改函数主要是从URL中获取参数例如 sssss.html?cur=aaa&ref=cccc
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_querystr(in_str In Varchar2,in_key varchar2, in_separator In Varchar2) RETURN varchar2 as v_keyindex Number:=0; v_sepindex number:=0; v_str varchar2(4000); begin v_str:=in_str; IF in_str IS NOT NULL and in_key is not null AND in_separator IS NOT NULL and instr(v_str,in_key)<>0 THEN if instr(v_str,in_key)<>0 then v_keyindex:=instr(v_str,in_key)+length(in_key)+1; --KEY的长度加上等号的长度 end if; if in_key=‘cururl‘ then --特殊处理 if instr(v_str,‘ref‘,v_keyindex-1)<>0 then v_sepindex:=instr(v_str,‘ref‘,v_keyindex-1)-1; else v_sepindex:=length(v_str)+1; end if; elsif in_key<>‘ref‘ then --特殊处理 if instr(v_str,in_separator,v_keyindex-1)<>0 then v_sepindex:=instr(v_str,in_separator,v_keyindex-1); else v_sepindex:=length(v_str)+1; end if; else v_sepindex:=length(v_str)+1; end if; if v_keyindex=v_sepindex then return ‘‘; else if in_key=‘hot‘ then v_str:=substr(v_str,v_keyindex,v_sepindex-v_keyindex); v_sepindex:=instr(v_str,‘_‘,1); if v_sepindex>0 then return substr(v_str,0,v_sepindex-1); else return v_str; end if; else return substr(v_str,v_keyindex,v_sepindex-v_keyindex); end if; end if; END IF; return ‘‘; end;