Oracle使用平衡树(B-tree)存储索引以便提升数据访问速度。当不使用索引时,用户必须对数据进行顺序扫描(sequential scan)来查找指定的值。如果有 n 行数据,那么平均需要扫描的行为 n/2。因此当数据量增长时,这种方法的开销将显著增长。
如果将一个已排序的值列(list of the values)划分为多个区间(range),每个区间的末尾包含指向下个区间的指针(pointer),而搜索树(search tree)中则保存指向每个区间的指针。此时在 n 行数据中查询一个值所需的时间为 log(n)。这就是 Oracle索引的基本原理。
下图显示了平衡树索引(B-tree index)的结构:
在一个平衡树索引(B-tree index)中,最底层的索引块(叶块(leaf block))存储了被索引的数据值,以及对应的 rowid。叶块之间以双向链表的形式相互连接。位于叶块之上的索引块被称为分支块,分枝块中包含了指向下层索引块的指针。如果被索引的列存储的是字符数据,那么索引值为这些字符数据在当前数据库字符集中的二进制值。
对于唯一索引,每个索引值对应着唯一的一个 rowid。对于非唯一索引,每个索引值对应着多个已排序的 rowid。因此在非唯一索引中,索引数据是按照索引键(index key)及 rowid 共同排序的。键值(key value)全部为 NULL 的行不会被索引,只有位图索引(bitmap index)和簇索引(cluster index)例外。在数据表中,如果两个数据行的全部键值都为 NULL,也不会与唯一索引相冲突。
1、用于搜索的分支块(branch block)
2、用于存储索引数据的叶块(leaf block)
包含 n 个键值的分支块含有 n+1 个指针。键值及指针的数量同时还受索引块容量的限制。
1、数据行的键值(key value) 。
2、键值对应数据行的 ROWID 。
所有的 键值-ROWID 对都与其左右的兄弟节点向链接,并按照(key,ROWID)的顺序排序。
平衡树数据结构(B-tree structure)具有以下优势:
2、平衡树索引(B-tree index)能够自动保持平。
3、平衡树内的所有块的使用容量平均在块总容量的 3/4 左右。
2.1 B*tree索引的物理结构
SQL>create table test as select * from dba_objects; SQL>create index ind_object_name on test(object_name); SQL>select index_name,s.blevel from user_indexes s where s.index_name=‘IND_OBJECT_NAME‘; INDEX_NAME BLEVEL ------------------------------ ---------- IND_OBJECT_NAME 2 SQL>select object_id from dba_objects s where s.object_name=‘IND_OBJECT_NAME‘; OBJECT_ID ---------- 73522 SQL>alter session set events ‘immediate trace name treedump level 73522‘; 会话已更改。 在trace的目录中找到对应的dump文件
第一个0的意思是position within previous level block(starting at -1 except root starting
at 0),翻译root是从0开始,其他的从-1开始;
number of all index entries
rrows: number of current
index entries 当前索引的数量;
level: branch block level(leaf block implicitly 0)
--begin tree dump branch: 0x1002ab3 16788147 (0: nrow: 3, level: 2) branch: 0x1002f04 16789252 (-1: nrow: 244, level: 1) leaf: 0x1002ab4 16788148 (-1: nrow: 187 rrow: 187) leaf: 0x1002ab5 16788149 (0: nrow: 181 rrow: 181) leaf: 0x1002ab6 16788150 (1: nrow: 183 rrow: 183) leaf: 0x1002ab7 16788151 (2: nrow: 185 rrow: 185) leaf: 0x1002ab8 16788152 (3: nrow: 187 rrow: 187) leaf: 0x1002ab9 16788153 (4: nrow: 189 rrow: 189) leaf: 0x1002aba 16788154 (5: nrow: 190 rrow: 190) ..................................省略部分内容..................................... ----- end tree dump select dbms_utility.data_block_address_file(16788154) "file", dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(16788154) "block" from dual; file block ---------- ---------- 4 10938 alter system dump datafile 4 block 10938; Dump的内容: row#0[7996] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=40 col 0; len 30; (30): 2f 31 30 30 30 33 32 33 64 5f 44 65 6c 65 67 61 74 65 49 6e 76 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 48 61 col 1; len 6; (6): 01 00 26 65 00 3e row#1[7956] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=40 col 0; len 30; (30): 2f 31 30 30 30 33 32 33 64 5f 44 65 6c 65 67 61 74 65 49 6e 76 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 48 61 col 1; len 6; (6): 01 00 26 65 00 3f row#2[7916] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=40 col 0; len 30; (30): 2f 31 30 30 30 33 32 33 64 5f 44 65 6c 65 67 61 74 65 49 6e 76 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 48 61 col 1; len 6; (6): 01 00 2b 69 00 0c row#3[7876] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=40 col 0; len 30; (30): 2f 31 30 30 30 33 32 33 64 5f 44 65 6c 65 67 61 74 65 49 6e 76 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 48 61 col 1; len 6; (6): 01 00 2b 69 00 0d row#4[7836] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=40 col 0; len 30; (30): 2f 31 30 30 30 65 38 64 31 5f 4c 69 6e 6b 65 64 48 61 73 68 4d 61 70 56 61 6c 75 65 49 74 col 1; len 6; (6): 01 00 27 08 00 32 select chr(to_number(‘2f‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘31‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘30‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘30‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘30‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘33‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘32‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘33‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘64‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘5f‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘44‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; select chr(to_number(‘65‘,‘xx‘)) from dual; 01 00 27 08 00 32 如何转换为rowid请见: http://blog.csdn.net/stevendbaguo/article/details/8215225
SQL> select s.index_name, s.clustering_factor, s.num_rows, s.blevel,s.leaf_blocks from user_indexes s 2 where s.table_name = ‘DIM_DEPT‘; INDEX_NAME CLUSTERING_FACTOR NUM_ROWS BLEVEL ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------- LEAF_BLOCKS ----------- IDX_DIM_DEPT3 111 889 1 3
2.3 B*Tree索引的三大特征
Drop table t1 purge; Drop table t2 purge; Drop table t3 purge; Drop table t4 purge; Drop table t5 purge; Drop table t6 purge; Drop table t7 purge; create table t1 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=5; create table t2 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=50; create table t3 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=500; create table t4 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=5000; create table t5 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=50000; create table t6 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=500000; create table t7 as select rownum as id,rownum+1 as id2 from dual connect by level <=5000000; Create unique index ind_id_t1 on t1(id); Create unique index ind_id_t2 on t2(id); Create unique index ind_id_t3 on t3(id); Create unique index ind_id_t4 on t4(id); Create unique index ind_id_t5 on t5(id); Create unique index ind_id_t6 on t6(id); Create unique index ind_id_t7 on t7(id); Select segment_name,bytes/1024||’K’ from user_segments where segment_name like ‘IND_ID_T%‘; Select index_name,blevel,leaf_blocks,num_rows,distinct_keys,clustering_factor from user_indexes where index_name like ‘IND_ID_T%‘;
Set autotrace traceonly Select * from t4 where id=100; Select * from t7 where id=100; Drop index ind_id_t4; Drop index ind_id_t7; Select * from t4 where id=100; Select * from t7 where id=100;
- Count(*)的优化
Drop table test purge; Create table test as select * from dba_objects; Create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); Set autotrace traceonly Select count(*) from test; Select count(*) from test where object_id is not null; Alter table test modify object_id not null; Select count(*) from test;
- Sum/avg的优化
Drop table test purge; Create table test as select * from dba_objects; Create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); Set autotrace traceonly Select sum(object_id) from test; Select sum(object_id)from test where object_id is not null; Alter table test modify object_id not null; Select sum(object_id)from test;
- Max/min的优化及陷阱
Drop table test purge; Create table test as select * from dba_objects; Create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); Set autotrace traceonly Select max(object_id) from test; Drop table t_max purge; Create table t_max as select * from dba_objects; Insert into t_max select * from dba_objects; Insert into t_max select * from dba_objects; Insert into t_max select * from dba_objects; Insert into t_max select * from dba_objects; Insert into t_max select * from dba_objects; Commit; Create index ind_t_max on t_max(object_id); Select count(*) from t_max; Select max(object_id) from test; Set autotrace traceonly Select min(object_id),max(object_id) from t_max; Alter table t_max modify object_id not null; Select min(object_id),max(object_id) from t_max; Select (Select min(object_id) from t_max), (Select max(object_id) from t_max) from dual;
- 索引回表与优化
drop table test purge; create table test as select *from dba_objects; create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); set autotrace traceonly select * from test where object_id <100; select object_id from test where object_id <100;
- Order by 排序优化
Drop table test purge; create table test as select *from dba_objects; select * from test where object_id <100 order by object_id; create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); select * from test where object_id <100 order by object_id;
- Distinct 排重优化
Drop table test purge; create table test as select *from dba_objects; Alter table test modify object_id not null; select distinct object_id from test; create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); select /*+index(test)*/distinct object_id from test;
- 索引全扫描和快速扫描
Drop table test purge; create table test as select *from dba_objects; Alter table test modify object_id not null; create index ind_object_id on test(object_id); Select count(*) from test; Select object_id from test order by object_id; Select max(object_id) from test order by object_id;
- Union 合并的优化(union和union all的区别)
drop table test1 purge; Drop table test2 purge; create table test1 as select *from dba_objects where object_type=‘SYNONYM‘; create table test2 as select *from dba_objects where object_type=‘JAVA CLASS‘; Alter table test1 modify object_id not null; Alter table test2 modify object_id not null; select object_id from test1 union select object_id from test2; create index ind_object_id1 on test1(object_id); create index ind_object_id2 on test2(object_id); select object_id from test1 union select object_id from test2; select /*+index(test1)*/object_id from test1 union select /*+index(test2)*/object_id from test2; select object_id from test1 union all select object_id from test2;
在有些场景下,几个结果集是没有重复的集合进行union,此时用union all可以消除排序。