





常量 对象
0 未知类型(Unknown)
esriGeometryPoint 1 点(Point)
esriGeometryMultipoint 2 多点(Multipoint)
esriGeometryLine 13 线段(Line)
esriGeometryCircularArc 14 圆弧(CircularArc)
esriGeometryEllipticArc 16 椭圆弧(EllipticArc)
esriGeometryBezier3Curve 15 贝兹曲线(BezierCurve)
esriGeometryPath 6 路径(Path)
esriGeometryPolyline 3 多段线(Polyline)
esriGeometryRing 11 环(Ring)
esriGeometryPolygon 4 多边形(Polygon)
esriGeometryEnvelope 5 外包(Envelope)
esriGeometryAny 7 任何类型(Any valid geometry)
esriGeometryBag 17 任意几何类型的集合(GeometryBag)
esriGeometryMultiPatch 9 表面几何(MultiPatch)
esriGeometryTriangleStrip 18 三角带(TriangleStrip)
esriGeometryTriangleFan 19 三角扇形(TriangleFan)
esriGeometryRay 20 射线(Ray)
esriGeometrySphere 21 球体(Sphere)
esriGeometryTriangles 22 三角形(Triangles)






常量 描述 对象
Polygons, polylines, and points representing objects or places that have area, such as water bodies; linear objects, such as rivers; and localized positions, such as houses or sample sites.
Simple Feature.
esriFTSimpleJunction 7
Simple junction feature in a geometric network representing point objects, such as a fuse, service point, or telephone pole.
Simple Junction Feature.
esriFTSimpleEdge 8
Simple edge feature in a geometric network representing polyline objects, such as primary or secondary overheads.
Simple Edge Feature.
esriFTComplexJunction 9
Complex junction feature in a geometric network, not in general use.
Complex Junction Feature.
esriFTComplexEdge 10
Complex edge feature in a geometric network representing polyline objects such as primary overheads, which have midspan connectivity. Network resources flow through complex edge without interruption by midspan connectivity.
Complex Edge Feature.
esriFTAnnotation 11
Place or object names or identifiers, such as street names, hydrant ID numbers, land values, or elevation.
Annotation Feature.
esriFTCoverageAnnotation 12
Place or object names or identifiers, such as street names, hydrant ID numbers, land values, or elevation. Not supported in geodatabases, only supported in coverage datasets.
Coverage Annotation Feature.
esriFTDimension 13
Measurements, such as distances, lengths, widths, and depths.
Dimension Feature.
esriFTRasterCatalogItem 14
A raster dataset in a raster catalog that has information, such as footprints, names, metadata, and any other user-defined attributes.
Raster Catalog Item.
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