SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000


SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000


SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

系统提示:No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000.


No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

Message no. WV185


There is no condition record flagged as relevant to pricing in the master conditions defined for the basic purchase price.


Check in Customizing (price determination, Purchasing) whether the condition types that are used as gross price or promotion price (these are PB00, PBXX and PA00 in the standard system) are flagged as relevant to pricing. Set this flag if you wish new condition records to be saved as relevant to pricing in future. If you wish to flag existing condition records as "relevant to pricing" in retrospect, use report RWVKP01U.


SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000


SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

进入Sales Pricing数据部分,如下图:

SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

勾选‘Relevant to pricing’,然后保存。


SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

SAP RETAIL MM42进入商品的销售视图系统提示: No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema RM0000

输入vendor和采购组织后,回车,系统提示:sales pricing has been performed or changed.


上一篇:PFQ —— 支持多语言的高性能网络监控框架

下一篇:【小Y学算法】⚡️每日LeetCode打卡⚡️——43. 两数之和 II - 输入有序数组