在SAP Commerce CCv2 上 build 和部署 Spartacus 2.0 的一些问题



The angular 8 based file layout contains a dist folder with all the application build files in a subfolder. The SSR entry file (server.js) has been stored in the dist folder.

(note: the main.js in the test-app-server is an intermediate build file and not used in ccv2 build/deploy).

在SAP Commerce CCv2 上 build 和部署 Spartacus 2.0 的一些问题

The difference in the angular 9 based applications is that the client rendering and server rendering are separated in two named folders.

在SAP Commerce CCv2 上 build 和部署 Spartacus 2.0 的一些问题

在Angular 9里, server.ts和index.html分别位于不同的嵌套文件夹之下了。上图的main.js只是intermediate build file, ccv2的部署没有用到这个文件。

什么是 CCV2 的 user session failover 问题

That means a user session created in one pod doesn’t get updated in other pods and it causes all sorts of hell. :man_in_lotus_position:

We don’t see session failover issues with cx suite being deployed in Linux with only one tenant.

Only in CCV2 environments.

(backend issue basically)

