checking your permissions
check your SSH access
Check that the repository really exists
参考资料 & 鸣谢
Github - no write access to team‘s repo in organisation Permission denied (publickey).$ ssh -T
> Permission denied (publickey)
- git config --global --list // 验证邮箱与GitHub的注册邮箱是否一致
- git config --global xxxx // 设置全局用户名
- git config --global xxx // 设置邮箱
- ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ‘这里换上你的邮箱‘ // 一路回车,存储.ssh文件
- github - settings - SSH and GPG keys - New SSH key
- id_rsa.hub 的内容复制到 key 中
- ssh -T // 测试通不通
- ssh-agent -s // 不通的话,执行8,9两步
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
参考资料 & 鸣谢
github desktop error “The repository does not seem to exist anymore. You may not have access, or it may have been deleted or renamed.”
This error was keeps on occurring to me. Turn out I was not added as the Contributor on the GitHub project.
The repo owner should be able to see and list of Contributor for the project. You can request him to add you in contributor list and this error will disappear.