Win10上配置 Lapack


前置条件:已安装了 VS2012,IVF2013。


需要安装 lapack 等库文件来实现科学计算。

实现步骤:Lapack 库需要使用 Cmake,因此需要先安装好 Cmake!


一、Cmake 的安装


To build LAPACK libraries under Windows?

You will need to install CMAKE on your machine and please refer to the build section .

Cmake 版本(cmake-3.18.4-win64-x64.msi),可以从这里下载。


二、Lapack 的安装

lapack-3.9.0.tar.gz 的下载地址位于这里,可以参考 Lapack 网站 上的介绍即,“LAPACK for Windows”一节的介绍:

LAPACK for Windows
LAPACK is built under Windows using Cmake the cross-platform, open-source build system. The new build system was developed in collaboration with Kitware Inc.

A dedicated website ( is available for Windows users.

You will find information about your configuration need.


安装和样例调试的所有步骤,见这里,即,“Easy Windows Build”一节的介绍:

Easy Windows Build

Build Instructions for LAPACK 3.5.0 for Windows with Visual Studio

Requirements: Visual Studio, Intel C and Fortran Compilers, CMAKE 2.8.12

  1. Download the lapack.tgz from the netlib website and unzip.
  2. Download CMAKE and install it on your machine.
  3. Open CMAKE
    • Point to your lapack-3.5.0 folder as the source code folder
    • Point to a new folder where you want the build to be (not the same is better)
    • Click configure, check the install path if you want to have the libraries and includes in a particular location.
    • Choose Visual Studio Solution.
    • You will have to click "Specify native compilers" and indicate the path to the ifort compiler. On my machine, it is "C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Compiler/11.1/048/bin/ia32/icl.exe".
    • You may have to click again configure until everything becomes white
    • Click generate, that will create the Visual Studio Solution and you are done.
    • Close CMAKE
  4. Look in your "build" folder, you have your LAPACK Visual Studio Solution, just open it.
  5. Build the "ALL_BUILD" project, it will build the solution and create the libraries
  6. Build the "INSTALL". This will put the libraries and include in your install folder.
  7. Build the "RUN_TESTS". The BLAS and LAPACK testings will be run.


Win10上配置 Lapack

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