Mysql Mybatis 使用相关知识

You can‘t specify target table ‘表名‘ for update in FROM clause (来源


UPDATE result 
SET StudentResult=StudentResult+5
WHERE StudentResult in (  
  (SELECT  res.StudentResult
  FROM student stu JOIN result res on res.StudentNo=res.StudentNo 
  where res.StudentResult=53 and stu.GradeId=(SELECT GradeId FROM grade WHERE GradeName=‘大一‘)


UPDATE result 
SET StudentResult=StudentResult+5
WHERE StudentResult in (  
  SELECT a.StudentResult from
  (SELECT  res.StudentResult
  FROM student stu JOIN result res on res.StudentNo=res.StudentNo 
  where res.StudentResult=53 and stu.GradeId=(SELECT GradeId FROM grade WHERE GradeName=‘大一‘)
  ) AS a

mysql 类型为 bit 时的操作

UPDATE `xxx` SET `xxx`=b‘0‘ WHERE `id`=1;

mybatis异常:The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup的解决方法 (来源

不是格式良好的xml,也就是我们的书写格式有误,常见的就是 < 符号 需要转义

select * from t where time > #{endTime} <![CDATA[ and time < #{startTime} ]]>

mybatisplus 使用 script 解析list

        "update xx set vv= #{vv} where id in " ,
        "<foreach collection=‘idList‘ item=‘data‘ open=‘(‘ separator=‘,‘ close=‘)‘>",
        "#{data}" ,
        "</foreach>" ,
        " and cc<![CDATA[ <> #{cc} ]]>",

Mysql Mybatis 使用相关知识

