%flash.each do |key,msg|%>
    <%= content_tag :div, msg, :id=>key%>
content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, escape = true, &block)
Returns an HTML block tag of type name surrounding the content. Add HTML attributes by passing an attributes hash tooptions. Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block in which case, you pass your options as the second parameter. Set escape to false to disable attribute value escaping.


The options hash is used with attributes with no value like (disabled and readonly), which you can give a value of true in theoptions hash. You can use symbols or strings for the attribute names.


  content_tag(:p, "Hello world!")
   # => <p>Hello world!</p>
  content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, "Hello world!"), :class => "strong")
   # => <div class="strong"><p>Hello world!</p></div>
  content_tag("select", options, :multiple => true)
   # => <select multiple="multiple">...options...</select>
  <% content_tag :div, :class => "strong" do -%>
    Hello world!
  <% end -%>
   # => <div class="strong"><p>Hello world!</p></div>

本文转自 fsjoy1983 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/fsjoy/131730,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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