本文以安装postgreSQL为例说明了Gentoo Linux 安装 软件的一般方法,同时总结了USE flag.
1.运行 emerge -pv postgresql-server 看下USE
- # emerge -pv postgresql-server
- These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
- Calculating dependencies... done!
- [ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3 USE="nls pam xml -doc -perl -pg_legacytimestamp -python (-selinux) -tcl -uuid" LINGUAS="-af -cs -de -en -es -fa -fr -hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" 3 kB
- Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 3 kB
【附】Gentoo USE:
临时USE : USE="-java" emerge seamonkey
USE flag的颜色
绿色:enable但是还没有边进去的use flag
黄色:上一个版本没有,这一个版本新加入的use flag
括号():在你的平台上禁用的use flag
设置 USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN"
- # USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge -pv postgresql-server
- These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
- Calculating dependencies... done!
- [ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3 USE="nls pam python xml -doc -perl -pg_legacytimestamp (-selinux) -tcl -uuid" LINGUAS="en zh_CN -af -cs -de -es -fa -fr -hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_TW" 3 kB
- Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 3 kB
运行: USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge postgresql-server 安装postgresql-server
- USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge postgresql-server
- * If you have users and/or services that you would like to utilize the
- * socket, you must add them to the ‘postgres‘ system group:
- * usermod -a -G postgres <user>
- *
- * Before initializing the database, you may want to edit PG_INITDB_OPTS
- * so that it contains your preferred locale in:
- * /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.3
- *
- * Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database
- * environment:
- * emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3
- gt;>> Auto-cleaning packages...
按照提示编辑 /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.3 (可以直接使用默认,不做任何更改,遇到问题了再改)
- # 配置文件位置
- PGDATA="/etc/postgresql-9.3/"
- # 数据存放目录/to be created
- DATA_DIR="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/data"
- # 可选 选项
- PG_INITDB_OPTS="--locale=en_US.UTF-8"
- # emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3
- ........
- * The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main
- * PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1, and starting with 8.4 is now enabled
- * by default. You can disable it in the cluster‘s:
- * /etc/postgresql-9.3/postgresql.conf
- *
- * The PostgreSQL server, by default, will log events to:
- * /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/data/postmaster.log
- *
- * You should use the ‘/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3‘ script to run PostgreSQL
- * instead of ‘pg_ctl‘.
启动postgreSQL服务:/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 start
- # /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 start
- * Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ]
- * /var/run/postgresql: creating directory
- * /var/run/postgresql: correcting owner
- * Starting PostgreSQL ... [ ok ]
2. 测试 postgresql
- # psql -U postgres
- psql (9.3.3)
- Type "help" for help.
- postgres=# \l
- List of databases
- Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
- -----------+----------+----------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------
- postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
- template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
- | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
- template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
- | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
- (3 rows)
- postgres=#
1.运行 emerge -pv postgresql-server 看下USE
- # emerge -pv postgresql-server
- These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
- Calculating dependencies... done!
- [ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3 USE="nls pam xml -doc -perl -pg_legacytimestamp -python (-selinux) -tcl -uuid" LINGUAS="-af -cs -de -en -es -fa -fr -hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" 3 kB
- Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 3 kB
【附】Gentoo USE:
临时USE : USE="-java" emerge seamonkey
USE flag的颜色
绿色:enable但是还没有边进去的use flag
黄色:上一个版本没有,这一个版本新加入的use flag
括号():在你的平台上禁用的use flag
设置 USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN"
- # USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge -pv postgresql-server
- These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
- Calculating dependencies... done!
- [ebuild N ] dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3 USE="nls pam python xml -doc -perl -pg_legacytimestamp (-selinux) -tcl -uuid" LINGUAS="en zh_CN -af -cs -de -es -fa -fr -hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_TW" 3 kB
- Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 3 kB
运行: USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge postgresql-server 安装postgresql-server
- USE="python" LINGUAS="en zh_CN" emerge postgresql-server
- * If you have users and/or services that you would like to utilize the
- * socket, you must add them to the ‘postgres‘ system group:
- * usermod -a -G postgres <user>
- *
- * Before initializing the database, you may want to edit PG_INITDB_OPTS
- * so that it contains your preferred locale in:
- * /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.3
- *
- * Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database
- * environment:
- * emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3
- gt;>> Auto-cleaning packages...
按照提示编辑 /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.3 (可以直接使用默认,不做任何更改,遇到问题了再改)
- # 配置文件位置
- PGDATA="/etc/postgresql-9.3/"
- # 数据存放目录/to be created
- DATA_DIR="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/data"
- # 可选 选项
- PG_INITDB_OPTS="--locale=en_US.UTF-8"
- # emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server-9.3.3
- ........
- * The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main
- * PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1, and starting with 8.4 is now enabled
- * by default. You can disable it in the cluster‘s:
- * /etc/postgresql-9.3/postgresql.conf
- *
- * The PostgreSQL server, by default, will log events to:
- * /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/data/postmaster.log
- *
- * You should use the ‘/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3‘ script to run PostgreSQL
- * instead of ‘pg_ctl‘.
启动postgreSQL服务:/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 start
- # /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 start
- * Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ]
- * /var/run/postgresql: creating directory
- * /var/run/postgresql: correcting owner
- * Starting PostgreSQL ... [ ok ]
测试 postgresql
- # psql -U postgres
- psql (9.3.3)
- Type "help" for help.
- postgres=# \l
- List of databases
- Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
- -----------+----------+----------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------
- postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
- template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
- | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
- template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
- | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
- (3 rows)
- postgres=#