同 project2 一样,project4 也是要求我们编写代码来控制 pacman 的行动来刷分。
pacman 需要根据探索到的已知信息来推断地图上的房子哪一个有食物,哪一个是鬼屋。
若两个节点间以一个单箭头连接在一起,表示其中一个节点是“因(parents)”,另一个是“果(descendants or children)”,两节点就会产生一个条件概率值。
其中,X4-->X5, X4-->X2, X5-->X2。
X4-->X5 表示: 在 X4 发生的前提下,X5 发生的概率。
3、Question 1: Bayes net structure
Question 1需要我们构造一个初始的贝叶斯网络。
在代码框架中,bayesNet.py 实现了贝叶斯网络的表示,并提供了一些贝叶斯网络的构建工具,还有一些使用示例。
# printStarterBayesNet() 给出了一些贝叶斯网络的构建例子 # This is the example V structured Bayes' net from the lecture # on Bayes' nets independence. # Constructing Bayes' nets: variables list variableList = ['Raining', 'Ballgame', 'Traffic'] # Constructing Bayes' nets, edge list: (x, y) means edge from x to y edgeTuplesList = [('Raining', 'Traffic'), ('Ballgame', 'Traffic')] # Construct the domain for each variable (a list like) variableDomainsDict = {} variableDomainsDict['Raining'] = ['yes', 'no'] variableDomainsDict['Ballgame'] = ['yes', 'no'] variableDomainsDict['Traffic'] = ['yes', 'no'] # None of the conditional probability tables are assigned yet in our Bayes' net bayesNet = constructEmptyBayesNet(variableList, edgeTuplesList, variableDomainsDict)
def constructBayesNet(gameState): """ Question 1: Bayes net structure Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project description. There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net: - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses) - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses) - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers) - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers) - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows: for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses(): for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos) obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos In this method, you should: - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`) - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the constants defined at the top of this file. """ obsVars = [] edges = [] variableDomainsDict = {} "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # 获取所有的Observation 并规定它的值域 for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses(): for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos): obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos obsVars.append(obsVar) variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS # 变量表 variableList = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars # 变量表中各变量的值域(可能取值) variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS # 在节点间加边 结点间的条件关系可以参考官网上的指导 edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR)) edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR)) edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR)) edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR)) for obsVar in obsVars: edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar)) edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar)) # 通过变量表、变量间关系、遍历取值构建贝叶斯网络 ABayesNet = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variableList, edges, variableDomainsDict) return ABayesNet, obsVars "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
4、Question 2: Bayes net probabilities
Question 2要求我们填写Y变量的条件变量表。
def fillYCPT(bayesNet, gameState): """ Question 2: Bayes net probabilities Fill the CPT that gives the prior probability over the y position variable. See the definition of `fillXCPT` above for an example of how to do this. You can use the PROB_* constants imported from layout rather than writing probabilities down by hand. BOTH_TOP_VAL, BOTH_BOTTOM_VAL, LEFT_TOP_VAL, LEFT_BOTTOM_VAL """ from layout import PROB_BOTH_TOP from layout import PROB_BOTH_BOTTOM from layout import PROB_ONLY_LEFT_TOP from layout import PROB_ONLY_LEFT_BOTTOM yFactor = bn.Factor([Y_POS_VAR], [], bayesNet.variableDomainsDict()) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # 设置 Y_POS_VAR 的各个取值的概率 yFactor.setProbability({Y_POS_VAR: BOTH_TOP_VAL}, PROB_BOTH_TOP) yFactor.setProbability({Y_POS_VAR: BOTH_BOTTOM_VAL}, PROB_BOTH_BOTTOM) yFactor.setProbability({Y_POS_VAR: LEFT_TOP_VAL}, PROB_ONLY_LEFT_TOP) yFactor.setProbability({Y_POS_VAR: LEFT_BOTTOM_VAL}, PROB_ONLY_LEFT_BOTTOM) bayesNet.setCPT(Y_POS_VAR, yFactor) "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
5、Question 3: Your join implementation
Question 3 要求我们实现自己的条件概率的乘积方法。
以 P(V, W | X, Y, Z) * P(X, Y | Z) 为例:
P(V, W | X, Y, Z) 可以表示为一个简单的贝叶斯网络:
其中条件变量X, Y, Z 为父节点;非条件变量 V, W为子节点。
P(X, Y | Z) 可表示为:
其中条件变量Z 为父节点;非条件变量X, Y 为子节点。
同理,P(V, W | X, Y, Z) * P(X, Y | Z) 也可以表示成一个贝叶斯网络。
我们可以画出 P(V, W | X, Y, Z) * P(X, Y | Z) = P(V, W, X, Y | Z) 的网络表示:
可以发现,P(V, W | X, Y, Z) * P(X, Y | Z) 的贝叶斯网络就是 P(V, W | X, Y, Z) 和 P(X, Y | Z) 的网络进行融合得到的,
def joinFactors(factors): """ Question 3: Your join implementation Input factors is a list of factors. You should calculate the set of unconditioned variables and conditioned variables for the join of those factors. Return a new factor that has those variables and whose probability entries are product of the corresponding rows of the input factors. You may assume that the variableDomainsDict for all the input factors are the same, since they come from the same BayesNet. joinFactors will only allow unconditionedVariables to appear in one input factor (so their join is well defined). Hint: Factor methods that take an assignmentDict as input (such as getProbability and setProbability) can handle assignmentDicts that assign more variables than are in that factor. Useful functions: Factor.getAllPossibleAssignmentDicts Factor.getProbability Factor.setProbability Factor.unconditionedVariables Factor.conditionedVariables Factor.variableDomainsDict """ # typecheck portion setsOfUnconditioned = [set(factor.unconditionedVariables()) for factor in factors] if len(factors) > 1: intersect = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, setsOfUnconditioned) if len(intersect) > 0: print("Factor failed joinFactors typecheck: ", factors) raise ValueError("unconditionedVariables can only appear in one factor. \n" + "unconditionedVariables: " + str(intersect) + "\nappear in more than one input factor.\n" + "Input factors: \n" + "\n".join(map(str, factors))) """iterate over assignments in newFactor.getAllPossibleAssignmentsDicts(): iterate over factors: Call factor.getProbability(assignment) [and do something with it so you can do the setProbability step in the next line] setProbability in the newFactor.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" #获取所有的Factor allFactors=[factor for factor in factors] conditional=set([]) unconditional=set([]) # 将变量分为conditional和unconditional的 for factor in allFactors: for f in factor.conditionedVariables(): conditional.add(f) for f in factor.unconditionedVariables(): unconditional.add(f) # 如果变量在unconditional里出现过,那么它做乘积后就在unconditional里 conditional=list(filter(lambda x: x not in unconditional, conditional)) variableDomainsDict=allFactors[0].variableDomainsDict() newCPT = Factor(unconditional, conditional, variableDomainsDict) for assignment in newCPT.getAllPossibleAssignmentDicts(): probability = 1 for factor in allFactors: probability = probability * factor.getProbability(assignment) newCPT.setProbability(assignment, probability) return newCPT "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"