- ECCV 2018
- https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Bolei_Zhou_Temporal_Relational_Reasoning_ECCV_2018_paper.pdf
- link meaningful transformations
- supervised activity recognition
- sample frames in a certain interval!
1 Introduction
- recognize the temporal relation and deduce what has happened
- activity, short-term, long-term
- still frames, optical flow: √
- other: struggle, limited
- multiple scales
1.1 related work
- activity recognition, core problem
- two stream, short-term motions
- 3D conv
- robot object manipulation, inverse dynamics model
2 Temporal Relation Networks
- pairwise temporal relation
- sample pairs, 2-frame
- 2-frame
- accumulate, d frames
3 Experiments
- from ResNet
- e.g. 174 classes