

YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file.centos6 yum

Can't locate Verilog/Netlist.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /

两个错误,首先解决第一个,参考直接https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45621658/article/details/110734514     这个帖子,安装了阿里云的镜像,然后yum -y install perl-Verilog-Netlist,想要安装Verilog::Netlist,结果并不能找到这个package,便去github上找是否是别人开源的东西,https://github.com/veripool/verilog-perl/blob/master/README.pod在这里找到,并根据README的提示,进行了安装,文件用git clone下来的,方法如下,流程走了一遍,安装了一些依赖,最后成功安装perl-Verilog,并能够编译带Verilog::Netlist的脚本。

Manual Installation from Repository
Option 2: Build any version using the source development repository with:

git clone http://git.veripool.org/git/Verilog-Perl  # Only first time
cd Verilog-Perl
git pull        # Make sure we're up-to-date
git tag         # See what versions exist (recent GITs only)
#git checkout master      # Use development branch (e.g. recent bug fix)
#git checkout stable      # Use most recent release
#git checkout v{version}  # Switch to specified release version

perl Makefile.PL
# Ignore warning about README, this file will be generated
make test
make install


