[paper reading][ECCV 2018] Temporal Relational Reasoning in Videos

1 Introduction

  • recognize the temporal relation and deduce what has happened
  • activity, short-term, long-term
  • still frames, optical flow: √
    • other: struggle, limited
  • multiple scales
  • activity recognition, core problem
  • two stream, short-term motions
  • 3D conv
  • robot object manipulation, inverse dynamics model

2 Temporal Relation Networks

  • pairwise temporal relation
  • sample pairs, 2-frame
  • 2-frame
  • accumulate, d frames

3 Experiments

  • from ResNet
  • e.g. 174 classes
    [paper reading][ECCV 2018] Temporal Relational Reasoning in Videos

下一篇:FFMPEG 用 start_number 和 frames:v 指定图片序列开始和结束帧