如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作

There is a standard Gateway client tool ( transaction code /IWFND/GW_CLIENT ) which allows us to launch odata request without browser for testing purpose. And there is another approach which can achieve the same result without using SAPGUI, that is Chrome extension: postman.

如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作How to create the batch operation in postman

Just copy the value you find in Chrome network tab from screenshot above to the postman based on the number.

如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作How to get CSRF token

Just create another http request in postman, request method sets to GET, and http header x-csrf-token with value Fetch, send the request, and the token is available in response header.

如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作如何使用Chrome扩展应用postman发送SAP UI5 batch操作

