关于Fiori application里取Account image的Odata request是否会阻塞UI的问题讨论

From: Wang, Jerry

Sent: Friday, 19 June, 2015 4:31 PM

Subject: RE: [Follow up] Why the synchronous request did not BLOCK the UI

Hi all,

这个issue很有意思,昨天和德国同事开会时,他们问我们为什么我们code里写的odata request是同步的,但是并没有block 住UI。当时我没答上来,因为确实我看起来也是没block UI。

今天我做了研究,通过图表和视频 理直气壮地告诉他们:代码没问题,是我们眼睛犯错了。视频在下面的share folder里。研究思路在下面的邮件里。

Please read more detail from Jerry’s mail.

Jerry’s analysis process


关于Fiori application里取Account image的Odata request是否会阻塞UI的问题讨论

Then I test in UI with this modified Odata implementation. Now as expected it took around 13 seconds to get the returned image url.

During this timeframe, UI is completely freezed: end user does not have any chances to click anything in UI.

Synchronous mode

Afterwards the synchronous behavior is quite obvious now. I click one item in navigation list to trigger the synchronous request for Image url retrieval. And after that, I cannot do any operation on UI - it is completely freezed.

关于Fiori application里取Account image的Odata request是否会阻塞UI的问题讨论


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