UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重)

Xiaoming wants to make a special ruler, which can directly measure several given lengths. Xiaoming hopes to find a way, making the scale on ruler as few as possible, while for a given length, there exists two scales on ruler and the distance between the two scales is equal to the given length. For scales as few as possible, we also hope the length of ruler as short as possible to save the material cost.


Input contains several cases. Each case has two lines. The first line is an integer n ( UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重) n UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重) 50) to specify how many given lengths need to measure. The second line contains n integers d1d2,...dn, indicating the length values respectively ( UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重) di UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重) 106i UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重) [1, n]).

The last case is followed by a line containing a zero.


For each case, output three lines. The first line contains the case number. The second line is an integer Mto specify the minimized number of scales needed. The third line is M integers to specify the distance between the leftmost scales and the other M scales respectively.

Note: output scales in ascending order, the first number is always 0. You can assume that M won‘t exceed 7.

Sample Input 

5 15 20 25 35 40

Sample Output 

Case 1:
0 5 25 40


思路:BFS + 状态判重。每个尺子要测量刻度肯定由当前有的刻度去加或减可以得到一个新刻度,然后新刻度可以和其他的得到一些可以测量的刻度,注意M不会大于7,也就是说虽然题目说测量50个刻度,实际上只有C72,21个刻度,有很多重复的,这使得搜索时间复杂度不会太高。不过题目还有个条件,就是做出来的尺子最大刻度不能超过要测量的最大刻度,这点题目没说,WA了,还是看了别人题解才知道。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
using namespace std;

const int MAXN = 1000005;

int N, n, id[MAXN], d[25], cas = 0, Max, vis[2222222];

struct S {
	int state;
} p;

void init() {
	int D; n = 0; ans.clear();
	memset(id, 0, sizeof(id));
	memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		scanf("%d", &D);
		if (!id[D]) {
			d[n++] = D;
			id[D] = 1;
	sort(d, d + n);
	Max = d[n - 1];
	memset(id, -1, sizeof(id));
	for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
		id[d[j]] = j;

void BFS() {
	p.ans.clear(); p.ans.insert(0); p.state = 0;
	while (!Q.empty()) {
		p = Q.front(); Q.pop();	
		if (p.state == (1<<n) - 1) {
			if (ans.size() == 0) {
				ans = p.ans;
			else {
				if (ans.size() < p.ans.size()) return;
				else if (ans.size() > p.ans.size()) ans = p.ans;
				else {
					if (*ans.rbegin() > *p.ans.rbegin())
						ans = p.ans;
		if (p.ans.size() == 7) continue;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if ((p.state&(1<<i))) continue;
			for (set<int>::iterator it = p.ans.begin(); it != p.ans.end(); it++) {
				if (*it > d[i]) {
					S q = p;
					int sum = *it - d[i];
					for (set<int>::iterator it2 = q.ans.begin(); it2 != q.ans.end(); it2++) {
						int nu = abs(*it2 - sum);
						if (id[nu] == -1) continue;
						q.state = (q.state|(1<<id[nu]));
					if (!vis[q.state]) {
						vis[q.state] = 1;
				if (*it + d[i] <= Max) {
					S q = p;
					int sum = *it + d[i];
					for (set<int>::iterator it2 = q.ans.begin(); it2 != q.ans.end(); it2++) {
						int nu = abs(*it2 - sum);
						if (id[nu] == -1) continue;
						q.state = (q.state|(1<<id[nu]));
					if (!vis[q.state]) {
						vis[q.state] = 1;

void solve() {
	BFS(); int bo = 0;
	printf("Case %d:\n%d\n", ++cas, ans.size());
	for (set<int>::iterator it = ans.begin(); it != ans.end(); it++) {
		if (bo++) printf(" ");
		printf("%d", *it);

int main() {
	while (~scanf("%d", &N) && N) {
	return 0;

UVA 1377 - Ruler(BFS + 状态判重)

