
select sname,city
from s

select pname,color,weight
from p

select distinct jno
from spj
where sno='s1'

select pname,qty
from spj,p
where jno='j2' and spj.pno=p.pno

select distinct pno
from s,spj
where city='上海' and s.sno=spj.sno

select distinct pno
from spj
where sno in(select sno
             from s
             where city='上海'

select distinct jname
from spj,j
where sno in(select sno
             from s
             where city='上海'
     and spj.jno=j.jno

select distinct jname
from j,spj,s
where j.jno=spj.jno and spj.sno=s.sno and s.city='上海'

select distinct jname
from j
where jno in(select jno
             from s,spj
             where spj.sno=s.sno and city='上海'

select jno
from j
where jno not in(select jno
                 from spj
                 where sno in(select sno
                              from s
                              where city='天津'

select jno
from j
where not exists(select *
                 from spj
                 where spj.jno=j.jno
                   and sno in(select sno
                              from s
                              where city='天津'

select s.sno,sname,SUM(qty)
from spj,s
where spj.sno=s.sno
group by s.sno,sname

