ArcGIS API For JS 中由Esri提供的公共服务


Geometry (GeometryServer)

Service Description: The Geometry service is used by application developers to perform geometric calculations and web editing

Supported Operations:   Areas and LengthsAuto CompleteBufferConvex HullCutDensifyDifferenceDistanceGeneralizeIntersectLabel PointsLengthsOffsetProjectRelationReshapeSimplifyTrim ExtendUnion

Utilities/PrintingTools (GPServer)

Service Description: The PrintingTools service is used by web application developers to export the contents of a webmap to pdf, jpeg, png or other formats. This service is generally used in the context of providing applications with printing functionality.

Tasks: Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeSynchronous

Result Map Server Name:

MaximumRecords: 1000

Child Resources:   Info


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ArcGIS API For JS 中由Esri提供的公共服务

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