


我在朋友圈还打出 180 天前端逆袭计划 的口号 ,但是自己又总有些踌躇不定。上次写的 CSS 学习笔记我都已经忘记了—— CSS布局之水平居中布局

偶然在 Medium 看到了一篇文章,比较认同作者 Lucas F. LuThe Correct Way To Begin Learning How To Code 一文中的观点,遂于作者取得联系,申请翻译许可。




  • 一我英语真的差,因为学习编程的缘故,不怕英语而已,不怕并不代表我会,但是不怕英语,我就可以迈出第一步。
  • 效率问题。这样就不会去逐字逐句去研究,在我的英语基础上,能够最高效率地完成翻译一篇英文文章的任务。
  • 学习英语呗。这也是逐步学习英语的一种方式。


So, I have taken the first step and decided to fiddle the idea of programming, now what?



A guide for anyone to start writing codes


First and foremost, I would like you to answer yourself the question of “WHY?”.


Many people dive straight into learning without even knowing why they are doing so. I mean, people often don’t have a clue of what they want to do with this newly learned skill after they completed the course. They just thought they needed the knowledge.


This is essentially important in my point of view as it could waste a vast amount of energy and time when studying for the wrong cause. So, please take a pause and think about how you are going to use what you are about to learn.


Allow me to demonstrate why knowing how to use your knowledge is crucial before knowing them.


There are different programming languages on the market because they are designed for different types of works. The subject of programming actually covers many different fields and each field involves a different working environment, different language and design flow. For example,If you are interested in mobile app development, you would be better off learning Objective-C, swift (for Apple platform) or Java (for android platform).

市场上有不同的编程语言,因为它们是为不同类型的作品设计的。编程主题实际上涵盖了许多不同的领域,并且每个领域都涉及不同的工作环境,不同的语言和设计流程。例如,如果您对移动应用程序开发感兴趣,那么最好学习Objective-C,swift(对于 Apple 平台)或 Java(对于 android 平台)。

If desktop software is your thing, then C, C++, .Net could be your choice.

如果您喜欢台式机软件,那么可以选择 C,C ++ 和 .Net。

If you fancy the idea of building websites, then perhaps PHP is your scope of learning.


If you only like to work at the front-end of websites, then maybe JavaScript, CSS, HTML is what you need.

如果您只喜欢网站的前端工作,则可能需要学习 JavaScript,CSS,HTML。

If you like to stay ahead of the web development trend and be at the edge of the technology, then perhaps at the time of this writing, React, Vue.js, Web Assembly is your target.

如果您想保持 Web 开发趋势的领先地位并处于技术前沿,那么在撰写本文时,也许React,Vue.js 和 Web Assembly 是您的目标。

If you want to be a hardcore developer and wanting to build hardware drivers, 3D graphics, or even robots. You may want to check out C, or Python.

如果您想成为一名铁杆开发人员,并且想要构建硬件驱动程序,3D图形甚至机器人。您可能想使用 C 或 Python。

If you are furious about A.I. taking your jobs and seeking vengeance, then Python is surely your weapon of choice.

如果您对 AI 让你失去工作感到愤怒并寻求报复,那么 Python 无疑是您选择的武器。

It is important to know that you don’t need to master everything that’s out there. People with a clear understanding of their field of work often are experts in a few languages and super effective at what they work on.


As you can see, knowing the field of work helps you set your career path before you blindly decide to learn anything you find on the internet. Take a moment, find out what interests you and pick a field to learn.


After all, it is a joy to work on something you are passionate about and for an industry you are interested in.



  • 学习编程,要知道你的目标,有了清晰的目标,就能反向推导出你所需要的技能。
  • 编程是为了解决问题。编程 = 算法 + 数据结构。算法和数据结构都是解决编程问题的手段或途径。
  • 学会编程,而不是学会编程语言。
  • 技术为商业服务。技术上的理想主义,现实上你会饿肚子。使用你掌握的编程知识去创造出商业价值,简单一点说,就是赚钱。
上一篇:只推荐一本 JavaScript 书,你推荐哪本?
