
第一步:安装HMR中间件: npm install --save-dev webpack-hot-middleware   第二步:webpack配置中引入webpack对象     const webpack = require('webpack’);   第三步:增加devServer配置项:     hot: true   第四步:增加热模块替换插件:     new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()   注意: 1、ExtractTextPlugin插件可能会导致HMR无效。   另外,还可以通过使用web-dev-server —hotOnly参数来启用HMR。   参考官网链接: https://webpack.js.org/guides/hot-module-replacement/ https://github.com/webpack-contrib/webpack-hot-middleware   React、Vue、Angular相关技术,请参考以下内容:
  • React Hot Loader: Tweak react components in real time.
  • Vue Loader: This loader supports HMR for vue components out of the box.
  • Elm Hot Loader: Supports HMR for the Elm programming language.
  • Angular HMR: No loader necessary! A simple change to your main NgModule file is all that's required to have full control over the HMR APIs.
上一篇:让 F5 歇一会儿——Laravel-mix 自动刷新之道
