What does Quick Sort look like in Python?

  Let‘s talk about something funny at first.

  Have you ever implemented the Quick Sort algorithm all by yourself before?If your answer is NO,

please do it first before you continue reading the following lines. I have learned and implemented the Q

-uick Sort algorithm many times in a lot of courses like Data Structure, Algorithm and some other cour

-ses online. But unfortunately, I always forgot how to imlement it after a really short time.

  ... ...

  The good news is that I‘ll not forget it again.(I hope so.) The reasons are as follows:

def qs(arr):
    if not arr:
        return []
    return qs([x for x in arr[1:] if x <= arr[0]]) + arr[:1] + qs([x for x in arr[1:] if x > arr[0]])

  WOW, what happened? It‘s so amazing that the most important part of the algorithm is implement

-ed IN ONLY ONE LINE. Do you believe that and can you remember it?



1. 我为什么要学习Python? http://www.kaifazhe.com/python/874.html


What does Quick Sort look like in Python?,布布扣,bubuko.com

What does Quick Sort look like in Python?

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