Linux awk 命令语法与运算符

Linux awk 命令

awk命令概述 :

awk可用于处理文本文件 (pattern scanning and processing language)

$ awk --help
Usage: awk [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ...
Usage: awk [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] 'program' file ...
POSIX options:        GNU long options: (standard)
    -f progfile        --file=progfile
    -F fs            --field-separator=fs
    -v var=val        --assign=var=val
Short options:        GNU long options: (extensions)
    -b            --characters-as-bytes
    -c            --traditional
    -C            --copyright
    -d[file]        --dump-variables[=file]
    -e 'program-text'    --source='program-text'
    -E file            --exec=file
    -g            --gen-pot
    -h            --help
    -L [fatal]        --lint[=fatal]
    -n            --non-decimal-data
    -N            --use-lc-numeric
    -O            --optimize
    -p[file]        --profile[=file]
    -P            --posix
    -r            --re-interval
    -S            --sandbox
    -t            --lint-old
    -V            --version

gawk is a pattern scanning and processing language.
By default it reads standard input and writes standard output.

    gawk '{ sum += $1 }; END { print sum }' file
    gawk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd
实例 :

#每行按空格或 tab 键分隔,输出第1,4项
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ head log.txt 
2 this is a test
3 Are you like awk
This's a test
10 There are orange,apple,mongo

(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '{print $1,$4}' log.txt
2 a
3 like
10 orange,apple,mongo
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '{printf "%-8s %-10s\n",$1,$4}' log.txt
2        a         
3        like      
10       orange,apple,mongo

#指定分隔符 -F
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk -F, '{print $1,$4}' log.txt
2 this is a test 
3 Are you like awk 
This's a test 
10 There are orange 
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1,$2}' log.txt
2 this is a test 
3 Are you like awk 
This's a test 
10 There are orange apple
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk -F '[ ,]' '{print $1,$2,$5}' log.txt 
2 this test
3 Are awk
This's a 
10 There apple
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk -va=1 '{print $1,$1+a}' log.txt 
2 3
3 4
This's 1
10 11
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk -va=1 -vb=s '{print $1,$1+a,$1b}' log.txt 
2 3 2s
3 4 3s
This's 1 This'ss
10 11 10s
$awk -f ***.awk  log.txt 

awk  '$1>2' log.txt

(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk  '$1>2' log.txt
3 Are you like awk
This's a test
10 There are orange,apple,mongo
awk '$1=2' log.txt

(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '$1=2' log.txt
2 this is a test
2 Are you like awk
2 a test
2 There are orange,apple,mongo

awk '$1>2 && $2=="Are" {print $1,$2,$3}' log.txt 

(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '$1>2 && $2=="Are" {print $1,$2,$3}' log.txt 
3 Are you


#awk '$2 ~ /th/ {print $2,$4}'  log.txt ; '~'表示模式开始,'//' 中是模式
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '$2 ~ /th/ {print $2,$4}'  log.txt
this a

#awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} /this/' log.txt
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} /this/' log.txt
2 this is a test
This's a test

#awk '$2 !~ /th/ {print $2,$4}' log.txt
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '$2 !~ /th/ {print $2,$4}' log.txt
Are like
There orange,apple,mongo

#awk '!/th/ {print $2,$4}' log.txt
(base) [biocodee@localhost ~]$ awk '!/th/ {print $2,$4}' log.txt
Are like
There orange,apple,mongo

#`awk` 脚本
关键词 :  BEGIN 和 END 
执行前的语句 ----> BEGIN{***}
处理完所有的行后要执行的语句 ----->  END{}
处理每一行时要执行的语句  -------> {}

(base) [biocodee@localhost blog]$ awk -f score_cal.awk  score.txt 
Marry  2143     78       84       77      239
Jack   2321     66       78       45      189
Tom    2122     48       77       71      196
Mike   2537     87       97       95      279
Bob    2415     40       57       62      159
  TOTAL:       319      393      350 
AVERAGE:     63.80    78.60    70.00


(base) [biocodee@localhost blog]$ seq 9 | sed 'H;g' | awk -v RS='' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf("%dx%d=%d%s",i,NR,i*NR,i==NR?"\n":"\t")}'
1x2=2    2x2=4
1x3=3    2x3=6    3x3=9
1x4=4    2x4=8    3x4=12    4x4=16
1x5=5    2x5=10    3x5=15    4x5=20    5x5=25
1x6=6    2x6=12    3x6=18    4x6=24    5x6=30    6x6=36
1x7=7    2x7=14    3x7=21    4x7=28    5x7=35    6x7=42    7x7=49
1x8=8    2x8=16    3x8=24    4x8=32    5x8=40    6x8=48    7x8=56    8x8=64
1x9=9    2x9=18    3x9=27    4x9=36    5x9=45    6x9=54    7x9=63    8x9=72    9x9=81

= += -= = /= %= ^= *= 赋值
?: C条件表达式
\ \ 逻辑或
&& 逻辑与
~ 和 !~ 匹配正则表达式和不匹配正则表达式
空格 连接
+ - ! 一元加,减 和逻辑非
^ * 求幂
++ -- 增加或者减少,作为前缀或者后缀
$ 字段引用
in 数组成员

reference : runnob 菜鸟教程 awk

上一篇:数组应用: 找出一组数据中比均值大的数据并输出
