SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

This document provides the general functionality and idea about the "Generate Time Data" with calender type "Fiscal".

In order to better understand how to use “Generate Time Data”, we are going to use standard table for the examples.

Note: While using this option you need to replicate the standard table into SAP HANA that is T005T, T005U, T009, and T009B. If these standard tables are not available then you will not be able use the “Generate Time Data” function.


1. Generate the master data from the specific time frame that you are interested in

  • On the Quick Launch Page > Data > Generate Time Data

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

2. Verify the generated data within _SYS_BI.M_FISICAL_CALENDAR

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

3. Create a new Fiscal Time based Attribute view

  • Right Click on Attribute View > New

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

4. Enter FISCAL_00 for the name of the view

  • For the Calendar Type Select > Fiscal.
  • For the variant select K4:800
  • Click on Auto Create.
  • Click Finish.

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

5. As a result you will see the fiscal calendar table with the generated Attributes.

     Note: Optionally you can remove any attribute fields that are not needed.

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

6. Right Click on the Attribute View > Activate

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

7. Right Click on the Attribute View > Preview

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

8. Use the Attribute view within an existing Analytical View AN_TIME_00.

  • Right Click on Analytical View > Open

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

9. Open the logical view.


10. Drag the FISICAL_00 attribute view into the Analytical views logical view.

11. Create a join (referential n..1) between FISCAL_00.DATE and the data foundation HZDAT field.

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)

12. Activate & Preview

SAP HANA中创建与时间相关的数据及Time Attribute View(Fiscal)


