如何使用 Cdosys.dll 库使用ASP发送邮件带附件

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'Collaboration Data Objects, version 1.2.1(CDO)
'-----------------第一步    创建对象 cdosys.dll  cdoex.dll-------------
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<!--geovindu@gmail.com 2007-08-10 Systems Solution for fund flow,and Information flow, and Talent people flow, and Material flow, and Control flow, and Human Resource.Applied software development, design and service。

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<title>cdo send mail</title>

'-----------------第一步    创建对象-------------
Dim oMsg
Set oMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
'-----------------第二步    进行设置-------------
oMsg.From = "geovindu@dupcit.com"        '设置发信人的邮箱
oMsg.To = "geovindu@gmail.com"     '设置收信人的邮箱
oMsg.Subject = "这是邮件标题CDO發郵件測試"
oMsg.CC = """geovindu-1"" <ginhongzhao@163.com>, ""geovindu-2"" <geovindu@126.com>"
oMsg.BCC = """geovindu-1"" <ginhongzhao@gmail.com>, ""geovindu-2"" <geovindu@163.com>"

Dim strHTML
strHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" ""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"">"
strHTML = strHTML & "<html xmlns=""http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"">"
strHTML = strHTML & "  <head>"
strHTML = strHTML & "    <title>嵌入图片和其它文件</title>"
strHTML = strHTML & "  </head>"
strHTML = strHTML & "  <body><p>"
strHTML = strHTML & "   <img src=""cid:previous.png""></p><p>嵌入一幅图片</p><a href=http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG1AA-Conformance target=_blank>geovindu</a>"
strHTML = strHTML & "  </body>"
strHTML = strHTML & "</html>"
oMsg.HTMLBody = strHTML
oMsg.AddRelatedBodyPart "C:/Documents and Settings/geovindu/My Documents/My Pictures/previous.png", "previous.png", cdoRefTypeId
'oMsg.TextBody = "这是邮件正文,可以多写一点!!!"
'-----------------第三步    远程配置-------------
Dim oConfig,strNameSpace
Set oConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
strNameSpace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "smtpserver") = "mail.dupcit.com"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "smtpserverport") = 25
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "smtpaccountname") = "geovindu@dupcit"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "sendemailaddress") = "geovindu@dupcit.com"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "smtpauthenticate") = 1
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "sendusername") = "geovindu@dupcit.com"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "sendpassword") = "password"
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "Smtpusessl") = False
oConfig.Fields(strNameSpace & "sendusing") = 2
oConfig.Fields.Update()                        '使配置生效
Set oMsg.Configuration = oConfig             '赋给oMsg.Configuration属性
'-----------------第四步    执行发送-------------
Set oMsg = Nothing     '发送成功后释放对象



上一篇:如何使用 Cdosys.dll 库使用 Visual C# 中发送电子邮件带有附件接收邮件

下一篇:C#2.0 数字“0”是有一道斜线,打印虚线,Pos打印