PS: 等有时间了作详细的讲解。
#include <iostream> #include <climits> #include <sstream> #include <queue> using namespace std; const bool UNDIGRAPH = 0; struct Graph { string *vertexLabel;//the number of the labels is equal to vertexes int vertexes; int edges; int **AdjMat; bool *visited;//only for DFS,BFS,Dijkstra int *distance; //only for Dijkstra int *path;//only for Dijkstra }; void BuildGraph(Graph *&graph, int n) { if (graph == NULL) { graph = new Graph; graph->vertexes = n; graph->edges = 0; graph->AdjMat = new int *[n]; graph->vertexLabel = new string[n]; graph->visited = new bool[n]; graph->distance = new int[n]; graph->path = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { stringstream ss; ss<<"v" << i+1; ss >> graph->vertexLabel[i]; graph->visited[i] = false; graph->distance[i] = INT_MAX; graph->path[i] = -1; graph->AdjMat[i] = new int[n]; if(UNDIGRAPH) memset(graph->AdjMat[i],0, n * sizeof(int)); else for (int j = 0; j < graph->vertexes; j++) { if(i == j) graph->AdjMat[i][j] = 0; else graph->AdjMat[i][j] = INT_MAX; } } } } void MakeEmpty(Graph *&graph) { if(graph == NULL) return; delete []graph->vertexLabel; delete []graph->visited; delete []graph->distance; delete []graph->path; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { delete []graph->AdjMat[i]; } delete []graph->AdjMat; delete graph; } void AddEdge(Graph *graph,int v1, int v2, int weight) { if (graph == NULL) return; if (v1 < 0 || v1 > graph->vertexes-1) return; if (v2 < 0 || v2 > graph->vertexes-1) return; if (v1 == v2) return; //no loop is allowed if(UNDIGRAPH) { if (graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == 0)//not exist,edges plus 1 graph->edges++; graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] = graph->AdjMat[v2][v1] = weight; } else { if (graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == 0 || graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == INT_MAX)//not exist,edges plus 1 graph->edges++; graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] = weight; } } void RemoveEdge(Graph *graph, int v1, int v2) { if (graph == NULL) return; if (v1 < 0 || v1 > graph->vertexes-1) return; if (v2 < 0 || v2 > graph->vertexes-1) return; if (v1 == v2) return; //no loop is allowed if (UNDIGRAPH) { if (graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == 0)//not exists,return return; graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] = graph->AdjMat[v2][v1] = 0; graph->edges--; } else { if (graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == 0 || graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] == INT_MAX)//not exists,return return; graph->AdjMat[v1][v2] = INT_MAX; graph->edges--; } } int GetIndegree(Graph *graph, int v) { if(graph == NULL) return -1; if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2; if(UNDIGRAPH) return -3; int degree = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(graph->AdjMat[i][v] != 0 && graph->AdjMat[i][v] != INT_MAX) degree++; } return degree; } int GetOutdegree(Graph *graph, int v) { if(graph == NULL) return -1; if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2; if(UNDIGRAPH) return -3; int degree = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(graph->AdjMat[v][i] != 0 && graph->AdjMat[v][i] != INT_MAX) degree++; } return degree; } int GetDegree(Graph *graph, int v) { if(graph == NULL) return -1; if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2; if(UNDIGRAPH) { int degree = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(graph->AdjMat[v][i] != 0) degree++; } return degree; } else return GetIndegree(graph,v) + GetOutdegree(graph,v); } void PrintGraph(Graph *graph) { if(graph == NULL) return; cout << "Vertex: " << graph->vertexes <<"\n"; cout << "Edge: " << graph->edges << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { cout << " "<< graph->vertexLabel[i]; } cout << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < graph->vertexes; j++) { if(j == 0) cout << graph->vertexLabel[i] << " "; if(graph->AdjMat[i][j] == INT_MAX) cout << "~" << " "; else cout << graph->AdjMat[i][j] << " "; } cout << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; } //depth first search (use stack or recursion) //DFS is similar to preorder traversal of trees void DFS(Graph *graph, int i) { if (!graph->visited[i]) { cout << graph->vertexLabel[i] << " "; graph->visited[i] = true; } for (int j = 0; j < graph->vertexes; j++) { if (UNDIGRAPH) { if (graph->AdjMat[i][j] != 0 && !graph->visited[j]) DFS(graph,j); } else { if (graph->AdjMat[i][j] != INT_MAX && !graph->visited[j]) DFS(graph,j); } } } void BeginDFS(Graph *graph) { if(graph == NULL) return; cout << "DFS\n"; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) graph->visited[i] = false; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) DFS(graph,i); } //breadth first search(use queue) //BFS is similar to leverorder traversal of trees //all of the vertexes will be searched once no matter how the digraph is constructed void BFS(Graph *graph) { if(graph == NULL) return; cout << "BFS\n"; memset(graph->visited,false,graph->vertexes * sizeof(bool)); queue<int> QVertex; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if (!graph->visited[i]) { QVertex.push(i); cout << graph->vertexLabel[i] << " "; graph->visited[i] = true; while(!QVertex.empty()) { int vtxNO = QVertex.front(); QVertex.pop(); for (int j = 0; j < graph->vertexes; j++) { if (UNDIGRAPH) { if(!graph->visited[j] && graph->AdjMat[vtxNO][j]!=0) { cout << graph->vertexLabel[j] << " "; graph->visited[j] = true; QVertex.push(j); } } else { if(!graph->visited[j] && graph->AdjMat[vtxNO][j]!=INT_MAX) { cout << graph->vertexLabel[j] << " "; graph->visited[j] = true; QVertex.push(j); } } } } } } cout << "\n"; } //after executing this function,the value of AdjMat changed void TopologicalSort(Graph *graph) { if(UNDIGRAPH) return; if(graph == NULL) return; cout << "TopologicalSort"<<"\n"; int counter = 0; queue <int> qVertex; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(GetIndegree(graph,i) == 0) qVertex.push(i); } while (!qVertex.empty()) { int vertexNO = qVertex.front(); counter++; cout << graph->vertexLabel[vertexNO]; if(counter != graph->vertexes) cout << " > "; qVertex.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(i == vertexNO) continue; if (GetIndegree(graph,i) != 0) { graph->AdjMat[vertexNO][i] = INT_MAX;//indegree-- if(GetIndegree(graph,i) == 0) qVertex.push(i); } } } cout << "\n"; } void Dijkstra(Graph *graph, int v) { if(graph == NULL) return; if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes-1) return; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { graph->visited[i] = false; graph->distance[i] = INT_MAX;//can delete this line,as initialized in BuildGraph graph->path[i] = -1; } graph->distance[v] = 0;//the rest are all INT_MAX while(1) { int minDisInx = -1; int minDis = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(!graph->visited[i]) { if(graph->distance[i] < minDis) { minDis = graph->distance[i]; minDisInx = i; } } } if(minDisInx == -1)//all visited break; graph->visited[minDisInx] = true; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { //unvisited and adjacent to current vertex //&& graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=0 is for undigraph if (!graph->visited[i] && graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=INT_MAX && graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=0) { if (graph->distance[minDisInx] + graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i] < graph->distance[i]) { graph->distance[i] = graph->distance[minDisInx] + graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]; graph->path[i] = minDisInx; cout << graph->vertexLabel[i] << " Updated to " << graph->distance[i] <<"\n"; } } } } cout << "Vertex Visited Distance Path\n"; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { cout << graph->vertexLabel[i]<< " "; cout << graph->visited[i]<< " "; cout << graph->distance[i]<< " "; if(graph->path[i] == -1) cout << "NONE\n"; else cout << graph->vertexLabel[graph->path[i]]<< "\n"; } } //almost for undigraph void Prim(Graph *graph, int v) { if(graph == NULL) return; if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes-1) return; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { graph->visited[i] = false; graph->distance[i] = INT_MAX;//can delete this line,as initialized in BuildGraph graph->path[i] = -1; } graph->distance[v] = 0;//the rest are all INT_MAX while(1) { int minDisInx = -1; int minDis = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { if(!graph->visited[i]) { if(graph->distance[i] < minDis) { minDis = graph->distance[i]; minDisInx = i; } } } if(minDisInx == -1)//all visited break; graph->visited[minDisInx] = true; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { //unvisited and adjacent to current vertex //&& graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=0 is for undigraph if (!graph->visited[i] && graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=INT_MAX && graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]!=0) { if (graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i] < graph->distance[i]) { graph->distance[i] = graph->AdjMat[minDisInx][i]; graph->path[i] = minDisInx; cout << graph->vertexLabel[i] << " Updated to " << graph->distance[i] <<"\n"; } } } } cout << "Vertex Visited Distance Path\n"; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { cout << graph->vertexLabel[i]<< " "; cout << graph->visited[i]<< " "; cout << graph->distance[i]<< " "; if(graph->path[i] == -1) cout << "NONE\n"; else cout << graph->vertexLabel[graph->path[i]]<< "\n"; } } int main() { Graph *graph = NULL; BuildGraph(graph,7); PrintGraph(graph); //for simple test, 0 indexed /*AddEdge(graph,0,1,1); AddEdge(graph,0,2,1); AddEdge(graph,1,3,1);*/ //for TopologicalSort //0 indexed /*AddEdge(graph,0,1,1); AddEdge(graph,0,2,1); AddEdge(graph,0,3,1); AddEdge(graph,1,3,1); AddEdge(graph,1,4,1); AddEdge(graph,2,5,1); AddEdge(graph,3,2,1); AddEdge(graph,3,5,1); AddEdge(graph,3,6,1); AddEdge(graph,4,3,1); AddEdge(graph,4,6,1); AddEdge(graph,6,5,1);*/ //for Dijkstra(shortest path),Prim(minimum spanning tree) //0 indexed AddEdge(graph,0,1,2); AddEdge(graph,0,3,1); AddEdge(graph,1,3,3); AddEdge(graph,1,4,10); AddEdge(graph,2,0,4); AddEdge(graph,2,5,5); AddEdge(graph,3,2,2); AddEdge(graph,3,4,2); AddEdge(graph,3,5,8); AddEdge(graph,3,6,4); AddEdge(graph,4,6,6); AddEdge(graph,6,5,1); PrintGraph(graph); BeginDFS(graph); cout << "\n"; BFS(graph); for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) { cout << "\n"; Dijkstra(graph,i); } Prim(graph,0); TopologicalSort(graph); MakeEmpty(graph); return 0; }
图(有向图,无向图)的邻接矩阵表示C++实现(遍历,拓扑排序,最短路径,最小生成树) Implement of digraph and undigraph using adjacency matrix