

Model Published Code Title
GRDN CVPR2019 Code GRDN: Grouped Residual Dense Network for Real Image Denoising and GAN-based Real-world Noise Modeling
RFCN arxiv Code/Web End-to-End Denoising of Dark Burst Images Using Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
Deformable KPN arxiv Code Learning Deformable Kernels for Image and Video Denoising
BayerUnify BayerAug CVPR2019 Code Learning Raw Image Denoising With Bayer Pattern Unification and Bayer Preserving Augmentation
RDU-UD CVPR2019 Code A Deep Motion Deblurring Network Based on Per-Pixel Adaptive Kernels With Residual Down-Up and Up-Down Modules
RIDNet ICCV2019 Code Real Image Denoising with Feature Attention
PRIDNet VCIP2019 Code Pyramid Real Image Denoising Network
RNAN ICLR2019 Code Residual Non-local Attention Networks for Image Restoration
VDN NIPS2019 Code Variational Denoising Network: Toward Blind Noise Modeling and Removal

下一篇:Deep Embedded Clustering with Asymmetric Residual Autoencoder