- <?php
- /*
- * Name: wrapperCache
- * Notes: wrapper cache for fileCache, memcache/memcached, APC, Xcache and eaccelerator
- $cacheObj =wrapperCache::getInstance('memcache',30,array(array('host'=>'localhost')));
- echo $cacheObj->cache('key','value');
- */
- class wrapperCache {
- const DEFAULT_MEMCACHE_PORT = 11211;
- const CACHE_TYPE_AUTO = 'auto';
- const CACHE_TYPE_EACCELERATOR = 'eaccelerator';
- const CACHE_TYPE_APC = 'apc';
- const CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE = 'memcache';
- const CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHED = 'memcached';
- const CACHE_TYPE_FILE = 'filecache';
- const CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE = 'xcache';
- private $cache_params; //extra params for external caches like path or connection option memcached
- public $cache_expire; //seconds that the cache expires
- private $cache_type; //type of cache to use
- private $cache_external; //external instance of cache, can be fileCache or memcache
- private static $instance;//Instance of this class
- // Always returns only one instance
- public static function getInstance($type=self::CACHE_TYPE_AUTO, $exp_time=3600, $params='cache/'){
- if (!isset(self::$instance)) { //doesn't exists the isntance
- self::$instance = new self($type, $exp_time, $params); //goes to the constructor
- }
- return self::$instance;
- }
- //cache constructor, optional expiring time and cache path
- private function __construct($type, $exp_time, $params) {
- $this->cache_expire = $exp_time;
- $this->cache_params = $params;
- $this->setCacheType($type);
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- unset($this->cache_external);
- }
- // Prevent users to clone the instance
- public function __clone(){
- $this->cacheError('Clone is not allowed.');
- }
- //deletes cache from folder
- public function clearCache(){
- switch($this->cache_type){
- eaccelerator_clean();
- eaccelerator_clear();
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_APC :
- apc_clear_cache('user');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE :
- xcache_clear_cache(XC_TYPE_VAR, 0);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE :
- $this->cache_external->flush();
- break;
- $this->cache_external->flush();
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE:
- $this->cache_external->deleteCache();
- break;
- }
- }
- //writes or reads the cache
- public function cache($key, $value = '', $ttl = '') {
- if ($value != '') { //wants to write
- if ($ttl == '') $ttl = $this->cache_expire;
- $this->put($key, $value, $ttl);
- } else return $this->get($key);
- //reading value
- }
- //creates new cache files with the given data, $key== name of the cache, data the info/values to store
- private function put($key, $data, $ttl = '') {
- if ($ttl == '') $ttl = $this->cache_expire;
- switch($this->cache_type){
- eaccelerator_put($key, serialize($data), $ttl);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_APC :
- apc_store($key, $data, $ttl);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE :
- xcache_set($key, serialize($data), $ttl);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE :
- $data=serialize($data);
- $this->cache_external->set($key, $data, false, $ttl);
- break;
- $data=serialize($data);
- $this->cache_external->set($key, $data, $ttl);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE :
- $this->cache_external->cache($key,$data);
- break;
- }
- }
- //returns cache for the given key
- private function get($key){
- switch($this->cache_type){
- $data = unserialize(eaccelerator_get($key));
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_APC :
- $data = apc_fetch($key);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE :
- $data = unserialize(xcache_get($key));
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE :
- $data = unserialize($this->cache_external->get($key));
- break;
- $data = unserialize($this->cache_external->get($key));
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE :
- $data = $this->cache_external->cache($key);
- break;
- }
- return $data;
- }
- //delete key from cache
- public function delete($key){
- switch($this->cache_type){
- eaccelerator_rm($key);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_APC :
- apc_delete($key);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE :
- xcache_unset($key);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE :
- $this->cache_external->delete($key);
- break;
- $this->cache_external->delete($key);
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE :
- $this->cache_external->delete($key);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Overloading for the Application variables and automatically cached
- public function __set($name, $value) {
- $this->put($name, $value, $this->cache_expire);
- }
- public function __get($name) {
- return $this->get($name);
- }
- public function __isset($key) {//echo "Is '$name' set?\n"
- if ($this->get($key) !== false) return true;
- else return false;
- }
- public function __unset($name) {//echo "Unsetting '$name'\n";
- $this->delete($name);
- }
- //end overloads
- public function getCacheType(){
- return $this->cache_type;
- }
- //sets the cache if its installed if not triggers error
- public function setCacheType($type){
- $this->cache_type=strtolower($type);
- switch($this->cache_type){
- if (!function_exists('eaccelerator_get')) $this->cacheError('eaccelerator not found');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_APC :
- if (!function_exists('apc_fetch')) $this->cacheError('APC not found');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE :
- if (function_exists('xcache_get')) $this->cacheError('Xcache not found');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE :
- if (class_exists('Memcache')) $this->init_mem();
- else $this->cacheError('memcache not found');
- break;
- if (class_exists('Memcached')) $this->init_mem(true);
- else $this->cacheError('memcached not found');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE :
- if (class_exists('fileCache'))$this->init_filecache();
- else $this->cacheError('fileCache not found');
- break;
- case self::CACHE_TYPE_AUTO ://try to auto select a cache system
- if (function_exists('eaccelerator_get')) $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_EACCELERATOR;
- elseif (function_exists('apc_fetch')) $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_APC ;
- elseif (function_exists('xcache_get')) $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE;
- elseif (class_exists('Memcache')) $this->init_mem();
- elseif (class_exists('Memcached')) $this->init_mem(true);
- elseif (class_exists('fileCache')) $this->init_filecache();
- else $this->cacheError('not any compatible cache was found');
- break;
- default://not any cache selected or wrong one selected
- $msg='Not any cache type selected';
- if (isset($type)) $msg='Unrecognized cache type selected <b>'.$type.'</b>';
- $this->cacheError($msg);
- break;
- }
- }
- private function init_mem($useMemecached = false) { //get instance of the memcache/memcached class
- if (is_array($this->cache_params)) {
- if ($useMemecached) {
- $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHED;
- $this->cache_external = new Memcached();
- } else {
- $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE;
- $this->cache_external = new Memcache;
- }
- foreach ($this->cache_params as $server) {
- $server['port'] = isset($server['port']) ? (int)$server['port'] : self::DEFAULT_MEMCACHE_PORT;
- if ($useMemecached) {
- $this->cache_external->addServer($server['host'], $server['port']);
- } else {
- $server['persistent'] = isset($server['persistent']) ? (bool)$server['persistent'] : true;
- $this->cache_external->addServer($server['host'], $server['port'], $server['persistent']);
- }
- }
- } else $this->cacheError($this->cache_type . ' needs an array, example:wrapperCache::getInstance("' . $this->cache_type . '",30,array(array("host"=>"localhost")));');
- }
- private function init_filecache(){//get instance of the filecache class
- $this->cache_type = self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE ;
- $this->cache_external = fileCache::getInstance($this->cache_expire, $this->cache_params);
- }
- public function getAvailableCache($return_format='html'){//returns the available cache
- $avCaches = array();
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_EACCELERATOR,function_exists('eaccelerator_get'));
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_APC, function_exists('apc_fetch')) ;
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_XCACHE, function_exists('xcache_get'));
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHE, class_exists('Memcache'));
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_MEMCACHED, class_exists('Memcached'));
- $avCaches[] = array(self::CACHE_TYPE_FILE, class_exists('fileCache'));
- if ($return_format == 'html') {
- $ret = '<ul>';
- foreach ($avCaches as $c) {
- $ret .= '<li>' . $c[0] . ' - ';
- if ($c[1]) $ret .= 'Found/Compatible';
- else $ret .= 'Not Found/Incompatible';
- $ret .= '</ll>';
- }
- return $ret . '</ul>';
- } else return $avCaches;
- }
- private function cacheError($msg){//triggers error
- trigger_error('<br /><b>wrapperCache error</b>: '.$msg.
- '<br />If you want you can try with \'auto\' for auto select a compatible cache.
- <br />Or choose a supported cache from list:'.$this->getAvailableCache(), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- }
- <?php
- /*
- * Name: fileCache
- fileCache::getInstance(3600,'E:\www\cache\\')->cache('key','value');
- * Notes: fileCache class, caches variables in standalone files if value is too long or uses unique file for small ones
- */
- class fileCache {
- private $cache_path;//path for the cache
- private $cache_expire;//seconds that the cache expires
- private $application=array();//application object like in ASP
- private $application_file;//file for the application object
- private $application_write=false;//if application write is true means there was changes and we need to write the app file
- private $debug=false; //no debug by default
- private $log=array();//log for the debug system
- private $start_time=0;//application start time
- private static $content_size=64;//this is the max size can be used in APP cache if bigger writes independent file
- private static $instance;//Instance of this class
- // Always returns only one instance
- public static function getInstance($exp_time=3600,$path='cache/'){
- if (!isset(self::$instance)){//doesn't exists the isntance
- self::$instance = new self($exp_time,$path);//goes to the constructor
- }
- return self::$instance;
- }
- //cache constructor, optional expiring time and cache path
- private function __construct($exp_time,$path){
- $this->start_time=microtime(true);//time starts
- $this->cache_expire=$exp_time;
- if ( ! is_writable($path) ) trigger_error('Path not writable:'.$path);
- else $this->cache_path=$path;
- $this->APP_start();//starting application cache
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- $this->addLog('destruct');
- $this->APP_write();//on destruct we write if needed
- $this->returnDebug();
- }
- // Prevent users to clone the instance
- public function __clone(){
- trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- //deletes cache from folder
- public function deleteCache($older_than=''){
- $this->addLog('delete cache');
- if (!is_numeric($older_than)) $older_than=0;
- $files = scandir($this->cache_path);
- foreach($files as $file){
- if (strlen($file)>2 && time() > (filemtime($this->cache_path.$file) + $older_than) ) {
- unlink($this->cache_path.$file);//echo "<br />-".$file;
- $this->addLog('delete cache file:'.$this->cache_path.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- //writes or reads the cache
- public function cache($key, $value=''){
- if ($value!=''){//wants to write
- if (strlen(serialize($value)) > 64 ){//write independent file it's a big result
- $this->addLog('cache function write in file key:'. $key);
- $this->put($key, $value);
- }else{
- $this->addLog('cache function write in APP key:'. $key);
- $this->APP($key,$value);//write in the APP cache
- }
- }else{//reading value
- if ( $this->APP($key)!=null ){
- $this->addLog('cache function read APP key:'. $key);
- return $this->APP($key);//returns from app cache
- }else{
- $this->addLog('cache function read file key:'. $key);
- return $this->get($key);//returns from file cache
- }
- }
- }
- //deletes a key from cache
- public function delete($name){
- if ( $this->APP($name)!=null ){//unset the APP var
- $this->addLog('unset APP key:'. $name);
- unset($this->application[md5($name)]);
- $this->application_write=true;//says that we have changes to later save the APP
- }elseif ( file_exists($this->fileName($name)) ){//unlink filename
- $this->addLog('unset File key:'. $name);
- unlink($this->fileName($name));
- }
- }
- // Overloading for the variables and automatically cached
- public function __set($name, $value) {
- $this->cache($name, $value);
- }
- public function __get($name) {
- return $this->cache($name);
- }
- public function __isset($name) {//echo "Is '$name' set?\n"
- $this->addLog('isset key:'. $name);
- $value=$this->cache($name);
- return isset($value);
- }
- public function __unset($name) {//echo "Unsetting '$name'\n";
- $this->delete($name);
- }
- //end overloads
- //////////Cache for files individually///////////////////
- //creates new cache files with the given data, $key== name of the cache, data the info/values to store
- private function put($key, $data){
- if ( $this->get($key)!= $data ){//only write if it's different
- $values = serialize($data);
- $filename = $this->fileName($key);
- $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
- if ($file){//able to create the file
- $this->addLog('writting key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- fwrite($file, $values);
- fclose($file);
- }
- else $this->addLog('unable to write key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- }//end if different
- }
- //returns cache for the given key
- private function get($key){
- $filename = $this->fileName($key);
- if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)){//can't read the cache
- $this->addLog('can\'t read key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- return null;
- }
- if ( time() < (filemtime($filename) + $this->cache_expire) ) {//cache for the key not expired
- $file = fopen($filename, 'r');// read data file
- if ($file){//able to open the file
- $data = fread($file, filesize($filename));
- fclose($file);
- $this->addLog('reading key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- return unserialize($data);//return the values
- }else{
- $this->addLog('unable to read key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- return null;
- }
- }else{
- $this->addLog('expired key: '.$key.' file: '.$filename);
- unlink($filename);
- return null;//was expired you need to create new
- }
- }
- //returns the filename for the cache
- private function fileName($key){
- return $this->cache_path.md5($key);
- }
- //////////END Cache for files individually///////////////////
- //////////Cache for APP variables///////////////////
- //load variables from the file
- private function APP_start ($app_file='application'){
- $this->application_file=$app_file;
- if (file_exists($this->cache_path.$this->application_file)){ // if data file exists, load the cached variables
- //erase the cache every X minutes
- $app_time=filemtime($this->cache_path.$this->application_file)+$this->cache_expire;
- if (time()>$app_time){
- $this->addLog('deleting APP file: '.$this->cache_path.$this->application_file);
- unlink ($this->cache_path.$this->application_file);//erase the cache
- }else{//not expired
- $filesize=filesize($this->cache_path.$this->application_file);
- if ($filesize>0){
- $file = fopen($this->cache_path.$this->application_file, 'r');// read data file
- if ($file){
- $this->addLog('reading APP file: '.$this->cache_path.$this->application_file);
- $data = fread($file, $filesize);
- fclose($file);
- $this->application = unserialize($data);// build application variables from data file
- }//en if file could open
- }//end if file size
- }
- }else{//if the file does not exist we create it
- $this->addLog('creating APP file: '.$this->cache_path.$this->application_file);
- fopen($this->cache_path.$this->application_file, 'w');
- }
- }
- // write application data to file
- private function APP_write(){
- if ($this->application_write){
- $data = serialize($this->application);
- $file = fopen($this->cache_path.$this->application_file, 'w');
- if ($file){
- $this->addLog('writting APP file: '.$this->cache_path.$this->application_file);
- fwrite($file, $data);
- fclose($file);
- }
- }
- }
- //returns the value form APP cache or stores it
- private function APP($var,$value=''){
- if ($value!=''){//wants to write
- if (is_array($this->application)){
- if ( array_key_exists(md5($var), $this->application) ){//exist the value in the APP
- $write=false;//we don't need to wirte
- if ($this->application[md5($var)]!=$value)$write=true;//but exists and is different then we write
- }
- else $write=true;//not set we write!
- }
- else $write=false;
- if ($write){
- $this->addLog('writting APP key:'.$var);
- $this->application[md5($var)]=$value;
- $this->application_write=true;//says that we have changes to later save the APP
- }
- }else{//reading
- if ( !is_array($this->application) || ! array_key_exists(md5($var), $this->application) ){
- $this->addLog('nothing found for APP key:'.$var);
- return null;//nothing found not in array
- }else{
- $this->addLog('reading APP key:'.$var);
- return $this->application[md5($var)];//return value
- }
- }
- }
- //////////End Cache for APP variables///////////////////
- ////DEBUG
- //sets debug on or off
- public function setDebug($state){
- $this->debug=(bool) $state;
- }
- public function returnDebug($type='HTML'){
- if ($this->debug){
- switch($type){
- case 'array':
- return $this->log;
- break;
- case 'HTML'://returns debug as HTML
- echo '<ol>';
- foreach($this->log as $key=>$value){//loop in the log var
- echo '<li>'.$value.'</li>';
- }
- echo '</ol>';
- break;
- }
- }
- else return false;
- }
- //add debug log
- public function addLog($value){
- if ($this->debug){//only if debug enabled
- array_push($this->log, round((microtime(true) - $this->start_time),5).'s - '. $value);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>