[paper reading][EMNLP 2017] A Structured Learning Approach to Temporal Relation Extraction


1 Introduction

  • timex extraction: easy
  • temporal relation: hard
  • directed temporal graph
    • nodes represent temporal entities
    • edges represent TLINKs
    • E-E TLINKs: events
    • T-T, E-T
    • focus on the E-E TLINKs
  • want to construct a temporal graph as in Fig.1
    [paper reading][EMNLP 2017] A Structured Learning Approach to Temporal Relation Extraction

2 Background

  • reduced set of relation types
  • ambiguity
  • TE3, temporal awareness
上一篇:java 异常处理

下一篇:数据库系统 Database System