[db2inst1@db22 adm]$ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2pd -version -osinfo
Instance db2inst1 uses 64 bits and DB2 code release SQL11011
with level identifier 0202010F
Informational tokens are DB2 v11.1.1.1, s1612051900, DYN1612051900AMD64, Fix Pack 1.
Operating System Information:
OSName: Linux
NodeName: db22.com
Version: 2
Release: 6
Machine: x86_64
Distros: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.4
CPU Information:
TotalCPU OnlineCPU ConfigCPU Speed(MHz) HMTDegree Cores/Socket
1 1 1 2294 1 1
Physical Memory and Swap (Megabytes):
TotalMem FreeMem AvailMem TotalSwap FreeSwap
1304 88 n/a 2048 1957
Virtual Memory (Megabytes):
Total Reserved Available Free
3352 n/a n/a 2045
Message Queue Information:
MsgSeg MsgMax MsgMap MsgMni MsgTql MsgMnb MsgSsz
n/a 65536 65536 2598 65536 65536 16
Shared Memory Information:
ShmMax ShmMin ShmIds ShmSeg
68719476736 1 4096 4096
Semaphore Information:
SemMap SemMni SemMns SemMnu SemMsl SemOpm SemUme SemUsz SemVmx SemAem
256000 1024 256000 256000 250 32 n/a 20 32767 32767
CPU Load Information:
Short Medium Long
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000