

事业环境因素(EEFs)是指项目团队不能控制的,将对项目产生影响、限制或指令作用的各种条 件。这些条件可能来自于组织的内部和(或)外部。事业环境因素是很多项目管理过程,尤其是大 多数规划过程的输入。这些因素可能会提高或限制项目管理的灵活性,并可能对项目结果产生积极或消极的影响。

[单选] 一个复杂项目包含对最终目标有不同看法的相关方。相关方就项目发起人确定的目标最终达成一致意见。之后,在项目执行阶段,发起人退休,相关方之间从此开始产生冲突。新任命的发起人希望知道如何才能根据目标重新调整相关方之间的关系。 项目经理应该做什么?
A complex project comprises stakeholders with differing views on the final objective.Ultimately,the stakeholders agree on the objective defined by the project sponsor.The sponsor then retires during the execution phase,which begins to create conflict among stakeholders.The newly appointed sponsor wants to know what can be done to realign stakeholders with the objective. What should the project manager do?
 A:密切关注相关方的误解
Closely monitor stakeholder misunderstandings
 B:重新审查沟通管理计划,以确定最佳策略
Review the communications management plan to identify the best strategy
 C:修改项目章程以解决冲突
Revise the project charter to address the conflicts
 D:影响相关方以遵循约定的目标
Influence the stakeholders to follow the agreed-upon objective
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P534- 领导力。成功的相关方参与,需要强有力的领导技能,以传递愿景并激励相关方支持项目工作和成果。项目经理使用自己的领导力影响相关方遵守约定的项目目标。 其他选项:A,关注误解以外还要解决实际问题。B,非沟通问题。C,已经冲突,项目目标无法直接修改,需要先评估。



59、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,出现了一个无法识别根本原因的问题。项目经理可以使用什么工具来识别根本原因?
After project implementation, a problem that cannot be identified happens. What tool could the project manager use to identify the root cause?
 A:核查表 Checklist
 B:石川图 Ishikawa Diagram
 C:散点图 Scatter Plot
 D:树图 Tree Diagram
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

146、 [单选] 为了确保满足质量标准,项目经理聘请外部资源来检查可交付成果的质量。这种检查的成本可以分为哪种成本类别?
To ensure quality standards are met, a project manager invites external resources to inspect the quality of deliverables. The cost for this inspection can be classified under what cost category?
 A:预防成本 Prevention
 B:评价成本 Appraisal
 C:外部成本 External
 D:失败成本 Failure
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析。检查、测试属于评价成本。 其他选项:预防成本一般是培训、文件过程等。评估成本一般是测试、检查、破坏性试验。内部失败成本,内部发现的返工等。外部失败成本是客户发现的。



11、 [单选] 随着项目进展,项目经理预测到即将开展的活动中存在一些风险。项目经理应该使用哪一份文件进行风险分类?
As the project progresses, the project manager predicts that there are certain risks in the upcoming activities. Which document should the project manager use for risk classification?
 A:风险分解结构 Risk Breakdown Structure
 B:风险管理计划 Risk Control Plan
 C:风险登记册 Risk Register
 D:风险绩效报告 Risk Performance Report
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P316- 风险分解结构。风险分解结构就是对风险进行分类的。

72、 [单选] —家公司计划推出一个新的数字银行解决方案。在项目启动时,识别到一个关键依赖关系,需要在产品推出前获得监管部门的批准。这被添加到风险登记册,并由项目经理积极监控。目前,仍未得到监管部门的批准,这可能会导致产品推出延期。 项目经理如何能够减轻该风险?
A company plans to introduce a new digital banking solution. At the project kick-off, a key dependency is identified that requires regulatory approval before the product launch. This is added to the Risk Register and is actively monitored by the project manager. Currently, it has not yet been approved by the regulatory authority, which may lead to delay of product roll outs. How can a project manager mitigate this risk?
 A:准备风险应对措施 To prepare for risk response action
 B:在风险登记册中更新并跟踪该风险 To update and track the risk in the Risk Register
 C:调整项目进度计划,包含应急应对措施 To adjust the project schedule, including emergency response action
 D:评估被监管拒绝的可能性 To evaluate the possibility of being rejected by the regulatory
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。题干问如何减轻风险,减轻就是一种风险应对措施,因此选A 其他选项:B在A后,把规划好的风险应对的应对措施更新到风险登记册。CD与风险无关

172、 [单选] 项目团队包括一名资源,但该资源同时致力于其他四个项目,项目经理得知该资源可能在计划的时间不可用。项目经理计划持续评估项目的进展,并根据该资源的可用性计划制定应急计划。 这属于下列哪一项的实例?
The project team includes one resource, but the resource is dedicated to the other four projects. The project manager is aware that the resource may not be available at the planned time. The project manager plans to continuously evaluate the project progress and work out the contingency plan according to the availability plan of the resource. Which of the following items is an example of this situation?
 A:接受风险 Accept risk
 B:回避风险 Avoid risk
 C:转移风险 Transfer risk
 D:控制风险 Control risk
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
略,组织可能选择继续按当前的定义推动项目进展。接受策略又分为主动或被动方式。最常见 的主动接受策略是为项目建立整体应急储备,包括预留时间、资金或资源,以便在项目风险超 出临界值时使用;被动接受策略则不会主动采取行动,而只是定期对整体项目风险的级别进行 审查,确保其未发生重大改变。

131、 [单选] 据报告,项目所在地区存在严重的健康风险, 当地卫生局要求限制团队成员进出该地区。若要管理这个风险,项目经理应该做什么?
Serious health risks were reported in the area where the project was located, and the local health authority requested that team members be restricted from entering and leaving the area. What should a project manager do to manage this risk?
 A:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.
 B:执行定性和定量风险分析 Perform qualitative and qualitative risk analyses.
 C:评估对项目的影响 Assess the impact on the project.
 D:通知项目发起人 Inform the project sponsor.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P417-风险登记册。识别完风险,更新到风险登记册,风险登记册会随着风险管理的流程不断更新。 其他选项:B在后面。CD不是风险管理的措施

127、 [单选] —位团队成员通知项目经理有一个问题可能会破坏项目。项目经理将该问题添加到问题日志中,并要求团队找到解决方案。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A team member notifies the project manager of an issue that has the potential of disrupting the project.The project manager adds the issue log,and the team to find a resolution. What should the project manager do next?
 A:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.
 B:修订项目管理计划 Revise the project management plan.
 C:确定适当的风险应对 Identify the appropriate risk response.
 D:通知相关方 Inform the stakeholders.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P458-项目文件更新。记录在监督风险过程中产生的关于单个项目风险的信息,可能包括添加新风险、更新已过时的风险或已发生风险,以及更新风险应对措施等。题目中显示这个问题已经识别出来并添加到了问题日志,那么下一步我们就要进行分析,确定适当的应对措施,并把这个应对措施更新到风险登记册里面,所以这里是先C再是A。 其他选项:BD还在后面




96、 [单选] 一个大型项目的工作分解结构(WBS)显示,2级项目计划几乎没有提供有关活动,依赖关系以及所需资源的信息。若要评估项目持续时间,项目经理应该做什么?
The work breakdown structure(WBS)for a large project shows that level 2plans provide little information on activities,dependencies,and required resources.What should the project manager do to assess the project’s duration?
 A:制定WBS词典 Develop a WBS dictionary.
 B:执行自下而上估算 Perform bottom-up estimating.
 C:分析资源分解结构(RBS) Analyze the resource breakdown structure(RBS).
 D:制定资源日历 Develop the resource calendar.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P162- WBS词典。题干中提到的活动的逻辑关系、所需要的资源都在WBS词典里。




4、 [单选] 你正在与产品负责人一起确定可行的产品迭代计划。 当你讨论各种特性并确定它们的优先级时,你们都在努力理解哪些特性应该具有更高的优先级。 项目经理和产品负责人应该查询什么工具?
You are working with the product owner to determine a viable product iteration plan. As you discuss various features and prioritize them, you both are struggling with understanding what features should have a higher priority. What artifact should the project manager and product owner consult?
 A:“任务列表。任务列表将帮助产品经理和产品负责人理解创建一个特性所需要的元素。” The task list. This will help the product manager and product owner understand what it takes to create a feature.
 B:迭代计划。迭代计划将摆脱所需的各种特性。 The iteration plan. This will break out the various features that are desired.
 C:“发布计划。发布计划将摆脱项目的迭代。” The release plan. This breaks out the iterations of the project.
 D:Scrum 待办事项列表 The Scrum backlog
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
解析:发布计划有更高的优先级。任务列表过于详细,不适合目前的计划阶段。 迭代计划从发布计划中提取其优先级。 路线图和愿景文件先于发布计划。

17、 [单选] 你是一名敏捷教练,希望确认开发团队有一种简单的方法来整理工作并将迭代中的剩余工作可视化。以下哪项是你可用来实现这个目的的最好方法
You are an agile coach and want to confirm that the development team has an easy method to organize the work and visualize the remaining work in the iteration. Which of the following is the best approach you will use to complete the goals
 A:使用信息发射源 Use information radiator
 B:使用燃尽图 Use burndown chart
 C:使用燃起图 Use burnup chart
 D:使用任务板说明 Use the task board explanation
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:“使用任务板说明”。任务板是一种图表工具,基本功能是帮助团队整理和分析他们的工作进度。在任务板中,冲刺中的任务分为 3 个主要类别:1. 即将开始的任务,2. 进行中的任务,和 3. 已完成的任务。每个人都可以通过任务版轻松查看团队当前正在处理的任务并选择下一批任务。


4、 [单选] 你正在与产品负责人一起确定可行的产品迭代计划。 当你讨论各种特性并确定它们的优先级时,你们都在努力理解哪些特性应该具有更高的优先级。 项目经理和产品负责人应该查询什么工具?
You are working with the product owner to determine a viable product iteration plan. As you discuss various features and prioritize them, you both are struggling with understanding what features should have a higher priority. What artifact should the project manager and product owner consult?
 A:“任务列表。任务列表将帮助产品经理和产品负责人理解创建一个特性所需要的元素。” The task list. This will help the product manager and product owner understand what it takes to create a feature.
 B:迭代计划。迭代计划将摆脱所需的各种特性。 The iteration plan. This will break out the various features that are desired.
 C:“发布计划。发布计划将摆脱项目的迭代。” The release plan. This breaks out the iterations of the project.
 D:Scrum 待办事项列表 The Scrum backlog
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
解析:发布计划有更高的优先级。任务列表过于详细,不适合目前的计划阶段。 迭代计划从发布计划中提取其优先级。 路线图和愿景文件先于发布计划。

17、 [单选] 你是一名敏捷教练,希望确认开发团队有一种简单的方法来整理工作并将迭代中的剩余工作可视化。以下哪项是你可用来实现这个目的的最好方法
You are an agile coach and want to confirm that the development team has an easy method to organize the work and visualize the remaining work in the iteration. Which of the following is the best approach you will use to complete the goals
 A:使用信息发射源 Use information radiator
 B:使用燃尽图 Use burndown chart
 C:使用燃起图 Use burnup chart
 D:使用任务板说明 Use the task board explanation
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:“使用任务板说明”。任务板是一种图表工具,基本功能是帮助团队整理和分析他们的工作进度。在任务板中,冲刺中的任务分为 3 个主要类别:1. 即将开始的任务,2. 进行中的任务,和 3. 已完成的任务。每个人都可以通过任务版轻松查看团队当前正在处理的任务并选择下一批任务。

76、 [单选] 在敏捷项目部署期间,客户对可交付成果不满意并要求进行变更。敏捷项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During an agile project deployment, the customers is dissatisfied with a deliverable and requests that changes be made. What should the agile project manager do next?
 A:将这些变更添加进问题日志 Add the changes to the issue log
 B:在交付期间整合实施变更 Integrate real-time changes during the next review meeting
 C:在下次评审会议期间纳入这些变更 Incorporate the changes during the next review meeting
 D:尽可能地限制变更 Constrain the changes as much as possible
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:解析:敏捷实践。敏捷是多次交付,变更驱动的项目管理模式,因此要拥抱变更。因此将问题加入问题日志,然后在下个冲刺开始的时候制定冲刺计划的时候来确定是否变更和排定优先级。 其他选项:BCD都不是敏捷实践

165、 [单选] 你团队中的一名敏捷实践者不得不突然请假。他留下了很多待办工作,给团队带来了压力。在这个情况下,你会怎么做?
One of the agile practitioners on your team had to take an emergency unplanned leave. This caused the team pressure since he had loads of work to finish. What would you do in this situation?
 A:让团队无视压力,继续尽其所能推进项目 Explain to the team to work on the items without pressure and deliver what they can
 B:要求团队做好每天加班的计划,以便完成这项工作 Request for the team to plan to spend extra hours each day so that they finish this work
 C:请人力资源经理立即补充可以从事此工作的人手 Ask the resource manager to provide another resource immediately who can take up this work
 D:通知产品负责人,推迟发布日期 Inform the product owner and move the release date
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:《敏捷实践指南》,敏捷宣言十二大原则,P9。关键字:敏捷,请假,带压力。结合关键字,对照敏捷价值观的概念,让团队无视压力,继续尽其所能推进项目,符合敏捷价值观“要善于激励项目成员,给予他们所需的环境和支持,并相信他们能够完成任务。”选项A正确。其他选项: 选项B,要求团队做好每天加班的计划,以便完成这项工作。敏捷方法重视团队成员在工作和生活中取得平衡,从不建议在除紧急情况外的时候加班加点,需要的是可持续。“敏捷过程提倡可持续开发,责任人、开发人员和用户要能够共同维持其步调稳定延续”,因此排除。 选项C,请人力资源经理立即补充可以从事此工作的人手。该选项也与敏捷价值观不符,敏捷遵从团队自组织,自己面对和解决问题。敏捷团队能够靠自己的能力一直保持匀速工作。安排新的人手顶替几天是没有意义的,因为他(她)需要先接受项目培训,因此排除。 选项D,通知产品负责人推迟发布日期。敏捷团队应优先从解决问题出发考虑解决方案,不能一上来就断定解决不了需要推迟,因此排除。

160、 [单选] 你的项目团队刚刚完成了搜索功能的冲刺计划,汇总了故事点,并创建了接下来 4 周的迭代燃尽图。 以下关于迭代燃尽图的说法中错误的是:
Your project team has just completed sprint planning for the search function and has totaled up the story points and created an iteration burndown chart for the next 3 weeks. All of the following are true about an iteration burndown chart except:
 A:它跟踪迭代中剩余的工作。 It tracks work remaining in the iteration.
 B:它描述了迭代中计划的工作。 It depicts work planned in the iteration.
 C:它描述了迭代中预计剩余工作。 It depicts forecasted remaining work in the iteration.
 D:它跟踪当前版本中剩余的工作。 It tracks work left in the current release.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

125、 [单选] 你为一家与美国陆军签了合同的机构开发软件系统。 在第一个 冲刺中创建了几个特性之后,你希望团队展示为实现冲刺目标已完成的工件。 应该在什么时候进行展示?
You work for an organization that develops software systems under a U.S. Army contract. After creating a couple of features on the first sprint, you would like the team to demonstrate the artifacts that were produced as a consequence of achieving the sprint goal. When should this demonstration take place?
 A:在冲刺评审期间 During the sprint review
 B:在每周客户更新会议期间 During the weekly customer update meeting
 C:在冲刺回顾中 In the sprint retrospective
 D:在你的下一次每日站会中 In your next daily stand-up
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:《敏捷实践指南》,5.2.5展示/评审,P55。关键字:展示为实现冲刺目标已完成的工件。冲刺评审会是在迭代末期进行的,将可能交付成果展示给相关方得到反馈的会议。选项A正确。其他选项: 选项B,每周客户更新会议,也不进行展示。 选项C,冲刺回顾会议是迭代最后对整个迭代进行回顾总结和改善,因此排除。 选项D,每日站会是敏捷团队和scrum主管参加的快速专注分享迭代进展的会议。并不进行展示,因此排除。

103、 [单选] 你发现按照当前的冲刺节奏,一周的冲刺时长已不实际。 开发团队无法在一周内创造出成形的产品、完成测试并批准产品。 冲刺速度非常低,利益相关方非常担忧。 作为Scrum 主管,你应该怎么做?
You have found that the one‐week sprint length is no longer a viable rhythm for your current sprint. The development team can’t create tangible, tested, and approved the product within one week. The sprint velocity is very low, which is very concerning to various stakeholders. As a scrum master, what should you do?
 A:将冲刺时长增加到两周。开发团队在为期两周的冲刺时长中生产力会更高。 Increase the sprint length to two weeks. The capacity of a development team during a two‐week sprint will be higher.
 B:保持当前的冲刺时长。 较短的冲刺时长减少了从利益相关方收到反馈的时间。 Keep the current sprint length. Shorter sprints decrease the amount of time between feedback received from stakeholders.
 C:改变冲刺目标。 既然团队无法实现冲刺目标,该目标便变得无关紧要 Change the sprint goal. As the team can’t achieve the sprint goal, it becomes irrelevant
 D:取消冲刺并开始一个故事点数较少的新冲刺 Cancel the sprint and start a new one with a smaller number of story points
正确答案:C 你的答案:A



62、 [单选] 在公司重组之后,一位团队成员现在向不同的职能经理报告。项目经理应该更新哪份文件以反映这种新的报告结构?
Following a company reorganization.a team member now reports to a different functional manager. What document should the project manager update to reflect this new reporting structure?
 A:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan
 B:资源日历 Resource calendar
 C:项目团队任务分配 Project team assignments
 D:资源管理计划 Resource management plan
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P319- 资源管理计划 项目组织图。“报告结构”即汇报关系,是项目组织图的主要作用,项目组织图是资源管理计划的一部分。 其他选项:因为题干重点问题了报告结构,因此非A相关方参与计划的问题,BC也非报告结构的问题,而是项目团队资源本身的问题。

73、 [单选] 项目经理面对一个由两个合资企业组成的指导委员会,他们拥有对立的优先级。一个伙伴希望加快进度;而第二个合作伙伴想要高质量,并且愿意接受更长时间的进度。项目经理应该如何解决这个冲突?
A project manager is confronted by a steering committee composed of two joint venture partners with opposing priorities.One partner wants a tighter schedule;the second partner wants superior quality and will accept a longer schedule. What should the project manager do to address this conflict?
 A:将该冲突作为一项风险纳入风险管理计划中 Incorporate the conflict as a risk in the risk management plan
 B:更新问题日志并监控该冲突的解决方案 Update the issue log and monitor the resolution of the conflict…
 C:启动一个新的范围定义,并与所有项目相关方进行协商 Initiate a new scope definition and negotiate with all project stakeholders.
 D:将该问题包含在质量管理计划中 Include the issue in the quality management plan
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P348- 冲突管理。首先,这是一个问题,而不是风险。其次,题干问如何解决冲突,属于冲突管理,因此选B 其他选项:A,风险纳入的是登记册而不是管理计划。C范围定义解决不了这个质量与进度的问题;D,仅提供了质量解决方案。
163、 [单选] 在系统升级后,客户向支持团队抱怨他们无法使用该系统。支持团队没有从负责升级的项目团队那里接受过培训。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
Following an upgrade, customer complain to the support team that they are unable to use the system. The support team failed to receive training from the project team that work on the upgrade. What should the project manager do to resolve this?
 A:查看支持团队的培训计划,并安排培训课程 Review the training plan for the support team and schedule a training session
 B:应将问题升级上报给项目发起人,并建议项目团队接管支持职能 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and recommended that the project team take over the support function
 C:遵循变更管理计划,采取必要的纠正措施以满足客户的期望 Follow the change management plan to take the corrective actions necessary to meet customer expectations
 D:与部署团队合作,安排修复升级问题 Work with the deployment team to schedule the fixes to the upgrade
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P342-培训。项目经理应该按资源管理计划中的安排来实施预定的培训,也应该根据管理项目团队过程中的观察、交谈和项目绩效评估的结果,来开展必要的计划外培训。 选项B:是人员技能存在短板,而不是职能部门经理拒绝提供资源。 选项C:人的能力不够,功能已然无法实现。 选项D:未经验收,无法部署。

126、 [单选] 两个项目团队正在为同一个项目工作,一个团队在海外的客户现场工作,另一个团队在公司总部工作,客户要求新的文档格式以符合当地法律以及战略供应商的新要求,位于公司总部的团队抱怨说,公司已有程序和政策规定不允许对文档格式进行任何变更。客户现场的项目经理应该怎么做?
Two project teams working on the same project.One team works overseas at the client site,and the other team works at corporate headquarters.The client requests new documentation formats to comply with local legislation and a new demand from strategic suppliers.The team located at corporate headquarters complains that there are already corporate procedures and policies that do not permit any changes to the documentation format.What should the project manager from the client site do ?
 A:向前推进项目,并在问题日志中更新客户请求的详细信息 Move forward with the project,and the issue log with the details of the client’s requests
 B:请求变更以获得公司总部的新格式 Request a change to obtain the new formats from corporate headquarters
 C:根据客户请求修改格式,并通知公司团队 Modify the format according to the client request,and inform the corporate team
 D:与公司总部的项目经理召开视频会议以解决该问题 Hold a video conference with the project manager from corporate headquarters to address the issue
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P348- 冲突管理。冲突管理,首先采用合作/解决问题,D就是合作/解决问题。 其他选项:A属于撤退,BC都算是强迫,也是直接采取了措施,需要先开会讨论。

102、 [单选] 项目经理新加入一家公司,之前没有管理过具有国际团队成员的项目。项目经理应该如何培养文化敏感性?
A project manager is new to a company and has not led a project with international team members.What should the project manager do to develop cultural sensitivity?
 A:认识到需要学习文化,设法了解当地习俗,并在与团队成员一起工作时保持灵活性 Recognize that culture is learned,seek to understand local customs5and maintain flexibility,when working with team members
 B:与人力资源部门开会,以获得这方面的正式培训 Meet with the human resource department to obtain formal training in this area
 C:拒绝该项目,理由是与文化多样化人员一起工作存在困难 Decline the project,citing the difficulty of working with culturally diverse people as the reason
 D:了解每个团队成员文化的每个细节,以便对他们的需求保持敏感 Learn every detail of each team member’s culture to be sensitive to their needs
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK(6)P338- 9.4建设团队引言。项目经理在全球化环境和富有文化多样性的项目中工作。团队讲不同的语言,有时甚至会在工作中使用一种不同于其本土语言或文化的“团队语言”或文化规范。项目管理团队应该利用文化差异,在整个项目生命周期中致力于发展和维护项目团队,并促进在相互信任的氛围中充分协作; 其他选项:B项目团队的培训由项目经理规划并安排,而非人力资源部门。C拒绝错误。D要了解每个成员文化的每个细节不现实,而且也缺少在整个项目周期内要促进文化建设的意识,不能仅仅是了解。




5、 [单选] 一个复杂项目包含对最终目标有不同看法的相关方。相关方就项目发起人确定的目标最终达成一致意见。之后,在项目执行阶段,发起人退休,相关方之间从此开始产生冲突。新任命的发起人希望知道如何才能根据目标重新调整相关方之间的关系。 项目经理应该做什么?
A complex project comprises stakeholders with differing views on the final objective.Ultimately,the stakeholders agree on the objective defined by the project sponsor.The sponsor then retires during the execution phase,which begins to create conflict among stakeholders.The newly appointed sponsor wants to know what can be done to realign stakeholders with the objective. What should the project manager do?
 A:密切关注相关方的误解 Closely monitor stakeholder misunderstandings
 B:重新审查沟通管理计划,以确定最佳策略 Review the communications management plan to identify the best strategy
 C:修改项目章程以解决冲突 Revise the project charter to address the conflicts
 D:影响相关方以遵循约定的目标 Influence the stakeholders to follow the agreed-upon objective
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P534- 领导力。成功的相关方参与,需要强有力的领导技能,以传递愿景并激励相关方支持项目工作和成果。项目经理使用自己的领导力影响相关方遵守约定的项目目标。 其他选项:A,关注误解以外还要解决实际问题。B,非沟通问题。C,已经冲突,项目目标无法直接修改,需要先评估。

18、 [单选] 项目经理向指导委员会展示项目章程,指导委员会非常担心预先分配的资源,因为相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A project manager presents the project charter to the steering committee.The steering committee is concerned about preassigned resource allocation because the stakeholders are unaware of their participation in the project. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?
 A:获得相关方的期望 Obtained stakeholders’ expectations
 B:管理相关方参与程度 Managed stakeholder engagement
 C:完成相关方登记册 Completed the stakeholder register
 D:定义每个相关方的角色与职责 Defined roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P514- 相关方登记册。相关方在项目中的角色,记录在相关方登记册中。“相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况” 因此在出现这种情况之前,项目经理应该先完成相关方登记册,明确相关方在项目中扮演的角色。 其他选项:A如果要确定相关方在项目扮演的角色,仅仅是期望是不够的,还要考虑权重等其他因素;B管理相关方参与是执行阶段做的事,现在还没有到执行阶段;D相关方的职责说法不对。

57、 [单选] 新任命的项目经理得知,因为有太多相关方意见不一致,项目可能会失败。项目经理应该怎么做?
A newly assigned project manager learns that the project likely to fail because there are too many stakeholder who all disagree. What should the project manager do?
 A:与所有相关方开会,尝试调整他们的差异 Meet with all project stakeholder to try and align their differences
 B:与每位相关方分别开会,尝试理解他们各自的观点 Separately meet with each stakeholder to try and understand their individual viewpoints
 C:制定相关方参与计划并解决相关方的顾虑 Develop a stakeholder engagement plan and address stakeholder concerned
 D:更新相关方参与计划,并将其发送给所有相关方 Update the stakeholder engagement plan and send it to all stakeholder
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)13.2 规划相关方参与。规划相关方参与是根据相关方的需求、期望、利益和对项目的潜在影响,制定项目相关方参与项目的方法的过程。 其他选项:AB不一定是最合适的,具体的相关方还是要分别制定对策。C的说法最专业。D错误,相关方的参与计划对相关方来说比较敏感保密,不能发给他们。

152、 [单选] 项目经理正与多位相关方一起管理一个庞大而复杂的项目。一些相关方反对项目的效益, 而另一些则非常支持。项目经理应该使用什么来澄清并正确管理这些相关方?
A project manager is leading a large,complex project with several stakeholders.Some stakeholders are against the project benefits,while some are very supportive. What should the project manager use to classify and properly manage the stakeholders?
 A:凸显模型 Salience model
 B:权力/利益方格 Power/interest grid
 C:影响/影响力方格 Impact/influence grid
 D:相关方立方体 Stakeholder cube
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P512-数据表现。凸显模型适用于复杂的相关方大型社区。 其他选项:权力利益方格、相关方立方体并不如A适用于更复杂的相关方社区。

86、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个项目工作,该项目的相关方分布在多个国家,为确保有效沟通并获得相关方批准项目管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a project with stakeholders distributed across multiple multiple countries. What should the project manager do to ensure effective communication and to obtain stakeholder approval of the project management plan?
 A:提供有关该项目的详细信息,包括风险、升级上报途径、进度计划、成本和所有可交付成果 Provide detailed information about the project, including risk, escalation approach, schedule, cost and all deliverables.
 B:请求项目发起人协助 Request assistance from the project sponsor.
 C:准备相关方参与计划和相关方登记册 Prepare stakeholder participation plan and stakeholder register.
 D:沟通PMO (项目管理办公室)的项目知识和期望,已取得相关方的支持 Communicate the project instructions and expectations of the PMO (office of project management) to obtain the relevant parties’ support.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)相关方登记册& 相关方参与计划。识别完相关方以后,要完成相关方参与计划,从而更好的管理相关方。 其他选项:AD都是具体措施,被纳入到C相关方参与计划里。B不正确。

90、 [单选] 在一个项目中途,项目团队意识到他们低估了交付一部分产品的工作。因此该项目将推迟两个月。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
Midway through a project, the project team realized that they underestimated the effort for delivering one part of the product. As a result, the project will be delayed by two months. What should the project manager do next?
 A:与项目发起人沟通该推迟情况,并请求批准新的交付日期 Communicate the delay to the project sponsor and ask for approval of the new delivery date
 B:修改相关方参与计划以反映该变更,并请求相关方的批准 Modify the stakeholder engagement plan to reflect the change and request stakeholder approval
 C:通知相关方并管理他们的期望 Inform the stakeholders and manage their expectations
 D:修改风险管理计划以反映该变更,并请求相关方的批准 Modify the risk management plan to reflect the change and request stakeholder approval
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4 监督相关方参与。项目已经延迟,可能会引起相关方的不满,因此要管理相关方的期望。 其他选项:A,只与发起人沟通不妥,B在C后面,D风险管理计划没必要。

94、 [单选] 项目经理正在审查状态报告,该报告显示进度延迟和成本超支,该报告必须在两周内提交给指导委员会,根据过去的经验,项目经理知道哪些相关方会很挑剔,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is reviewing a status report that shows a schedule delay and cost overruns. This report must be presented to the steering committee in two weeks.From past experience, the project manager knows which stakeholders will be very difficult, what should the project manager do?
 A:与挑剔的相关方开会,解释延迟和成本超支的原因 Meet with difficult stakeholders to explain the reasons for the delays and cost overrun
 B:收集项目团队的其他详细信息,以澄清延迟和成本超支的原因 Collect additional details from the project team to clarify the reasons for the delay and cost overruns
 C:快速识别可以实施的纠正措施,以改进状态报告 Quickly identify corrective actions that can be implemented to improve the status report
 D:联系管理层寻求如何与挑剔的相关方打交道的帮助 Contact management to seek help with dealing with the difficult stakeholders
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3 管理相关方参与。目前“进度延迟和成本超支”,项目经理“知道哪些相关方会很挑剔”。我们管理相关方,既然挑剔的相关方最难管理,那就应该先解决他们,A最主动而且效果最好。 其他选项:B没有明确说向谁澄清,C是必要的但是不切题,D相关方参与计划由项目经理制定,项目经理应主动解决相关方的问题。





18、 [单选] 项目经理向指导委员会展示项目章程,指导委员会非常担心预先分配的资源,因为相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A project manager presents the project charter to the steering committee.The steering committee is concerned about preassigned resource allocation because the stakeholders are unaware of their participation in the project. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?
 A:获得相关方的期望 Obtained stakeholders’ expectations
 B:管理相关方参与程度 Managed stakeholder engagement
 C:完成相关方登记册 Completed the stakeholder register
 D:定义每个相关方的角色与职责 Defined roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P514- 相关方登记册。相关方在项目中的角色,记录在相关方登记册中。“相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况” 因此在出现这种情况之前,项目经理应该先完成相关方登记册,明确相关方在项目中扮演的角色。 其他选项:A如果要确定相关方在项目扮演的角色,仅仅是期望是不够的,还要考虑权重等其他因素;B管理相关方参与是执行阶段做的事,现在还没有到执行阶段;D相关方的职责说法不对。

34、 [单选] 项目即将完成一个重要阶段,项目经理正在获得资源开始下一个阶段,在准备阶段收尾时,项目经理评审了绩效测量指标,发现不明原因的变化。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project is about to complete an important phase,the project manager is obtaining resources to kick off the next phase,at the closing of the preparation phase,the project manager reviews the performance measurement indicators and finds unexplained changes. What should the project manager do?
 A:检查之前项目的知识库 To check the knowledge base of the previous project
 B:在经验教训会上进行因果分析 To perform cause-effect analysis at lessons learned
 C:在团队会议上评审测量指标 To review measurement metrics at the team meeting
 D:将工作分解结构(WBS)与实际可交付成果对比 To compare the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and actual deliverables
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

38、 [单选] 项目经理正在准备一份定期状态报告,这时营销高管告知他们竞争对手推出了令人兴奋的新功能。该高管表示,营销部门在项目可交付成果的初始版本中需要这一新功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is preparing a regular status report when a marketing executives informs them about a competitor’s exciting new feature. The executive says that the Marketing Department needed this new feature at the initial release of the project deliverable. What should the project manager do?
 A:要求对新功能进行执行审查,并确保审查项目范围和批准 Ask for an executive review of the new features and ensure that project scope and approvals are reviewed
 B:向团队提交此新功能并在状态报告中记录范围变更 Commit the team to this new feature and document the change of scope in the status report
 C:在状态报告中包含此信息,并指出包含新功能将需要范围变更 Include this information in the status report and indicate that including the new feature will require a scope change
 D:通知营销部门,项目团队将考虑该请求并在之后做出决定 Inform the marketing department that the project team will consider the request and make a decision later
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。“在可交付成果的初始版本中需要新功能”,表示是在提出变更请求,需要走变更流程,先分析影响,获得批准后执行,选择A。 其他选项:B直接实施不对。C仅在状态报告更新意义不大。D,涉及到可交付成果的变更需要提交CCB审批,项目团队不能做决定。

42、 [单选] 一家公司准备重新启动一个暂停的项目。遗憾的是,整个项目团队均已解散。项目经理应该使用什么来重新制定项目计划?
A company is ready to re-initiate a project that was put on hold Unfortunately, the entire project team was release What should the project manager use to replan the project?
 A:经验教训储存库 Lessons learned repository
 B:项目发起人的意见 Sponsors’input
 C:商业论证 Business case
 D:可行性研究 Feasibility study
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P84-组织过程资产。之前暂停的项目会有大量的经验教训。现在需要制定项目计划,以组织过程资产作为制定项目管理计划的输入, A最合题意。 其他选项:B题目没有提及发起人相关,明显不对,CD是启动阶段的输入。
56、 [单选] 项目经理希望从最近完成的一个项目中复制良好实践。然而,项目经理在有时间评估最近完成项目的项目信息之前就已经开始负责管理另一个项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager wants to replicate good practices from a recently completed project.However,the project manager assumes another project before having time to assess the previous project’s information. What should the project manager do?
 A:遵从分配调到新项目 Move to the new project according to assignment.
 B:召开实施后评审会议 Conduct a post-implementation review meeting.
 C:与新团队分享之前项目的经验教训 Share the lessons learned from the previous project with the new team.
 D:要求项目管理办公室(PMO)和过程经理收集经验教训 Ask the project management office(PMO)and the process manager to collect the lessons learn
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.7 结束项目或阶段 “复制良好实践”,首先需要总结经验教训,选项实施后评审会议,就是项目后评价,也就是在做总结经验教训。符合题意,其他选项:经验教训要项目经理主导,排除D,C与A都在B的后面

42、 [单选] 一家公司准备重新启动一个暂停的项目。遗憾的是,整个项目团队均已解散。项目经理应该使用什么来重新制定项目计划?
A company is ready to re-initiate a project that was put on hold Unfortunately, the entire project team was release What should the project manager use to replan the project?
 A:经验教训储存库 Lessons learned repository
 B:项目发起人的意见 Sponsors’input
 C:商业论证 Business case
 D:可行性研究 Feasibility study
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P84-组织过程资产。之前暂停的项目会有大量的经验教训。现在需要制定项目计划,以组织过程资产作为制定项目管理计划的输入, A最合题意。 其他选项:B题目没有提及发起人相关,明显不对,CD是启动阶段的输入。

38、 [单选] 项目经理正在准备一份定期状态报告,这时营销高管告知他们竞争对手推出了令人兴奋的新功能。该高管表示,营销部门在项目可交付成果的初始版本中需要这一新功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is preparing a regular status report when a marketing executives informs them about a competitor’s exciting new feature. The executive says that the Marketing Department needed this new feature at the initial release of the project deliverable. What should the project manager do?
 A:要求对新功能进行执行审查,并确保审查项目范围和批准 Ask for an executive review of the new features and ensure that project scope and approvals are reviewed
 B:向团队提交此新功能并在状态报告中记录范围变更 Commit the team to this new feature and document the change of scope in the status report
 C:在状态报告中包含此信息,并指出包含新功能将需要范围变更 Include this information in the status report and indicate that including the new feature will require a scope change
 D:通知营销部门,项目团队将考虑该请求并在之后做出决定 Inform the marketing department that the project team will consider the request and make a decision later
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。“在可交付成果的初始版本中需要新功能”,表示是在提出变更请求,需要走变更流程,先分析影响,获得批准后执行,选择A。 其他选项:B直接实施不对。C仅在状态报告更新意义不大。D,涉及到可交付成果的变更需要提交CCB审批,项目团队不能做决定。

60、 [单选] 当面临缺乏历史数据时,项目经理会做出各种假设,许多这些假设被证明是不正确的,至少引发了一个高影响的问题 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先使用什么?
When faced with a lack of historical data a project manager makes various assumptions.A number of these assumptions prove incorrect triggering at least one high-impact issue. What should the project manager have used to avoid this?
 A:显性知识 Explicit knowledge
 B:事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors
 C:专家判断 Expert judgement
 D:组织过程资产 Organizational process assets
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P78-事业环境因素。缺乏历史数据,是必须要接受的客观因素。 选项C:专家判断属于工具和技术。 选项D:组织过程资产是供项目借鉴的,而情景中描述的问题属于对项目的制约因素。
74、 [单选] 由于项目涉及一个他们不熟悉的行业,项目经理很难定义其产品的质量标准和测量指标。项目经理应该做什么?
Because a project involves an industry with which they are unfamiliar,a project manager is having difficulty defining the quality standards and metrics for its project. What should the project manager do?
 A:查询类似项目的经验教训 Consult the lessons learned registers of similar projects
 B:密切监督项目质量 Closely monitor the project’s quality
 C:拒绝项目经理的职位 Decline the project manager position
 D:带一位专家到项目团队 Bring an expert to the project team
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P281- 专家判断。一个新的行业,一般行业的问题都找专家会更好。专家是行业专家。 其他选项:A也可以,不过没有D来得更有效。

81、 [单选] 项目管理办公室(PMO)分配一名项目经理管理一个新项目。该项目经理过去曾成功管理类似项目。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project management office(PMO)assigns a project manager to a new project The project manager has successfully managed similar projects in the past.What should the project manager do first?
 A:根据之前项目的经验教训评估项目 Assess the project based on lessons learned from previous projects.
 B:识别相关方,并创建一份相关方分析 Identify stakeholders and create a stakeholder analysis.
 C:招募团队成员 Acquire team members.
 D:批准项目章程 Approve the project charter.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6) 历史信息与经验教训知识库 “项目经理过去曾成功管理类似项目" 暗示有经验可以参考,则历史信息和经验教训这些组织过程资产将有利于新项目。A最切题。BCD都与题干提到的类似项目无关。

84、 [单选] —个软件升级项目的首席开发人员提出一些增强功能建议,认为这些增强功能会改进项目整体实施和最终用户体验。项目经理应该怎么做?
A lead developer on a software upgrade project suggests enhancements they believe will improve the project’s overall implementation and end-user experience. What should the project manager do?
 A:提交变更请求 Submit a change request.
 B:确定对进度计划和成本的影响,评估该变更的可行性 Determine the impact on the schedule and cost to assess the change’s feasibility.
 C:与项目相关方开会,确定是否应该包含这些增强功能 Meet with stakeholders to determine if the enhancements should be include
 D:批准建议的增强功能 Approve the suggested enhancements.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制 "开发人员”是内部人员, 团队内部提出变更(发现问题),现分析影响,然后再提交变更 其他选项:先B再A,然后考虑C,D。

95、 [单选] 一个大型项目已经完工,作为组织过程资产的一部分,项目经理现在应该提交什么?
A large project has been completed As part of the organizational process assets,what should the project manager now submit?
 A:向客户提交项目完工记录 Project completion note to the client
 B:项目相关方交付反馈报告 Stakeholder delivery feedback report
 C:项目收尾文件 Project closure documents
 D:项目技术规范 Project technical specifications
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P128- 组织过程资产更新。“已经完工”, 表示是在收尾阶段,而选项中属于“组织过程资产”的只有C,收尾更新的组织过程资产包括项目文件、运营和支持文件、项目或阶段收尾文件、经验教训知识库 其他选项:ABD都不属于以上四种类型。

97、 [单选] 项目经理得知一位职能经理要求一名团队成员提供一个新功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager learns that a functional manager asked a team member for a new feature. What should the project manager do?
 A:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交一份变更请求 Submit a change request to the change control board(CCB)
 B:询问职能经理为什么应该添加该功能 Ask the functional manager why the feature should be added
 C:确定是否有可用的新资源来添加该功能 Determine if new resources are available to add the feature
 D:要求他们提供是否可以在不影响时间表的情况下实施的意见 Ask them for input on if can be implemented without impacting the timeline
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

98、 [单选] 一个组织正在严格的时间限制下进行重大的技术升级,项目团队由内部和外部相关方、职能经理、顾问和供应商组成,其中一位关键职能经理提出多项项目变更。项目经理应该怎么做?
An organization is making significant technology upgrades under strict time constraints. The project team comprises internal and external stakeholders, functional managers, consultants and vendors, one of the key functional managers suggests multiple project changes. What should the project manager do?
 A:将建议的变更纳入项目中 incorporate the suggested changes into the project
 B:询问顾问如何实施这些变更 Ask the consultant how to implement the changes
 C:向相关方咨询建议的变更 Consult the stakeholders about the suggested changes
 D:要求供应商对这些变更报价 Request vendor pricing for the changes
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。 “提出多项项目变更”,明显的变更题,走变更流程,变更提出以后,要先分析影响。C可以理解为实施整体变更控制的工具-专家判断。 其他选项:A蔓延了,B也是直接问如何实施是不对的,D也都直接实施了,排除法选C更合适。

100、 [单选] 项目团队收到了新的未经测试的指令,以完成发布活动,这导致了项目的重大延迟。在解决该问题之后,以及在经验教训活动期间,项目经理感知到多个团队成员之间的敌意。若要确保经验教训活动取得成功,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project team received new untested instructions to complete release activities, which resulted in significant project delays .After resolution of the issue, and during the lessons learned activities, the project manager senses hostility among multiple team members. What should the project manager do to ensure the lessons learned session is successful?
 A:为所有参与者创建一个无偏见的环境 Create a nonjudgmental environment for all participants
 B:与每个人单独交谈以获得他们的反馈 Speak separately with each individual to obtain their feedback
 C:仅与资源经理一起起草经验教训活动 Work only with the resource manager to Draft the lessons learned session
 D:将经验教训活动推迟到以后的日期 Postpones the lessons learned session to a later date
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P100-4.4管理项目知识。 “经验教训活动”表示是在做知识管理期间,知识管理最重要的环节就是营造一种相互信任的氛围,激励人们分享知识或关注他人的知识。团队成员之间有敌意,需要激励团队分享知识,如果不激励成员分享知识或关注他人的知识,即便最好的知识管理工具和技术也无法发挥作用。其他选项:B选项单独交谈这种方式不利于知识管理的正向发展,C选项,仅与资源经理起草也不妥当,D选项推迟也不妥当,无法解决这个问题。



36、 [单选] 客户要求项目经理在60天内交付项目,而之前原本计划在90天内交付,没有可以并行执行的活动,请求的变更已经获得变更控制委员会(CCB)的批准。若要满足这项要求,项目经理应该做什么?
A customer asked the project manager to deliver a project in 60 days that was previously scheduled for delivery in 90 days.No activities can be performed in parallel.The requested change is approved by the change control board(CCB).What should the project manager do to fulfill this request?
 A:为项目进度计划创建应急储备 Create a contingency reserve for the project schedule.
 B:对项目进度计划赶工 Crash the project schedule.
 C:在项目进度计划中创建项目阶段 Create phases in the project schedule.
 D:快速跟进项目进度计划 Fast track the project schedule.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK(6)P228- 进度压缩。任务不能并行,要压缩进度,不能快速跟进,只能赶工。

156、 [单选] 项目主管担心一个计划驱动的项目可能无法实现其完成日期。若要减轻这个问题,项目经理应该做什么?
A project director is concerned that a schedule-driven project may not achieve its completion date.What should the project manager do to mitigate this?
 A:制定资源分解结构(RBS) Develop a resource breakdown structure(RBS).
 B:应用资源平衡 Apply resource leveling.
 C:采用开始到开始(SS)任务关系来加速关键路径活动 Adopt start-to-start(SS)task relationships to expedite critical-path activities.
 D:重定进度基准和资源管理计划 Re-baseline the schedule and resource management plans.
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P228- 进度压缩。进度延迟,要压缩进度,C是典型的快速跟进。B资源平衡不对,会增加延迟。

134、 [单选] 一个虚拟项目团队的成员在不同地点工作。一名团队成员错过其任务完成日期。项目经理发现该团队成员在添加一个其认为客户想要的小功能。 项目经理应该做什么?
A virtual project team has members working in different locations.One team has missed their task’s completion date.The project manager discovers that this team member has been adding a small few feature that they believe the client will want. What should the project manager do?
 A:支持该团队成员的主动思考,并将新功能添加到可交付成果的范围中 Support the team member’s proactive thinking,and add the new feature to the deliverable’s scope.
 B:要求该团队成员停止新功能的相关工作,并核实可交付成果的范围 Ask the team member to discontinue work on the new feature,and validate the deliverable’s scope.
 C:让团队集中办公,以确保尽快完成任务 Co-locate the team to ensure that the task is completed as soon as possible.
 D:提出一项变更请求,以将新功能包含在范围中 Raise a charge request to include the new feature in the scope.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6 控制进度。 团队成员主动镀金,没有必要,要停止这种行为,并核实范围看看还有没有类似的情况。 其他选项:AC都镀金,不符合PMI的观点,D没必要主动去变更添加。





29、 [单选] 项目经理得知在他们不知情的情况下已经为项目分配了资源,经过调查,项目经理发现这些资源需求是合理的。若要避免这种沟通不畅的情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager learns that there are resources that have been assigned to the project without their awareness.After investigation,the project manager discovers that the resources were legitimately required. What should the project manager have done to avoid this miscommunication?
 A:亲自创建资源管理计划 Personally created the resource management plan
 B:更新采购和成本管理计划 Updated the procurement and cost management plans
 C:明确定义并沟通每个资源的角色与职责 Clearly defined and communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource
 D:修订沟通管理计划 Revised the communications management plan
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

48、 [单选] 项目进入三个月后,项目发起人通过电子邮件了解到该项目落后于进度并超出预算。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Three months into a projects,a project sponsor learns via email that the project is behind schedule and over budget.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?
 A:经常举行质量审计 Held frequent quality audits
 B:经常向项目发起人发送项目更新电子邮件 Frequently emailed project updates to the sponsor
 C:与项目团队共享状态报告模板 Shared the status report template with the project team
 D:定期与关键相关方召开项目指导委员会会议 Held regular project steering committee meetings with key stakeholders
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P339-10.2管理沟通。管理沟通过程会涉及与开展有效沟通有关的所有方面,包括使用适当的技术、方法和技巧。 选项A,现有问题集中在沟通管理领域,选项B,使用何种沟通方式要根据相关方的需求,另外只向项目发起人发送有缺失,选项C共享不恰当,信息获取存在权限上的差异。

29、 [单选] 项目经理得知在他们不知情的情况下已经为项目分配了资源,经过调查,项目经理发现这些资源需求是合理的。若要避免这种沟通不畅的情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager learns that there are resources that have been assigned to the project without their awareness.After investigation,the project manager discovers that the resources were legitimately required. What should the project manager have done to avoid this miscommunication?
 A:亲自创建资源管理计划 Personally created the resource management plan
 B:更新采购和成本管理计划 Updated the procurement and cost management plans
 C:明确定义并沟通每个资源的角色与职责 Clearly defined and communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource
 D:修订沟通管理计划 Revised the communications management plan
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

48、 [单选] 项目进入三个月后,项目发起人通过电子邮件了解到该项目落后于进度并超出预算。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Three months into a projects,a project sponsor learns via email that the project is behind schedule and over budget.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?
 A:经常举行质量审计 Held frequent quality audits
 B:经常向项目发起人发送项目更新电子邮件 Frequently emailed project updates to the sponsor
 C:与项目团队共享状态报告模板 Shared the status report template with the project team
 D:定期与关键相关方召开项目指导委员会会议 Held regular project steering committee meetings with key stakeholders
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P339-10.2管理沟通。管理沟通过程会涉及与开展有效沟通有关的所有方面,包括使用适当的技术、方法和技巧。 选项A,现有问题集中在沟通管理领域,选项B,使用何种沟通方式要根据相关方的需求,另外只向项目发起人发送有缺失,选项C共享不恰当,信息获取存在权限上的差异。
61、 [单选] 一个国际团队被分配到一个项目上工作,项目经理担心由于文化差异可能会产生误解。项目经理应该使用什么来确保团队对项目目标达成共识?
An international team is assigned to work on a project.And the project manager is concerned that misunderstandings might arise due to cultural differences.What should the project manager use to ensure that the team achieves consensus on the project goals?
 A:项目章程 Project charter.
 B:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).
 C:相关方登记册 Stakeholder register.
 D:沟通管理计划 Communication management plan.
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:PMBOK(6)P377- 沟通管理计划。 ”担心由于文化差异可能会产生误解“, 属于沟通问题,通过沟通管理计划解决。 其他选项:A因为文化差异所产生的对项目目标的误解,用项目章程解决不了;BC与题目无关。

