OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)

OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)


  • On Q9, there are two answers of the four I would consider valid.  

 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)


  • On Q10, we never covered Page Faults!  It was supposed to read "number of different pages you may access" instead of "number of page faults".   

 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)



 OS L5-HW: Solutions (Memory Management)


上一篇:Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting spring.main.allow-bean-definiti

下一篇:Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.